Top of Qinglian

Chapter 1559: Tier 4 Thunder Eagle Pill, Lei Yuanguo

This regulation was promulgated more than 4,000 years ago. Five hundred years after the immortal and demon war ended, the human race was still able to restrain. , until now, the controversy is growing.

This is not surprising. At the Nascent Soul stage, the cultivation speed of the immortal cultivators slowed down. If the Nascent Soul cultivator wanted to make a breakthrough, he had to concentrate on self-cultivation, but it took a long time and was prone to bottlenecks. Forbidden land, secret realm or small world, but the number of Nascent Soul cultivators in Dongli Realm is constantly increasing. Not every cultivator happens to encounter a secret realm forbidden place or a small world. In this way, let them go back to the cave and obediently cultivate for hundreds of years. ?

The monsters in the South China Sea are rich in resources, and most monsters cannot transform into human form even if they reach the fourth rank. Destroying monsters under the banner of slaying demons and eliminating demons can not only get a resource for cultivation of immortals, speed up the cultivation speed, but also gain a good reputation.

From the demon clan's point of view, if they want to go further, either there is a panacea, or they devour high-level immortal cultivators. The sea clan is similar to the barbarian clan. The living environment determines that it is impossible for the alien race to live in peace with the human race.

There are only so many resources for immortal cultivation in the Dongli Realm. If the human race has more, there will be fewer alien races. If the alien race has more, there will be not many human races.

"It's not my intention to ease the relationship with the alien race, but the intention of the grandson of Wan Beast Island and our ancestors of the Dongfang family. Anyone of you who has an opinion can report it to them. I can send a message. Who has an opinion?"

Dongfang Liang's tone was indifferent, speaking from his heart, he didn't want to shake hands with aliens to make peace, but he had to obey the orders of the cultivator.

The cultivators looked at each other in dismay, and kept their mouths shut, only the fool would clearly confront the cultivator.

"Fellow Daoist Dongfang, people are harmless to tigers, but tigers can hurt people. If aliens attack us, we can't help but fight back!"

Shen Wenbin frowned and asked, his expression a little unnatural.

"Naturally not, no matter who moves his hand, he must be inspected by the law enforcement team. The Zhuge family will use one of the four treasures of the four clans, the Seven Star Wonderful Mind Mirror to investigate, whoever tells the truth and whoever tells a lie can't hide it. Investigation of the Seven Stars Wonderful Heart Mirror."

Dongfang Liang's tone was stern. The Zhuge family was one of the top ten immortal families in the South China Sea. They were proficient in the art of refining weapons. The Zhuge family had a treasure of the family, the Seven Stars Wonderful Heart Mirror, which could detect polygraphs, but the Zhuge family rarely used this treasure.

The faces of individual monks became ugly. Since the Seven-Star Miaoxin Mirror is the treasure of the Zhuge family, it must have something special.

"Aliens will also constrain the clansmen. This is the order above, and I'm just following orders. As for what fellow Daoists do, it's up to you. However, this old man still hopes that after the fellow Daoists return, they will restrain their disciples and affiliated forces, and try their best to encounter disputes. Don't do it, solve the problem peacefully."

Dongfang Liang said slowly, he knew that his words would offend people, and he had to do the errand arranged by the ancestors.

"Since it's what Senior Sun and Senior Dongfang meant, our Wang family will do it."

Wang Qingling was the first to agree. Eighty percent of the Wang family's income is from selling puppet beasts and magic weapons. However, the Wang family has a large layout. Without the market in the South China Sea, it can be transported to the East Wasteland, Central Plains, and Northern Xinjiang for sale to reduce losses.

"Shen agrees with Fairy Wang's opinion."

Even though Shen Wenbin was reluctant, he could only agree with a smiling face.

Others expressed their opinions one after another, and no one objected, but all agreed.

The cultivators have spoken, who dares to have an opinion?

Dongfang Liang breathed a sigh of relief in his heart. He was only responsible for saying hello to the major forces. As long as they agreed, things would be much easier.

"It's rare that there are so many Taoist friends present today, let's have an exchange meeting! Let's exchange information."

Dongfang Liang enthusiastically suggested that the monks present were from extraordinary backgrounds and should be able to exchange some good things.

This proposal was approved by the monks.

Dongfang Liang took out dozens of materials, including refining materials, talismans, high-level spirit wine, arrays, and more.

"These things are exchanged for more than 3,000 years of fire grass, fourth-order fire-attribute demon pills or equivalent materials, and the alchemy materials are preferred."

Wang Qingling's eyes swept away, and a bit of disappointment appeared in the depths of his eyes.

These things are really good, but what she wants most is the demon pill of the fourth-order ice attribute Jiaolong.

Ao Qing is a wind attribute Jiaolong, and the effect of Bingfeng Jiao taking Ao Qing's inner pill will be somewhat discounted. If it is a fourth-order ice attribute Jiaolong demon pill, the effect will be better.

Guangdong Ren fell in love with the fourth-order spirit wine at a glance. According to Dongfang Liang’s introduction, it was brewed with the millennium snow cloud fruit as the main material, and it has the effect of improving mana.

Guangdong Ren stepped forward and communicated with Dongfang Liang's voice transmission. Many monks communicated with Dongfang Liang's voice transmission.

Dongfang Liang thought again and again, and exchanged the fourth-order spirit wine for Guangdong Ren.

After Dongfang Liang finished the exchange, the other monks took out the treasures and displayed and said what they wanted to exchange.

After a cup of tea, it was the turn of Master Qing Hu. He took out more than a dozen materials, including a fourth-order mid-grade Lei Ying inner pill and a two-thousand-year-old Lei Yuanguo. Lei Feng stayed at the third-order high-grade for many years. , the inner core of the fourth-order mid-grade Lei Ying plus two thousand years of Lei Yuanguo, plus a heavenly beast pill, Lei Feng has a particularly high chance of advancing to the fourth-order.

Qing Gourd Master wants to exchange the refining materials, and the wood-type materials are given priority.

"Fellow Daoist Liu, how about I exchange a piece of six pure bamboos of nine thousand years for the Thunder Eagle Inner Pill, Lei Yuanguo, and the Earth Guarding Divine Crystal?"

Wang Qingling asked through a voice transmission, the Earth-guarding Divine Crystal is a top-quality earth-attribute refining material, and Wang Ruyan has been collecting the five-element materials to refine the five-element talisman.

During the trip to Feixian Ruins, they got a whole plant of six pure bamboos, and Wang Changsheng used a part of the refining tool. This time at the Taoism conference, Wang Qingling brought two pieces of six pure bamboos.

"Six pure bamboos of nine thousand years! Okay, the deal."

Master Qinghu readily agreed, and sound transmission replied.

After the exchange of Qinghu Master, Guangdong Ren took out more than a dozen materials, mainly for the refining materials, and also the fourth-order demon pill. He wanted to exchange for the spirit of the baby, or the fourth-order animal meat, and the fourth-order spirit wine.

Infant-born spirits are rare items for small forces, but there were many fourth-order alchemists present, and Guangdong Ren successfully exchanged for a baby-born spirit.

After the Guangdong Ren exchange, Wang Qingling took out dozens of things, including complete sets of puppet beasts, formations and magic weapons.

"These materials can be exchanged for the fourth-order ice-type dragon's demon pill or a panacea that helps the dragon to advance. The price is negotiable."

Wang Qingling said in a deep voice, looking forward to it.

If Bingfeng Jiao advances to the fourth rank, she has a certain chance to advance to the middle stage of Nascent Soul.


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