Top of Qinglian

Chapter 1348: Mid-Yuan Ying

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It has been hatched for more than 100 years, and the Wang family has always treated it with delicious food. The Wang family has owned five fishing grounds and raised a large number of spirit fish to feed the tortoises. Water or thunder spirits are regularly fed to it. , such as demon pills or elixir, the cultivation resources spent on it are enough to train three alchemy cultivators, and it is not surprising that it is promoted to the third rank.


The turtle made an excited roar, as if expressing his excitement,

The tortoise flickered, turned into a blue afterimage, and went straight to a certain courtyard.

It didn't take long for it to appear at the door of a three-storey cyan attic, with three cyan characters "Qinglian Pavilion" written on the lacquered gold plaque.

The tortoise made a loud roar, and it seemed to want to ask Wang Changsheng for food.

At this moment, the Qinglian Pavilion shook violently, and the ground shook violently.

A burst of hearty laughter came from the Qinglian Pavilion, the door of the Qinglian Pavilion opened, and Wang Changsheng strode out, his eyes were full of joy.

After retreating for a period of time, he successfully cultivated to the middle stage of Nascent Soul, thanks to the thousands of kilograms of fourth-order spiritual water he obtained in Tianxudongtian.

"Hey, you've advanced to Tier 3, not bad."

Wang Changsheng looked approving when he saw the tortoise.

The tortoise revolved around Wang Changsheng, and his body turned into afterimages, which made people dazzled.

The blue light on Wang Changsheng's body released a lot, and a strange cold air rushed out of him. The speed of the tortoise suddenly slowed down, the blue light flashed, and the tortoise turned into an afterimage, appearing more than ten meters away. It has a thin layer of ice on it.

A large blue electric arc appeared on the surface of the turtle's body, and the ice layer was torn apart.

The fourth-order spiritual water has an icy aura, and Wang Changsheng uses it to cultivate, and his attacks come with icy attacks.

There was a muffled sound from the ground, and a large piece of cyan thorns drilled out from the ground, it was the wood demon.

During the trip to Tianxu Dongtian, the wood demon was injured by the fourth-order poisonous insects. It fell into a coma and woke up after a long sleep. It was still a third-order middle grade, but Wang Changsheng carefully discovered that the sharp thorns on the wood demon had turned purple. Before that, the thorns were cyan.

Wang Changsheng observed it carefully, and the wood demon didn't change much, so he was relieved.

"You guys go play! I have something to do."

Wang Changsheng exhorted, turned around and returned to Qinglian Pavilion.

He came to a stone room with a closed door. There was a circular groove on the stone door. Wang Changsheng took out a circular token, put it into the groove, and injected mana. A pale blue lotus flower suddenly appeared on the stone gate.


With a muffled sound, the stone door opened, and a simple stone room appeared in front of Wang Changsheng. Zhenhai Ape was squatting in the corner. After taking the medicinal pill refined from the essence and blood of a thousand-year-old turtle, it slept for sixty years, and the injury has healed.

As expected of the guardian spirit beast of Zhenhai Sect, it recovered so quickly, and Wang Changsheng thought it was going to sleep for over a hundred years!

Seeing Wang Changsheng, Zhenhai Ape grinned and danced, as if expressing something.

"I know you're well, you're starving! I'll take you to find something to eat later."

Wang Changsheng said with a smile, put the Zhenhai Ape into the Spirit Beast Orb, turned around and walked out.

Guangdong Ren temporarily left Jinlian Island, Wang Ruyan sat on Jinlian Island, and Wang Changsheng stayed on Qinglian Island.

Half an hour later, Wang Changsheng appeared at the door of a secluded courtyard, and he sent a sound transmission.

Not long after, the courtyard door opened, and a red-gold human-shaped puppet came out with its arms intact.

Wang Changsheng looked happy and walked in.

Fairy Ziyue is sitting in the stone pavilion drinking tea. She has already recovered. In her spare time, she spends time repairing this fourth-order puppet beast. With her current level of puppet making, she is still unable to make a fourth-order puppet. There is a huge gap between the beast, the third-order and the fourth-order puppet beast.

"Congratulations! Senior Brother Wang, you have entered the middle stage of Nascent Soul."

Fairy Ziyue felt the powerful spiritual pressure on Wang Changsheng, smiled sweetly, and congratulated her.

Fairy Ziyue had a baby formation earlier than Wang Changsheng, but her cultivation method was more of an auxiliary type. Her training speed was faster in the early stage, but it slowed down when she reached the Nascent Soul stage.

"Thanks to Qingling, she helped me get several thousand catties of fourth-order spiritual water, otherwise it would take decades for me to get to this point."

Wang Changsheng said modestly, he suddenly remembered something, with a concerned expression on his face, and asked, "Junior Sister Tian, ​​is your injury more serious?"

"Thanks to the Xue Lizhi that Senior Brother Wang brought back, I have recovered a long time ago. In my spare time, I spent time repairing the human-shaped puppet beast. The pair of arms Huang Fugui gave is really extraordinary, and it is very likely that the puppet emperor refined it. ."

Fairy Ziyue said with a smile. As soon as she finished speaking, the right fist of the humanoid puppet beast lit up with golden light, hitting Wang Changsheng.

Wang Changsheng was not afraid at all, and a large blue light emerged from his right fist, and he greeted him.


With a muffled sound, the humanoid puppet beast retreated five steps, and Wang Changsheng did not move.

He has already entered the middle stage of Nascent Soul, and his strength is not comparable to that of the early stage of Nascent Ziyue Fairy's magic trick, the humanoid puppet beast rubbed both hands, and countless slender golden lights flew out, going straight to Wang Changsheng. .

A large piece of white cold air emerged from Wang Changsheng's body, and at the same time, a little blue light appeared all over his body, and the blue light turned into a huge blue water ball.

As soon as Jin Guang approached Wang Changsheng five feet, his speed slowed down, as if he had been affected in some way.

Wang Changsheng's eyes flashed fiercely, his right fist smashed towards the void, the void distorted, and countless blue light spots emerged, turning into a blue fist shadow more than twenty feet in size, with a tsunami-like roar, smashing towards the sky. Humanoid puppet.

The right hand of the human-shaped puppet beast lit up with a golden light, and a golden long sword appeared in his hand, slashing towards the void, the golden light flashed, and a golden light blade more than 100 meters long flashed out.


The golden light blade collided with the blue fist shadow, and a powerful air wave erupted, and the two were at a standstill. But it didn't take long for the golden light blade to appear small cracks, and finally torn apart, the blue fist smashed on the humanoid puppet beast, the humanoid puppet beast flew out instantly, and its back was illuminated with a purple light, turning into a ten Yu Zhang's big purple hand supported the human-shaped puppet beast.

"Senior Brother Wang, your supernatural powers have increased a lot. Even if the Nascent Soul stage demon clan is approached by you, I'm afraid it will be more fortunate and less fortunate!"

Fairy Ziyue said with some surprise, her beautiful eyes were full of joy.

The stronger Wang Changsheng's strength, the greater her hope of revenge.

"I don't know how to teleport, how can I get close so easily, but my strength has indeed increased a lot, that is, the number of Dinghaizhu is too small. If there are a few more Dinghaizhu, my strength will be improved a lot."

Wang Changsheng was full of confidence. With his current physical body, plus Ding Haizhu, the demon clan in the Yuan Ying period would be punched by him, and he would not die or be disabled.

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