Top of Qinglian

Chapter 1584: The storm is coming

The woman in the golden skirt is only in the early Nascent Soul stage, her strength is not strong, mainly because those fourth-order monsters are more difficult, Ziyang Taoist and others are busy dealing with fourth-order monsters, if it is one-on-one, the monsters may not be Ziyang The opponent of Taoist and others.

Meng Tianzheng looked at the gray-robed man and said, "Fellow Daoist Chen, are you all alright! How did the demon clan defeat the coalition forces on the front line so quickly?"

The gray-robed man sighed and explained with a bitter face, "The demon clan has used a large number of fourth-order monsters, and we are not opponents at all. more than ten countries."

More than 4,000 years ago, the demon clan fought back, causing the Jinyang Sect to be destroyed. Over the past 4,000 years, the demon clan has invaded many times, but the intensity is not large. This time the demon clan has invaded with great strength. He won more than ten countries, more than 10,000 monks were killed and wounded, and more than one million mortals were killed and wounded.

If you follow this posture, the six immortal gates may become the five immortal gates, or even the four immortal gates.

The Human Race's line of defense is too long, and it is difficult to prevent the Monster Race. Only by sending a large number of elites to enter the Monster Race hinterland and attract the Monster Race's attention can the Human Race slow down the Monster Race's offensive.

"Our line of defense is too long, and the formation can't cover such a wide area. We are too scattered, and it is easy to be divided and wiped out by the demon clan. When gathered, it is easy to be besieged by the demon clan."

Taoist Ziyang sighed, the demon clan drives a large number of monsters, and a second-order monster is terrible, and the Yuanying monk can easily crush a second-order monster, but hundreds of thousands of second-order monsters cast spells together When attacking the Yuanying cultivator, the Yuanying cultivator should also retreat three times, and dare not take it hard.

"By the way, what about fellow Daoist Huang! Didn't he come first to support him?"

Wang Qingshan retracted his flying sword and asked curiously.

"He was targeted by the demon clan in the middle of the Nascent Soul. He didn't know where he went. This guy ran faster than anyone else."

Taoist Ziyang said with a chuckle, Huang Fugui was in charge of escorting supplies. He made a fortune in the South China Sea and was targeted by many demon clans in the Nascent Soul period, but Huang Fugui ran very fast.

"Bai Linger was really killed? How could she be killed? Or was she killed in the hinterland of the demon clan."

Wang Qingshan wondered, this problem has troubled him for a long time. He played against Bai Linger during the Core Formation Stage. In all fairness, Bai Linger's magical powers are not weak. After she entered the Nascent Soul Stage, her strength must be stronger. It is understandable to be killed, but Bai Linger was killed in the hinterland of the demon clan, which is intriguing.

Taoist Ziyang shook his head and said, "I don't know, the demon clan is so passed down. If Bai Linger hadn't been killed, Bai Xin of the Tianhu clan would not have been furious, and the demon clan's offensive would not have been so fierce."

The Eastern Wilderness Human Race only occupied a small part of the land. The Monster Race has enough space to survive. There is no need to make such a big battle. Sitting on the sidelines and watching the demon clan destroy the human clan in the Eastern Wilderness.

"Let's gather the broken monks first! Set up a line of defense here. I will immediately send someone to notify the Sect Master and ask him to send more reinforcements."

Meng Tianzheng's tone was serious, this time the demon clan was aggressive,

In this regard, Taoist Ziyang and others have no opinion.


Millions of miles away, a rolling mountain range, a long and narrow valley.

A small dirt bag bulged on the ground, and Huang Fugui suddenly emerged from the ground. His face was ashen, there were several holes in his robe, and there were a few terrifying bloodstains on his left shoulder. He looked a little embarrassed.

"Fortunately, I ran fast, otherwise my life would be lost."

Huang Fugui said to himself, with a happy look on his face.

I don't know what's going on, but there were actually two demon clans in the Nascent Soul stage staring at him. Fortunately, he ran fast, otherwise he would be really fierce.

Huang Fugui seemed to sense something, his face changed slightly, a yellow light lit up on his body, and he escaped into the ground.

Not long after, a white light pierced the sky and passed over the mountains.

Half an hour later, two silver lights appeared in the sky, and after a few flashes they stopped over the mountains. The light disappeared, revealing a burly young man in silver shirt and a young woman in silver skirt with gorgeous features. They all have a pair of silver wings that are five to six feet in size, and the wings have a lot of silver arc flashes.

"Damn, it's actually faster than our Thunder Escape Technique, it must be a flying spirit treasure."

The silver-shirted youth said viciously, his face full of unwillingness.

"I thought they were cultivators of Pill Formation, but who would have thought that they had hidden their identities, and Daoist Hu would have been killed by them as soon as they met each other. Such people should not be unknown. I never heard that there are such masters in Donghuang!"

The silver-shirted youth frowned and said, his face full of confusion.

Flying Lingbao is not a Chinese cabbage, and the six immortal gates may not be able to get it. Even if there is, it will not be used easily. It stands to reason that a Yao clan in the Nascent Soul stage can be killed in a face-to-face, even if it is a sneak attack, it is not an ordinary Nascent Soul cultivator.

He couldn't understand why the other party had to pretend to be a cultivator.

The young woman in the silver skirt sighed and said: "They have flying spirit treasures in their hands, and we can't catch up with the thunder escape technique. Forget it, don't chase it. We have already penetrated into the hinterland of the human race, and there are still many human races. expert."

The two turned into two silver lights and returned along the way they came.

An hour later, Huang Fugui emerged from the ground with a thoughtful expression on his face.

"A face-to-face annihilation of a Nascent Soul demon clan? There is also a flying spirit treasure, who could it be!"

Huang Fugui said to himself that he had assisted Taiyi Immortal Sect to deliver supplies many times, and had a certain understanding of the six immortal sects. He had never heard of any Nascent Soul cultivator possessing a flying spirit treasure.

"Forget it, no matter what, go back and ask more slowly, and you'll know."

After Huang Fugui said this, he disappeared into the ground and disappeared.


Hundreds of thousands of miles away, a vast and boundless green mountain range, a hidden underground cave.

Situ Mei, Shen Haoran and Song Yuzhen gathered in the underground cave, Shen Haoran's face was pale, and the faces of the three were not good-looking.

"The Eastern Wilderness Monster Clan is so powerful, I am afraid that the South Sea Sea Clan and the Barbarian Clan are even more powerful."

Song Yuzhen frowned and said, if it wasn't for the flying spirit treasure, they would be dead.

"Hmph, I advise you not to listen, if it weren't for the flying spirit treasure, we would all be dead."

Situ Mei's tone was indifferent.

Shen Haoran nodded and said to Situ Mei: "Our mission has been completed, we are ready to return to the Central Plains, you go to the South China Sea, spread the news that Qinglian Immortal Companion is the descendant of Zhenhai Sect, and arrange some back-ups by the way."

"Aren't you afraid that I will run away? Or tell other monks that your Tianlan Realm is going to invade the Dongli Realm?"

Situ Mei's eyes were full of suspicion.

"You don't need to be suspicious. I believe you won't be so stupid. As I said, we don't know how many of your fellow students are in Donglijie."

Shen Haoran said meaningfully.

Situ Mei's face was cloudy for a while, she smiled sweetly, and said, "It's good to hire someone without suspicion, I hope you don't regret it."

After Situ Mei said this, it turned into a silver light and flew out of the underground cave.

"Senior Brother Shen, what if she really leaked the"

Song Yuzhen frowned and said.

"Don't worry! I have already left behind my back. She really dares to rebel, and she will definitely not end well. I think she still has a lot of secrets that she hasn't told us. If you want her to sincerely serve us, you must trust her. For a selfish person like her, she doesn't care about the chaos in the Dongli world."

Shen Haoran is full of confidence. After a period of contact, he has a certain understanding of Situ Mei. With Situ Mei's selfish character, unless the cultivators of Dongli Realm help her advance into the spirit transformation stage, Situ Mei will not be able to do so. won't betray them.

Situ Mei was hunted down by many forces and had become a rat crossing the street. She hated the big forces in the Dongli world.

Song Yuzhen nodded and said, "That's true, she has a strong desire for revenge. She suffered such a big crime before, and she has long hated the Sun Moon Palace, Jiuyou Sect, Dayan Dynasty and other forces. , she has a chance to take revenge."

A quarter of an hour later, the two left the underground cave and rushed back to the Central Plains.

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