Top of Qinglian

Chapter 1346: Closing

Jinjing Sanren only felt a flower in front of him, suddenly appearing in a blue forest with the fragrance of birds and flowers.

Looking around, all you can see are towering ancient trees more than a hundred feet high, with luxuriant branches and leaves, the huge canopy blocks a lot of sunlight, and the fallen leaves on the ground are about a foot thick.

Birds perched on tree trunks and sang happily.

A gust of wind suddenly blew, and countless leaves were blown up by the gust of wind, turning into sharp knives, hitting the Jinjing Sanren.

The Golden Mirror Sanren frowned, and when the magic trick was pinched, a large number of golden flames emerged from the Luminous Sun Mirror, and golden fireballs the size of water tanks flew out.


A series of explosions sounded, golden flames splashed everywhere, and the towering ancient trees ignited a raging fire, and there was no **** left.

The fire spread quickly, the flames soared into the sky, and the towering ancient trees were burned.

Within half a quarter of an hour, the area was scorched black, and the fire continued to expand.

At this moment, a gust of wind suddenly blew.

The towering ancient tree shook violently, and countless cyan leaves fell down, turning into sharp [Dragon Teng] blades, slashing towards the golden flame.

After a roar sounded, the golden flames dissipated and disappeared.

There was a muffled sound from the ground, and the green seedlings drilled out from the ground and quickly grew into towering trees more than a hundred feet high.

Hundreds of towering ancient trees shook violently, and countless cyan leaves flew out, gathered together, and turned into a cyan lotus flower that was more than ten feet in size. Come out, slash at the Jinjing Sanren.

It was a cyan lotus at the beginning, but soon, the second cyan lotus appeared soon, the third, the fourth...

A cyan lotus flower appeared high in the sky, each cyan lotus was spinning rapidly, and countless cyan sword qi flew out.


A series of roars sounded, and the cyan sword qi hit the open space, and suddenly a huge pit more than ten feet large was blown up.

With the increase in the number of cyan lotus flowers, the attack became more and more sharp, and the complexion of Jinjing Sanren became more and more ugly. This sword formation is very difficult. If he keeps his hands, he may have life worries.

He took a deep breath? When he raised his hand, a golden ball the size of a palm shot out. After a whirl, thousands of golden rays of light shot out, and the entire space shook violently.

"Break it for me."

The Golden Mirror Sanren shouted loudly? He opened his mouth and spewed out a mouthful of blood essence, before sinking into the Luminous Sun Mirror.

The Sun Mirror lit up countless golden runes? A pillar of golden fire with a diameter of five feet was sprayed out? It hit the ground.


The entire space shook violently, and it didn't take long for the Golden Mirror Sanren to feel a flower in front of him, suddenly appearing in the void thousands of feet high? Back to reality.

Nine cyan flying swords flew in all directions? There are some small cracks on the sword.

This set of flying swords was used by Wang Qingshan at the stage of forming an elixir. At the Nascent Soul stage, this set of flying swords was not enough.

Jinjing Sanren knows very well that there are many reasons why he can break Wang Qingshan's sword formation. First, the quality of the flying swords in the sword formation is not very good; secondly, the ancient treasure Jin Yaozhu played an important role; thirdly, Wang Qingshan The water has been released, but Wang Qingshan will not release the water? If he wants to break the sword array, he has to spend a lot of money.

"Daoyou Jin is highly skilled, and Wang admires it? I think it's a tie! How do you think about Daoyou Jin?"

Wang Qingshan narrowed his eyes and said with a smile.

The quality of this set of flying swords is not good? It is unrealistic to use it to kill Jinjing Sanren, and he doesn't want to be too rigid with Jinjing Sanren.

"Okay, but there must be a result of this matter, so let's do it! Let's each send three cultivators of alchemy to compete with each other. Let's send cultivators below the fourth level of alchemy to compete!"

Jinjing Sanren suggested that if he continued to fight, he might really lose. Let the three monks below the fourth floor of the formation of pills compete, and the puppet beasts of the Wang family would not be able to play much role.

"Don't be so troublesome, one is enough."

Wang Qingshan smiled indifferently. Wang Changjie practiced earth-grade exercises. Wang Qingshan had instructed Wang Changjie for a period of time, and it was regarded as an experience.

Jinjing Sanren thought for a while, then nodded and said, "Okay, just one, Ruoying, you can learn from Wang Daoyou's junior."

A young girl in a blue palace uniform flew out. Her facial features were gorgeous, her skin was snowy, and there was a hint of heroism between her eyebrows that was less than that of a woman. .

"Uncle Changjie, you go!"

Wang Qingshan ordered.

Wang Changjie agreed and flew out.

At the beginning of the competition, the girl in the blue dress shrugged her shoulders, and two blue flying swords about two feet long flew out from the scabbard. A blue torrent rushed towards the opposite side.

The blue torrent was like a flood, and it made a loud roar wherever it passed.

Wang Changjie flicked his wrist, and six dazzling red lights flew out, which were six red flying swords about three feet long, with amazing aura.

The family has a kung fu method, nine-turn forging magic, which can only be cultivated by taking the forging pill. Wang Changjie is very lucky.

He is now on the second level of the Pill Formation, and his consciousness is comparable to the sixth level of the Pill Formation, which drives this set of red fire swords to be refined by Wang Qingqing.

Wang Changjie's sword art was pinched, and the six red fire swords suddenly burst into red light, turning into red discs with six sides and several feet in size. The red discs rotated rapidly, generating a strong airflow.

The red light flashed, and each of the six red discs spurted a thick red fire, hitting the blue flying sword that was coming. At the same time, the six red discs turned into six red lights, hitting the opposite side.


After a series of roars sounded, most of the hundreds of blue flying swords collapsed, and the two blue flying swords flew back to the blue skirt girl, and the six red discs had already arrived in front of the blue skirt girl.

The sound of the sword chirping sounded, and countless red sword qi swept out, slashing at the blue-skirted girl.

After a muffled crackling sound the girl in the blue dress flew out backwards, and there were several gaps in the swords of the two flying swords.

The six-sided red disc circled and continued to fly towards the blue-skirted girl. Before she got close, six thick red flames shot out, instantly drowning the blue-skirted girl's body.

"Stop, we admit defeat."

Jin Jing Sanren shouted loudly, his sleeves flicked, the wind gusted, and the flames covering the blue-skirted girl dissipated.

Continue to fight, his disciples do not have much chance of winning, there is no need to fight.

The cultivator of the Wang family was so wealthy that a second-level cultivator of the Formation Pill actually had a complete set of flying swords, not two or three, but six. His disciple was obviously not an opponent.

"It's accepted, fellow Daoist Jin."

"Father is willing to admit defeat, you can deal with it as you like."

Jin Jing Sanren waved his sleeves and left with his disciples.

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