Top of Qinglian

Chapter 1562: Tianyanjing

Five days passed quickly.

In a secluded courtyard with green tiles, Wang Yingjie was reporting the situation to Wang Qingling.

Wang Qingling asked Wang Yingjie to pay attention to the elixir to help the Jiaolong advance. Wang Yingjie attended various gatherings extensively, made friends with the monks of the major forces, and exchanged treasures. Unfortunately, no one could come up with the elixir to help the Jiaolong advance. Not to mention the demon pill of the fourth-order ice attribute Jiaolong.

"Ancestor, grandson is incompetent, unable to switch to the panacea to assist Jiaolong's advancement."

Wang Yingjie was full of self-blame, and he wanted to take this opportunity to double his performance, hoping to be promoted to Erxiong.

"Forget it, just do your best, this kind of thing can't be forced."

Wang Qingling said amicably, with Ao Qing's inner core and some ice-attribute spirits, the chances of Bingfeng Jiao advancing to the fourth-order are not low. Dan, Ice Wind Jiao has a higher chance of advancing to Tier 4.

"Today is the day the auction will be held. Come with me! I hope the auction will yield something."

Wang Qingling stood up and walked out, Wang Yingjie quickly followed.

The number of cultivators on the street has more than doubled compared to a few days ago, and cultivators of Pill Formation can be seen everywhere.

A quarter of an hour later, Wang Qingling and Wang Yingjie were in a huge bluestone square. Above the bluestone square was a splendid palace. The stone pillars of the palace were engraved with a large number of strange birds and beasts.

A team of guards stood on the Qingshi Square, and when they saw Wang Qingling, the guards let them go.

Wang Yingjie followed Wang Qingling and flew into the golden palace. The interior of the palace was spacious and bright. There were a large number of designs of monsters carved on the stone walls.

In the center of the hall is a round high platform more than 100 feet long, surrounded by thousands of jade chairs. The jade chairs in the front row are golden, and most of them are seated.

"The people of the demon clan, barbarian clan and sea clan are also there!"

Surprise flashed in Wang Qingling's eyes, and his eyes fell on Shamingzhu, Yanguang, and Ao Xin. The three of them are the successors of the alien race. Their presence here can already explain the problem. It seems that the human race and the alien race are reconciled. It is a sure thing, anyone who opposes it is indirectly opposing the cultivator of the gods.

"Fairy Wang, here."

Guangdong Renchong Wang Qingling beckoned, Wang Qingling walked over quickly, sat down beside Guangdong Ren, Wang Yingjie sat near Wang Qingling, surrounded by cultivators of Pills.

The monks who were present were either whispering or talking through voice transmission, and few people made a loud noise.

Yanguang narrowed his eyes, his eyes fell on Wang Qingling, and he asked, "Fairy Bailing, isn't Qinglian Immortal Companion here?"

His voice was not loud, but the cultivators present could hear it clearly.

Wu Yaoer's eyebrows wrinkled, Ao Xin pursed her lips, and a curious expression appeared on Sha Mingzhu's face.

Qinglian Immortal Companion killed the barbarian Yuanying cultivator, killed the Nascent Soul demon clan, and was chased by the sea clan saint, Sharma Pearl. All three tribes had a festival with Qinglian Immortal Companion.

Shen Wenbin and many other Nascent Soul cultivators had different expressions, all watching the play.

"Nine uncles and nine aunts didn't come, what advice does Daoist Yan have?"

Wang Qingling's tone was calm, she had long thought that aliens might make things difficult for her.

"I don't dare to advise, please tell Fairy Bailing to pass on a word, if Qinglian Immortal Companion is free, you can go to our barbarian tribe, and I want to discuss with them, it's just a discussion."

Yanguang's tone was indifferent, Qinglian Immortal Companion gained fame by stepping on the corpse of an alien Nascent Soul. Yanguang's sacrifice to Qinglian Immortal Companion would help improve his status in the barbarian race.

The barbarians are divided into several tribes, which are unified on the surface, but there are many gaps in the interior. He can represent the barbarians to participate in the Taoist conference. In addition to his cultivation in the late Nascent Soul, the main reason is the support of the spiritual monks.

Without the support of the god-turning monks, Yanguang would not necessarily be able to hold down other barbarians. There are gaps between the major forces of the human race, but there are relatively more god-turning monks in the human race. Even if one or two god-turning monks died, as long as they still With the cultivators of the gods, the human race can still be united.

The lifespan of the monsters, barbarians and sea tribes is much longer than that of the human race, which is one of the reasons why the alien race can compete with the human race.

"Let's learn from each other! Alright, I'll tell you when I see the ninth uncle and ninth aunt another day."

Wang Qingling agreed with all his mouth. As for whether Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan would go to the barbarians, that was not something she could control.

Yan Guang nodded and closed his eyes.

"Clang clang clang!"

A loud bell rang, and the hall was instantly silent.

Two cultivators, a man and a woman, flew to the circular high platform, one of them was Wang Mengyang, and the other was his Taoist companion Su Rou.

Wang Mengyang and Su Rou are both on the eighth level of formation. This time, the Tianfeng Business Alliance also participated. Wang Mengyang and Su Rou have hosted many auctions. They have rich experience. Tianfeng Business Alliance sent their couple to host the auction.

"Welcome all seniors to participate in this auction. This auction is hosted by our husband and wife. There will be 1,500 items in this auction, and one of the finale auction items is Lingbao. You are welcome to bid enthusiastically. Now the auction will start. ."

Wang Mengyang gave a brief introduction, and Su Rou took out a light blue jade bottle and put it on the table.

"The third-order medicinal pill, Blood Origin Pill, is an excellent medicine that can replenish qi and blood, and heal wounds. The base price is 100,000 spirit stones, and the price must not be less than 10,000 spirit stones each time."

The cultivator of Pill Formation will inevitably be injured when fighting the Demon Hunter. With a bottle of Blood Primordial Pill in hand, he will recover faster.

After a period of fierce competition, this bottle of Blood Origin Pill was sold at a high price of 450,000 yuan. There are ten blood Origin Pills in a bottle. In total, it is 45,000 spirit stones.

"The cold moon knife is made from the sharp teeth of the third-order cold glass beast. It comes with a cold attack. The base price is 200,000 spirit stones, and the price must not be less than 10,000 each time."

Wang Mengyang held a short white knife about two feet long in his hand and said loudly.

"Twenty thousand!"

"Twenty-one thousand!"

"Twenty and thirty thousand!"


Prices climbed steadily, and bids came one after another.

Wang Mengyang took out one product after another, such as medicinal pills, talismans, magic weapons, arrays, etc., and each product sold for a high price.

Wang Qingling is not interested in these things. Judging from her experience in many auctions, good things are often left behind.

She closed her eyes and didn't open her mouth to bid.

Wang Yingjie opened his mouth and took a picture of a bottle of the third-order medicinal elixir to improve mana. It was thanks to Wang Qingling who gave him a spirit stone, otherwise he really couldn't afford it. After all, he went bankrupt and exchanged a set of puppet beasts with his family~www. As time passed, the atmosphere at the auction venue also reached a high point.

Guangdong Ren photographed some fourth-order animal meat and blood essence. These things were great tonic for him, not much worse than the thousand-year-old elixir.

The other cultivators who formed the pills started to bid and took pictures of things that could improve their strength, such as magic weapons and medicinal pills. The medicinal pills were the most popular and the most competitive.

Two hours later, after Wang Mengyang patted off a set of flying swords, his voice was hoarse.

Su Rou took out a red jade box and opened it, a red glow flew out, the temperature of the venue rose suddenly, and a red flame gushed out from the jade box.

"A piece of Tianyan crystal, the top-tier fire-type refining material, only possible for volcanoes that are more than ten thousand years old. The base price is 300,000 spirit stones, and the price must not be less than 50,000 spirit stones each time."

Wang Mengyang said loudly, and the monks present could hear it clearly.

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