Top of Qinglian

Chapter 1490: The might of the corpse

Wang Yingjie looked at the nether spiders crowded together outside the city, and his expression became tense.

When they first arrived in the Wanpup Mountains, they made a lot of money. In just a few days, hundreds of thousands of Nether Spiders attacked. I am afraid this time will not be a good one.

He glanced at Wang Qingshan and found that Wang Qingshan's expression was indifferent, which made Wang Yingjie breathe a sigh of relief, as long as he followed his ancestors, there should be no danger to his life.

The one rushing to the front is the first-order ghost spider. The higher the level, the further back the ghost spider is.

"Hey, I'm about to temper the magic weapon of my life. It's just right. Daoyou Wang, do you dare to kill me? I just want the corpse of the mutated fourth-order ghost spider, the demon pill and the soul to you."

Fang Mu smiled and stared at the mutated fourth-order ghost spider with fiery eyes.

The mutated fourth-order ghost spider is the leader of this group of ghost spiders, and the other ghost spiders obey its orders.

"If Fellow Daoist Fang dares to fight, Wang will accompany him, but there are too many of these low-level Nether Spiders, and they are a bit of a hindrance."

Wang Qingshan said with a frown, his eyes fell on the low-level Nether Spider.

A second-order ghost spider is not something to be afraid of, and a thousand second-order ghost spiders are not something to be afraid of, if there are 100,000 second-order ghost spiders! He also didn't want to touch this mold.

Fang Mu smiled proudly and said to Fan Ruoruo, "Mrs. Fan, please activate the great formation. I will release the corpse to deal with the ghost spider."

Fan Ruoruo nodded, took out a flashing array of spiritual light, and entered several magic tricks, a thick black light curtain appeared out of nowhere, covering the entire giant city.

Fang Mu jumped out of the giant city, slapped the corpse bag on his waist, and six different colors of aura flew out, turning into six smelting corpses, some of which were humanoid, some were demon beasts, and some resembled the sky. Qilin, some resemble the earth dragon earth, and each corpse has the cultivation base of nine layers of pill formation.

As soon as the six refining corpses appeared, they were immediately attacked by the Nether Spider.

The ghost spiders can either breathe fire or venom, attacking six corpses.

Wang Qingshan's eyes narrowed slightly, and his face showed an expression of interest. He also wanted to see how powerful Fang Mu's corpse refining was.

A ten-foot-long earth dragon worm burrowed into the ground, and after the muffled sound, a yellow earth wall more than one hundred feet high and three feet wide broke out and blocked them.

There was a muffled sound, and the surface of the yellow earth wall was full of potholes, intact.

There was a clear eagle chirping from high in the sky, and a huge giant eagle appeared high in the sky.

The giant eagle slammed a pair of huge wings fiercely, the thunder roared loudly, and dozens of black thunder **** the size of fists flew out and smashed into the nether spider.

The low-level Nether Spider was hit by a black lightning ball and instantly turned into fly ash.

A corpse with a whole body of red light shone out a crimson corpse fire, hitting the Nether Spider's body. After the Nether Spider made a scream, it turned into a pool of blood. The corpse fire was obviously highly poisonous.

A cyan-colored corpse stomped **** the ground, and strips of cyan thorns emerged from the ground, entangling the Nether Spider's body.

"Zombies know magic!"

Wang Yingjie was stunned. The scene in front of him was beyond his imagination. Since he stepped into the world of immortality, he had never been in contact with corpse refining. But as far as he knew, corpse refining was invulnerable to fire and water. However, the body refining corpse was stiff, inconvenient to move, and could not be driven. Magic and sorcery.

Fang Mu's so-called Heavenly Corpse can actually release spells!

Not only Wang Yingjie, but many monks were stunned. The scene in front of them was beyond their understanding. When will zombies be able to release spells?

Fang Mu ignored the monks. He opened his mouth, and a black light flew out. He entered a magic trick. Seeing a large number of ghost images, the "woo woo" screamed loudly, the wind was blowing, and the temperature suddenly dropped for several miles.

The black flag was planted on the plain, and the flag fluttered in the wind.

Fang Mu entered a tactic, and an extremely foul-smelling black mist rushed out from the flag and went straight to the Nether Spider.

The black mist is corpse qi, and it has been refined into a variety of miasma suffocating qi, which is extremely poisonous.

Nascent Soul cultivator would feel a little uncomfortable if he inhaled some, not to mention low-level ghost spiders.

Where the black mist passed, the ghost spiders turned into blood.

Fang Mu shrugged his shoulders, the black coffin on his back flew out, the coffin board flew out, and a little zombie in black armor flew out. The breath is infinitely approaching the Nascent Soul period.


The little zombie made a harsh roar, opened its mouth, and the wind was blowing, and one after another ghost spider spirits flew towards it, flew into the mouth of the little zombie and disappeared.

The sound of "chi chi" breaking through the air sounded, and the dense black spider silk flew and entangled the body of the little zombie.

The little zombie kicked its legs, jumped several dozen feet high, and landed in front of a third-order Nether Spider with black spider silk in its mouth.

The ten fingers of the little zombie became pitch black and slender, stabbing on the Nether Spider's body, making a muffled "bang bang", and the Nether Spider was unscathed.

The Nether Spider waved its sharp claws and slashed at the little zombie. There was also a muffled sound of "bang bang", and the little zombie was also unscathed.

The hands of the little zombie flew out dense black silk threads, entangled the head of the ghost spider, spewed out a black corpse fire, burned the black spider silk, and jumped on the back of the ghost spider, a pair of golden fangs. Bite into the belly of the ghost spider.

The Nether Spider struggled violently, and its body shriveled down at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Seeing this scene, Wang Yingjie took a deep breath. This little zombie's fangs are sharper than attacking magic weapons? He had personally tested and drove the flying knife and flying sword to slash at the third-order Nether Spider, leaving only a shallow trace.

The little zombie solved a third-order ghost spider so quickly, and it didn't take long to solve a cultivator of pill formation.

Fang Mu directed seven corpses to rush into the Nether Spider Group, and the Nether Spiders fell in pieces. They spewed black spider silk and entangled the body of the Refined Corpse, but it was useless. The black spider silk was quickly corroded by the corpse fire. In a sense, the seven refiners driven by Fang Mu are more perverted than the Nether Spider. Not only are they invulnerable, but they can also release spells.

"Let's stop watching the show, let's do it together! We need to find out the reason for the riot of the ghost spiders. Their behavior is a little abnormal."

Fan Ruoruo said in a deep voice, there was a bad premonition in her heart, the mutated fourth-order ghost spiders could not be transformed into human form, but their intelligence was not low, they drove a large number of ghost spiders to attack immortal cultivators, what was the purpose?

Wang Qingshan and others took action one after another, attacking the Nether Spider.

Colorful spell auras lit up high in the sky, smashing on the plain, with constant roars and billowing waves.

Wang Yingjie and others released puppet beasts one after another, and used the puppet formation to kill the ghost spiders, and they cooperated skillfully.

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