Top of Qinglian

Chapter 1504: Qinglian sword shows its power

Tianfu Zhenren's life span is running out. This time, he took the initiative to lead the team to exterminate insects. First, he did his own responsibility to eliminate demons and guard the way. Second, he also used the residual heat for the sect. If he could destroy the ghost spider, it would indirectly improve the sect's reputation Influence is also to find a short-lived amulet for the Holy Talisman Palace. The Way of Eliminating Demons is not just a slogan, it can play a certain role at critical moments.

"Lei Xiaoyou, cooperate with Wang Xiaoyou to exterminate insects, and don't let those fourth-order ghost spiders interfere with him."

Ye Yan transmits the voice to Lei Yiming and other Yuanying monks. Wang Qingshan's cultivation base is not the highest, but the Qinglian Karmic Fire in his hand restrains the ghost spider, so it is more suitable for him to perform this task.

Nether spiders themselves are difficult to deal with, and they have mutated again, and ordinary flames cannot hurt them.

Lei Yiming and the others were stunned for a moment, hesitated a little, and agreed.

Lei Yiming waved the Tianlei flag, and countless cyan electric arcs poured out, turning into thick cyan thunder spears, hitting the nether spider below. The Demon Venerable Comes to the World: Lihuang will defy the sky and have no pop-ups

With a pinch of the Heavenly Talisman's tactic, the surface of the Wuxingfu soldiers lit up with a dazzling yellow light. In a deafening roar, the ground was torn apart, like an earthquake, and the radius of a hundred miles turned into a huge desert. A large number of low-level ghost spiders fell into the sand pit and were submerged by the sand pit.

They struggled violently, but it was of no use. The sand pit tumbled violently, and the ghost spiders fell into the huge sand pit.

"Junior Brother Wang, we will accompany you in."

Han Tianxuan said to Wang Qingshan that he had received an order from Liu Ye, and naturally he had to follow the order.

"Then I will trouble Senior Brother Han."

Wang Qingshan breathed a sigh of relief and said gratefully, he flew towards the position of the Emperor's Palace, Han Tianxuan accompanied a group of Jianfeng disciples, and where he passed, one by one Nether Spider was chopped into a rain of blood.

In order to exterminate the insects, Liu Ye mobilized a team of Jianfeng disciples. They were proficient in sword formations and cooperated skillfully. Catalogue of limited editions

Wang Qingshan drove nine Qingli swords to open the way, Han Tianxuan and others followed closely, the Nether Spider wanted to stop them, but was stopped by Song Xiruo and others.

Song Xiruo, Lei Yiming, Wuchang, Li Linger, Monk Jingkong, Tianfu Zhenren and more than 40 Yuanying monks joined forces to kill the ghost spiders. Ye Yan and Liu Ye joined forces to deal with the fifth-order ghost spiders.

For a time, the roar continued, and the colorful magic aura burst into the sky, the air was billowing, mixed with the screams of the cultivators and the neighs of the ghost spiders.

Half an hour later, Wang Qingshan and others came to the Puppet Emperor Palace. The entire Puppet Emperor Palace was eaten by the Netherworld spiders, but there were only some leftovers. The mountain was covered with densely packed mutant Netherworld spiders, third-order mutant Netherworld spiders. There are as many as hundreds of them, and there are three mutated fourth-order middle-grade ghost spiders.

Wang Qingshan's sword art was pinched, and the nine blue glass swords suddenly burst into a dazzling blue light, releasing a large piece of incomparably sharp blue sword energy, which hit the mutant ghost spiders one after another. The Nether Spider was unscathed, and there were some faint sword marks on its body, which could not be found without careful observation. The latest chapter of Reborn Tycoon

Wang Qingshan frowned, his responsibilities were heavy, he didn't dare to be sloppy, and he had to make a quick decision.

With a flick of his sleeve, a blue light flew out, revealing a green short sword, which was the Lingbao Green Lotus Sword.

The common man is innocent and guilty. After Wang Qingshan got this spiritual treasure, he rarely used it. This time, in order to exterminate insects, he had to sacrifice the Qinglian sword.

As soon as his sword tactic was pinched, the Qinglian Sword let out a loud sword chant, turned into a cyan long rainbow, and went straight to the Nether Spider below.

Where the cyan Changhong passed, the third-order ghost spiders were torn into two halves by the cyan Changhong like paper paste, bleeding all over the place.

Two ear-piercing hissing sounds sounded, and the three mutated fourth-order middle-grade Nether Spiders spewed dense golden spider silks, turning into a huge golden spider web, covering the cyan Changhong.

The muffled sound of "Keng Keng!", the cyan Changhong split on the golden spider web, and there was a muffled sound of gold and iron clashing. Nongmen's wife is busy farming works catalogue

Wang Qingshan was stunned, couldn't Lingbao cut these spider silks? Is there such a big difference between a fourth-order middle-grade ghost spider and a fourth-order low-grade ghost spider? The fourth-order mid-rank Nether Spider is so difficult to deal with, and the fifth-order Nether Spider is even more powerful.

The golden spider web shrank rapidly and sealed the Qinglian sword. The Qinglian sword burst into a dazzling azure light and made a muffled sound. The golden spider silk broke, but soon, a large amount of golden spider silk flew over. , wrapping the Qinglian sword.

A cyan fire lotus descended from the sky and landed on the golden spider web. The golden spider web was burned. The Qinglian sword turned into a cyan long rainbow and flew away, and instantly appeared in front of a fourth-order ghost spider. The body of the sword was wrapped in Qinglian Karmic Fire, the heat wave was overwhelming, the void was twisted and deformed, and it seemed that some could not withstand the high temperature of Qinglian Karmic Fire.

The scythe-like claws of the ghost spider crossed forward, the Qinglian sword slashed on it, and there was a muffled sound of "keng", the ghost spider was intact, but the Qinglian karmic fire spread along the sword body~www. wrapped in a ghost spider, which neighed in pain. Tour the world of Zhutian Film and Television

The azure light of the Qinglian sword rose sharply, and small cracks appeared in the claws of the Nether Spider. It spewed out golden demonic fire, hit the Qinglian sword, and was quickly submerged by the Qinglian karmic fire, spewing golden spider silk, like Thin paper is generally, and there is no residue left by Qinglian Industry's fire.

"Break it for me."

Wang Qingshan shouted loudly, and the Qinglian sword burst into a dazzling blue light.

Lingbao Qinglian Sword plus Qinglian Karmic Fire, Wang Qingshan only killed a fourth-order mid-rank Nether Spider, other Nascent Soul cultivators wanted to kill a fourth-order middle-rank Nether Spider alone, it is estimated that more difficult.

An extremely sharp hissing sound rang out, and the Nether Spiders spewed out a golden sound wave, the Qinglian Sword flew out, and the dense golden sound wave attacked Wang Qingshan.

An astonishing sword intent rushed out of Wang Qingshan, and countless cyan flying sword phantoms appeared around him, and the flying sword phantoms quickly materialized and greeted him.


A series of roars sounded, and the dense golden sound waves and the dense cyan flying swords perished together. A powerful air wave erupted, and a large number of ghost spiders were lifted up.

Four sword lights of different colors are lasing, the sword chanting is loud, and the four sword lights are scattered, turning into four flying swords of different colors. The peak where the imperial palace is located is surrounded by circles.

Han Tianxuan's sword art was pinched, and a large amount of white mist emerged out of nowhere, condensed into a giant cloud, the giant cloud rolled violently, and the pea-sized raindrops poured down. Downward Nether Spider.


A "ding ding" sound of gold and iron clashing sounded, and the blue sword qi struck the Nether Spider, just like a tickling, and the Nether Spider above Tier 3 was not affected at all.

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