Top of Qinglian

Chapter 1344: Wang Qingshan vs Jinjing Sanren

After losing the test, Wang Qingshan had no big deal to return to Qinglian Island without any loss. After winning the test, the Jin Jing scattered people retreated, and the three of Liu Xinchao could not continue to attack the Jindaomen main altar.

He is not afraid that Jinjing Sanren will kill him. First, he has confidence in himself; secondly, Jinjing Sanren is now the leader of the faction, not a loose cultivator. Killing Wang Qingshan will not do him much good; third, the golden knife The Master and Liu Xinchao should not stand idly by.

Of course, his biggest reliance is still himself, the Lingbao Qinglian Sword and Qinglian Lantern, as well as Huanglong Zhenren's natal magic weapon Xuanhuangjing. In addition, he also brought a fourth-order puppet beast, although it has not been repaired , and also has the combat power of the Nascent Soul period.

Wang Qingshan dared to come to mediate, and naturally he was fully prepared.

"Okay, the old man also wants to experience Wang Daoyou's great tricks."

Jinjing Sanren readily agreed, Wang Qingshan staying here will only get in the way.

His defeat of Wang Qingshan would be of great benefit to the development of Jinjing Island. Wang Qingshan had less than 100 years of infancy, and Jinjing Sanren had been in the Yuanying period for more than 200 years. He could have a foothold in the Fire Dolphin Sea area. Relying on his strength, he once killed two demon clans at the Nascent Soul stage before he obtained a piece of land for development. Jinjing Sanren was still full of confidence in himself.

The two flew towards the sky, Liu Xinchao and other six Nascent Soul cultivators followed and watched the battle from a distance.

Wang Qingling and others did not dare to approach, if they were affected by the aftermath of the fighting method, they would not be able to bear it.

Wang Qingshan didn't dare to be big. At the beginning of the fight, he sacrificed two third-order flying eagle puppet beasts to attack the Jinjing Sanren from one left and one right. This was just a tentative attack.

The fourth-order puppet beast is one of his trump cards, and it is inappropriate to show his trump card as soon as he comes.

The flying eagle puppet beast hasn't gotten close yet? Hundreds of extremely sharp cyan wind blades are blasting? Wherever the cyan wind blades passed, there was a piercing sound of breaking the air? stance.

The Golden Mirror Sanren released a golden giant eagle three feet in size? This is a third-order high-grade spirit bird.

The golden giant eagle slammed its wings fiercely, and the wind was blowing? A gust of wind suddenly blew, and a transparent wind wall more than thirty feet high suddenly appeared in front of him.

Hundreds of cyan wind blades hit the transparent wind wall one after another? It was like hitting a copper wall and an iron wall? It turned into a little blue light and disappeared.

A clear hissing sound sounded, and the golden giant eagle flapped its wings fiercely to meet the two flying eagle puppet beasts.

The sound of breaking the air was loud, and hundreds of green swords attacked aggressively? In mid-air, it turned into a blue sword light with a length of more than one hundred meters?

The Golden Mirror Sanren snorted lightly, the body surface was full of golden light, and a little golden light appeared all over the body. A golden mirror more than ten feet in size suddenly appeared in the void behind him, and the golden light flashed? A thick golden beam of light flew out and greeted him. Cyan sword light.


An earth-shattering roar sounded? The cyan sword light perished with the cyan sword light and disappeared? A powerful air wave erupted.

At this time, a little blue light suddenly appeared in the void? An amazing sword intent shot up from Wang Qingshan.

The flying swords on other monks kept shaking? It seemed to be guided by some kind of guidance.

Wang Qingshan's sword art was pinched? All the cyan light spots seemed to be guided by some kind of guidance, and they gathered together and turned into a cyan lotus flower that was more than ten feet in size. The whole body was crystal clear, as if it was made of beautiful jade.

The cyan lotus flower spun around, and the cyan petals flew out. Not long after the petals flew out, they turned into a blue flying sword. The blue flying sword was three feet long, and the whole body was flickering with blue light, just like a solid body.

At the beginning, the rotation speed of the cyan lotus was relatively slow, but as time passed, the rotation speed of the cyan lotus became faster and faster, and the number of cyan flying swords increased.

The dense cyan flying swords went straight to the Golden Mirror scattered people. Wherever they passed, the void was distorted, the air waves rolled, and the momentum was amazing.

Seeing this scene, Jin Jing Sanren was well-informed, and was also shocked. What kind of spiritual art is this, with such a big momentum.

He didn't dare to be careless, and when the magic trick was pinched, the golden mirror's rays of light soared, spraying out countless slender golden rays, heading straight for the cyan flying sword.


The cyan torrent was unstoppable, and the golden light was swept away.

The Golden Mirror Sanren frowned, and when the magic trick was pinched, the Golden Mirror greeted him.

The golden light flashed, and a thick golden beam of light flew out, smashing a large piece of cyan flying sword, but the speed of the cyan lotus rotation was too fast, forming a strong airflow, and a vortex even appeared in the sea below, along with the cyan color The lotus rotates rapidly, and the volume of the vortex rapidly expands.


There was an earth-shattering loud noise, the golden mirror was torn apart, and the dense blue flying swords hit the golden mirror scattered people.

Master Jin Dao's pupils shrank. It's not that he has never fought against a swordsman in the Yuan Ying period, but the power of Wang Qingshan's spiritual skills surpasses the kendo spiritual skills he has ever seen. Could it be that Wang Qingshan is practicing a heavenly practice? There are not many kendo spiritual skills, and it is easy to identify them.

The spiritual technique that Wang Qingshan performed was not on the list of spiritual techniques of heaven and earth. Could it be a new spiritual technique developed by a certain senior?

Jin Jing Sanren's face flickered, his right hand turned over, and a small red mirror with a simple shape appeared in his hand, with a few red lotus flowers engraved on the mirror.

The ancient treasure red lotus mirror can reflect the attack of the spirit art, but it depends on the power of the spirit art.

Wang Qingshan has been married for less than a hundred years, so blocking Wang Qingshan's attack is not a problem.

He threw the red lotus mirror forward and entered a magic formula. The mirror surface of the red lotus mirror lit up with countless red runes.

The dense cyan flying swords sank into the red lotus mirror and disappeared. The red light flashed, and a large piece of cyan flying swords flew out from the mirror and hit the opposite side.

The Golden Mirror Sanren breathed a sigh of If Wang Qingshan was in the late Nascent Soul, the Red Lotus Mirror might not be able to bounce back the spirit technique that Wang Qingshan cast.

With the Red Lotus Mirror in hand, it is very difficult for monks in the same realm to use spiritual techniques to hurt the Golden Mirror Loose Cultivator. Of course, this same realm refers to ordinary monks. The candidates, the candidates of Wanjianmen's sect master, the saintess of the sea clan, etc., the red lotus mirror can't stop them.

The two cyan torrents collided, and a loud, earth-shattering noise erupted, and the air was billowing.

A round of blue scorching sun with a diameter of 100 meters bloomed in the sky, and powerful air waves swept across the sea, causing ripples on the sea.

Seeing this scene, the cultivators present swallowed a mouthful of saliva in unison, their faces full of shock.

The power of Wang Qingshan's spiritual technique is too great. When he cultivates to the middle stage of Nascent Soul, the power of this spiritual technique will be even greater.

Wang Qingshan was also a little surprised. This spiritual technique is called Qinglian Demon Slaying. The power is relatively large, but it consumes a lot of mana. It seems that the cultivators who created the "Qinglian Sword Sutra" are not ordinary people. The power of a spiritual technique It's so big.

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