Top of Qinglian

Chapter 1480: Situ Mei

Five Dragons Sea Area, Qinglian Island.

Bailing Peak, in a spacious and bright hall, Wang Qingling sat on the main seat, and Wang Yingjie stood aside with a respectful expression.

There are more than 1,000 descendants of Wang Qingling, but most of them are qi cultivators. Wang Yingjie is the only one who has advanced to the stage of forming pills. Wang Yingjie is a hero of Wang Qingling and has raised many spirit insects and spirit beasts.

Wang Yingjie entered the elixir stage with the aptitude of Wulinggen, and Wang Qingling was shocked. In addition to being surprised, she cared more about Wang Yingjie's cultivation, and gave some elixir from time to time.

Wang Yingjie was set up as a model by the family and called on other clansmen to learn from him.

"Yingjie, your aptitude is not good, you have to practice diligently, don't raise so many spirit beasts like me, I'm different from you."

Wang Qingling's tone is stern, she is the only daughter, the wealth accumulated by the two generations is spent on her body, plus the number of clansmen in the "Qing" generation is not large, she is relatively good, and can raise so many spirit beasts and spirit insects , When Wang Yingjie was very young, his parents were killed. He has been able to get to this day because of his family and his adventures.

To tell the truth, Wang Qingling is not optimistic about Wang Yingjie's aptitude for Wulinggen. For more than 10,000 years, only one Wulingen cultivator has advanced to the Yuanying period. The Wang family is now strong and the competition is fierce, Wang Yingjie thinks. It is extremely difficult to conceive a baby. If he also raises a large number of spirit worms and beasts, it will be even more hopeless.

Wang Qingling practiced "The Secret Book of the Royal Spirit", and she could benefit from the advanced spirit beasts. Wang Yingjie practiced the Five Elements exercises, and there was no comparison between the two.

"The teachings of the ancestors, the grandson will keep in mind."

Wang Yingjie agreed without hesitation, with a respectful look on his face. He knew very well that it was not easy for him to enter the stage of forming an elixir. An elixir cultivator needs more than ten times the resources for immortal cultivation than a foundation-building cultivator. Just slow, and spending a lot of cultivation resources to cultivate spirit worms and beasts basically has no hope of conceiving babies.

Wang Qingling flipped the palm of his hand, a pale cyan porcelain bottle appeared in his hand, handed it to Wang Yingjie, and encouraged: "This bottle of medicinal herb is good for your cultivation, you accept it! Cultivation hard, I hope you will become the second five Ling loose people."

"Thank you ancestor for the reward."

Wang Yingjie took the cyan vase with both hands and looked excited.

Wang Qingling told him to go back to practice.

In a secluded courtyard in Jinlianfang City, Zhang Wuchen and Lin Yuzong were sitting in a stone pavilion chatting. Zhang Wuchen was excited, and Lin Yuzong was full of sadness.

They picked a lot of rare elixir, many of which are four or five thousand years old. Zhang Wuchen is confident that he will enter the late Nascent Soul within a hundred years, and there is a certain chance of entering the spirit transformation period.

Because Zhang Wuchen used the Silver Moon Slashing Spirit Blade and was escaped by a Nascent Soul cultivator, they did not dare to stay in the northern border, let alone return to Qingli Island, but hid in Jinlianfang City. Qixi entered Jinlianfang City, and the Wang family did not know of their existence.

"Your injury isn't healed yet, so take care of it! When I enter the late Nascent Soul stage, I will seek revenge from Senior Sister. What belongs to me, Situ Mei, must be returned to me, haha."

Zhang Wuchen grinned and said that her real identity was Situ Mei, the former deputy palace lord of the Sun Moon Palace and Moon Palace.

Lin Yuzong hesitated for a moment, frowned and said, "The three major factions sent four Nascent Soul cultivators just to guard those spirit medicines? I always feel something is wrong. The murals we saw in the spirit medicine garden seemed to be sealed with something terrifying. thing."

"Don't worry about so much, let's just do it well. If you seal something, it will be better. Kill all the monks of Jiuyouzong, let them go against me, and those who go against me will die."

Zhang Wuchen said nonchalantly, his face full of anger.

Lin Yuzong hesitated, glanced at Zhang Wuchen, whose face was full of suffocation, and swallowed his words.


Sun Moon Palace, Sun Moon Temple.

Du Xu and Fang Yue sat on the main seat, their brows furrowed.

Song Tianyang was reporting to them about the Beijiang Fierce Insect with a solemn expression.

"Hmph, who does Shangguan Wei think she is? Join other sects to rush to the South China Sea to pacify our Sun Moon Palace? Is it really the Nine You Sect or the No. 1 faction in Northern Xinjiang? It's just that other forces have raised it."

Du Xu looked disdainful, and a cold light flashed in his eyes.

"Silver Moon Slashing Spirit Blade, this is the unique spiritual technique of this sect. Only the master and deputy palace masters of the Moon Palace can practice it. Yuehua has been practicing at the main rudder. This matter is framed by someone."

Fang Yue's face turned cold, and three words appeared in her mind----Situ Mei, if Situ Mei was still alive, she would have the strength to break into the Emperor Puppet Tomb.

She thought for a while, and then ordered: "Tianyang, you go down! During this time, be on guard, and this matter cannot be spread."

"Yes, Mistress."

Song Tianyang responded, bowed and stepped back.

"Could it be that Junior Sister Situ really didn't die? Yuan Ying exposed himself on the spot, can he still survive?"

Du Xu muttered to himself, with an incredible expression on his face.

Fang Yue nodded and said: "She does things by any means. I didn't expect that she was not only ruthless to others, but even more ruthless to herself. If someone hadn't recognized the Yinyue Slashing Spirit Blade, we would still hide it from the dark, she must still be alive. Someone must have helped her erase the traces, otherwise it would be impossible to hide from our investigation."

"It doesn't matter if she is dead or alive. If this matter is not handled well, we will have a lot of trouble, although it is impossible for the top ten sects in Northern Xinjiang to really go to the South China Sea to destroy our Sun Moon Palace, and become a scapegoat for no reason, and be with the top ten sects in Northern Xinjiang. It's not wise to be evil."

The most important thing now is to destroy the group of vicious insects. The sun and moon wheel, the treasure of the sect of the Sun Moon Palace, is a treasure of the most yang and strong. The treasure of Zhenzong went to exterminate the vicious insects. Who knows if Shangguan Wei will take the opportunity to kill her. Shangguan Wei is notoriously wicked and must report.

"The Jiuyang bottle, one of the three treasures of the Jiuyang Sect, is also a treasure of the most yang and strong. Send someone to say hello to Daoyou Li! As for whether Daoyou Li is willing to go, it depends on the price sent by the ten major sects in Northern Xinjiang. , we must find Situ Mei, the Yuan Ying cultivator who drove Yinfa Bao, one man and one woman, Qinglian Immortal Companion somewhat fits the characteristics of the murderer, his appearance can be changed, and his voice can be changed."

Fang Yue's eyes are Could it be that Wang Ruyan is Situ Mei? There is a possibility. If this is the case, this matter is really difficult to handle. The Wang family relies on the Taiyi Xianmen and Wanjianmen. What is more troublesome is that Wang Qingshan is still the disciple and grandson of the Taiyi Xianmen cultivator Liu Ye. , the impact is too great, if you get it wrong, it will be troublesome.

"Let's contact Wanjianmen directly and let Wanjianmen find out about this matter. As long as it is proved that Qinglian Immortal Companion has been in the South China Sea, that's fine. If Qinglian Immortal Companion happens to be in the northern border, tell Jiuyouzong about it. Let Jiuyouzong go to the trouble of the Wang family, as long as we live, I forgive Shangguanwei for not daring to set foot in the South China Sea, otherwise she will never come back."

Du Xu said coldly, his eyes filled with cold light.

This matter involves the ten major sects in northern Xinjiang. Wanjianmen will definitely not dare to cover it up. It is better for Wanjianmen to come forward to investigate. As for Situ Mei, after so many years, Situ Mei will definitely reveal some clues. Just check carefully and find Situ Mei. Its whereabouts are only a matter of time.

Fang Yue nodded and said solemnly: "Not long after the turmoil in the South China Sea subsided, fierce insects appeared in the northern border, and the balance of the Central Plains Cultivation Realm was about to be broken. The 4,000-year-old robbery is even more terrifying."

At the end, her eyes showed a bit of worry.

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