Top of Qinglian

Chapter 1566: Ice wind Jiao fell asleep

"Fellow Daoist Huang, stay."

Walking out of the auction venue, Wang Qingling stopped Huang Fugui.

Huang Fugui stopped, grinned, showing two yellow teeth, looking very wretched.

"Fairy Wang, what a coincidence, I was just about to talk to you about something, let's find a place to chat!"

Huang Fugui said enthusiastically, he is a loose cultivator and does not know the news of the catastrophe, but his eyesight is still good.

The presence of demon, barbarian, and sea clan people at the auction site has already explained the problem. Humans want to ease relations with aliens, and there will be no war in the short term.

The human race and the alien race have been fighting for many years. For no reason, the relationship is suddenly eased. Either the cultivator of the gods has spoken, or there is a catastrophe. Judging from the fact that the monks of the major forces have widely exchanged heaven and earth treasures, there are nine out of ten times a catastrophe. , may be even more powerful than the battle of the Immortals and Demons more than 4,000 years ago.

It is with this judgment that Huang Fugui frequently exchanges treasures, especially things that save lives.

He intends to resell the bottle of Jin Gang Glass Liquid in exchange for the elixir of diligent mana. He can't use the Jin Gang Glass Liquid, which does not mean that others can't use it.

Not long after, Huang Fugui and Wang Qingling appeared in a secluded courtyard.

After a few simple greetings, Wang Qingling talked about the business: "Huang Daoyou, my concubine is very interested in that bottle of Jin Gang Glazed Glass Liquid, I wonder if you can give it up? As long as our Wang family can get it, you can mention it. "

Huang Fugui frowned, shook his head and said, "I'm sorry, Fairy Wang, I helped a friend get that bottle of Jin Gang Glazed Glass Liquid, otherwise I can cut my love."

He hesitated for a moment, then said, "You know that person too. It's Fang Mu from the Eastern Wilderness Yin Corpse Sect, and he likes the one with the coffin on his back."

Huang Fugui traveled south and north and made many friends. These people asked him to help him find certain things. After getting it, Huang Fugui would get rich rewards, otherwise, Huang Fugui would not run around.

Wang Qingling suddenly realized, this is not surprising, the Wang family also entrusted a lot of loose cultivators in the formation stage to find the treasures of heaven and earth. It was a verbal promise.

"Alright then! Please help me pay attention to the treasures of heaven and earth that assist Jiaolong to advance to the fourth rank. The reward will definitely satisfy you."

Wang Qingling said solemnly that she is doing her best to collect ice-attribute spirits, hoping to help Bingfeng Jiao advance to the fourth rank.

"No problem, this is wrapped around Huang."

Huang Fugui readily agreed, he pondered for a moment, and said, "Mrs Wang, take the liberty to ask, can your ninth aunt refine a fourth-order talisman?"

"Sorry, I don't know."

Wang Qingling shook her head, she didn't ask Wang Ruyan, she really didn't know.

Huang Fugui was a little disappointed. He originally wanted to buy one or two fourth-order talismans from Wang Ruyan, but Huang Fugui is now not bad for spirit stones.

"Daoyou Huang, do you have anything else to do? If not, let's go together and leave together!"

Wang Qingling suggested that this auction, she bought a lot of good things, maybe it will cause the jealousy of people who are interested. Huang Fugui can't fight, but he can run. Even if someone wants to do something to them, he will be worried.

Huang Fugui rolled his eyes and agreed.

After chatting for a while, the two left the yard and walked towards the Fangshi exit.

When Wang Qingling and others came to the exit of Fangshi, she was surprised to see Dongfang Liang.

"Fairy Wang, Fellow Daoist Guang, and Fellow Daoist Huang, you are leaving Fangshi so soon? How long to stay?"

Dongfang Liang said enthusiastically.

"Thank you for your hospitality, Dongfang Taoist friend, we still have something to do, so we won't stay any more."

Wang Qingling said politely.

"Fairy Wang came to attend the Taoism conference held by our Dongfang family from thousands of miles away. We are very grateful, and I will send you one as a gift!"

Dongfang Liang sent them off in person, mainly because of the reason why Qinglian Xianlu had a bad relationship with the three clans. If Wang Qingling and others had an accident on the site of the Dongfang family, it would be difficult for the Dongfang family to deal with it.

The hearts of those who are not of our race will be different, and the Dongfang family has to guard against it.

Wang Qingling was a little surprised and left with Dongfang Liang without thinking too much.

After more than half a year, Wang Qingling and others returned to the Wulong Sea Area.

"Fairy Wang, Fellow Daoist Guang, Huang still has something to do, let's say goodbye to it, and we will meet again."

Huang Fugui said hello, turned into a yellow light, and walked away in a flash.

It didn't take long for Huang Fugui to disappear into the sky.

Wang Qingling and Wang Yingjie had just returned to Qinglian Island. They were surprised to see three huge thunderclouds in the sky, lightning and thunder, and one after another thick silver lightning fell, hitting somewhere on Qinglian Island.

"There is a python turned into a dragon! Can it be successful?"

Wang Yingjie was surprised and looked a little excited.

Wang Qingling was not surprised, and flew towards Bailing Peak.

Back at the residence, Wang Qingling released the ice wind Jiao, and the deafening thunder sounded from time to time.

After half an hour, the thunder dissipated, and a loud dragon roar sounded.

"Xiao Bai, you have another partner."

Wang Qingling said with a smile, in this way, the Wang family has the tenth third-order Jiaolong.

The Ice Wind Jiao let out a loud roar, hovering uncertainly over the yard.

After a while, the ice wind Jiao fell to the ground.

Wang Qingling walked to a cyan attic not far away. After a while, she walked out of the attic with a cyan wooden box the size of a palm in her hand.

She came to Bingfeng Jiao and opened the wooden box. Inside was a light blue demon pill, which was Ao Qing's demon pill.

The Bingfeng Jiao made a loud dragon roar, and seemed a little excited. Even if the attributes were different, Ao Qing's demon pill was still a big supplement to it.

"The catastrophe is coming, and I don't know when it will come. The catastrophe is a disaster for you and me, and it may also be a chance. I hope you can advance to the fourth level."

Wang Qingling threw Ao Qing's inner elixir into the mouth of Bingfeng Jiao, and took out a white jade box, took out the ice-type spirit fruit elixir, and threw it into Bingfeng Jiao's mouth.

Bingfeng Jiao swallowed so many good things at became very excited.

It hovered uncertainly over the yard, making a merry roar.

Wang Qingling can feel that the energy contained in Ao Qing's inner core is too huge, and Bingfeng Jiao can't stand it. .

An hour later, the Ice Wind Flood Dragon fell from the sky, its huge body smashed into a huge lake, its nostrils exhaled a white cold air, and the ground quickly froze.

Wang Qingling checked it carefully and found that Bingfeng Jiao just fell into a coma, and there was no serious problem.

After taking so many good things, the chances of Bingfeng Jiao advancing to the fourth rank are still relatively high, but the energy contained in Ao Qing's inner core is too huge, and it takes a lot of time for Bingfeng Jiao to refine this energy.

She walked towards the cyan attic and came to the basement. Wang Qingling sat down with her knees crossed, and a soft white light emerged from her body, and she began to practice.

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