Top of Qinglian

Chapter 1596: 2 monks duel

"No, there is a fraud, go back quickly."

Long Yan Ji Yurong changed greatly and said in a voiceless voice.

Three God Transformation cultivators, plus 100,000 cultivators, plus a large number of forbidden formations, can drown them with one mouthful of saliva.

"You can go back, save your life!"

Liu Yunxiu's tone was indifferent, her left index finger tapped at Long Yanji and the others, and a azure light flew out.

Yang Tianhai was not afraid at all, the blue trident in his hand lit up with a dazzling blue light, and he slashed towards the opposite void.

A dazzling blue light flew out, facing the blue light.


With an earth-shattering loud noise, the blue light and the blue light perished together, and a powerful air wave erupted. A dozen hills were directly shattered by the powerful air wave and turned into dust all over the sky.

At the same time, the entrance of the Falling Immortal Cave lit up with a five-color aura, and the entrance suddenly disappeared, as if it had never appeared before.

"No, our retreat has been cut off."

Shen Haoran's face was ashes, and the way back was cut off, which meant that they could only fight the backwater and have little chance of survival.

"Nephew Zhao, warn Senior Brother Long."

Long Yanji rushed to Zhao Hengbin's instructions, Zhao Hengbin responded, and took out a cyan toad the size of a slap, with some golden lines on the toad's body.

Zhao Hengbin put his five fingers together, and the cyan toad burst open in an instant, turning into a rain of blood.

There are many restrictions in the Falling Immortal Cave, even if it is a magic weapon of communication, it may not work.

Toads of the same birth, born as a pair, live and die together, and cannot live alone.

Except for Zhao Hengbin, the other cultivators took out their communication tools and contacted their companions in the Falling Immortal Cave. Unfortunately, the connection failed and they could not contact the companions in the Falling Immortal Cave.


With a deafening loud noise, the originally clear sky was suddenly covered with dark clouds, lightning and thunder, and a group of black thunderclouds as large as a hundred miles appeared high in the sky. Go, there are as many as tens of thousands.

Black thunderclouds covered the sky, accompanied by a huge thunderous sound, giving people a strong sense of oppression.

After a huge thunderous sound, hundreds of thick silver lightning struck down and went straight to Long Yanji and others.

Yang Tianhai waved the blue trident in his hand, and countless blue lights emerged, turning into a huge blue water curtain, covering everyone.

Hundreds of silver lightning strikes on the blue water curtain, like mud like the sea, disappearing without a trace, and the blue water curtain is intact.

"I want to see if it is the power of the formation or your profound mana!"

Zhou Xingguo sneered, a cold light flashing in his eyes.

The Shifang Demon Extermination Formation has killed the demons in the early stage of the transformation of the gods, and its power is not trivial.

With a loud bang, the ground shook violently, and hundreds of dazzling auras shot up into the sky, gathered in one place, and turned into a huge cage, covering thousands of miles around.

The huge cage kept shrinking, and wherever it passed, the mountain peaks were like tofu dregs, torn apart, and went straight to Long Yanji and others.

Unless Long Yanji and others teleport out, they will surely die.

"Don't hold back, let's do it together."

Yang Tianhai's tone was serious and his face solemn.

The blue trident in his hand burst out with a dazzling aura, and he slashed towards the void, the void seemed to be torn apart, ripples swayed, blue light flashed, and a blue blade of light more than a thousand meters long flew out. , slashed into the huge cage.


There was a muffled sound of gold and iron clashing, and the blue light blade hit the huge cage, turning into a little blue light and disappearing.

Long Yanji opened her mouth and spewed out a large piece of red flame. Wherever she passed, the ground ignited a raging fire, and the void was about to be ignited.


The billowing flames submerged half of the cage, but soon, the flames dissipated, and the cage continued to move.

The faces of Long Yanji and the three became extremely ugly. It seemed that unless they used Tongtian Lingbao, they would die here.

She opened her mouth, and a red light flew out and landed on her hand. The red light was a long sword with red light, the body of the sword was like a red dragon, the tip of the sword was the dragon's tail, and the hilt was the dragon's head. , emitting an amazing fire aura fluctuation.

Tongtian Lingbao Red Flood Dragon Burning Heaven Sword, this sword is made from the soul bone of the fifth-order mid-grade fire attribute Jiaolong as the main material, and is refined by adding various rare materials. When the treasures left by the ancestors, especially the demon clan, were taken out, the bones and demon pills left by the ancestors were taken out, otherwise it would not be possible to refine so many heavenly treasures.

A deafening dragon roar sounded, and the Scarlet Flood Dragon Burning Heaven Sword burst into dazzling fire, turning into a red flood dragon with a body length of hundreds of meters and red sharp horns on its head.

The red Flood Dragon turned into a red light and rushed towards the huge cage. At the same time, Feng Wu made a loud bird chirping, and the azure light on the body was shining brightly, turning into a cyan peacock with a size of more than ten feet. Soft blue light.

The cyan peacock flapped its wings fiercely, the wind was blowing, and a cyan tornado with a height of more than a thousand meters went straight to the huge cage.

The blue trident in Yang Tianhai's hand burst into a dazzling blue light, and countless blue lights emerged, turning into a vast ocean. In a huge tsunami, the ocean turned into a blue torrent, hitting the huge cage. .

At the same time, Shen Haoran and others took action one after another, attacking each other.

They are trapped by the formation, and if they want to get out of the trap, they have to peel off a layer of skin if they don't die. There is no doubt about it.

Inside the Falling Immortal Cave, Bai Xin, Sun Tianhu, and Ye Yan stood in the void out of thin air, looking coldly at Long Xiaoyao and the others opposite.

Liu Ye guarded the exit of the Falling Immortal Cave to prevent the other side from joining forces.

The faces of Long Xiaoyao, Sun Hao, and Li Shuo were solemn. Sure enough, there was an ambush. They had to respond to Long Yanji.

"Go ahead and kill them!"

Long Xiaoyao commanded loudly, and the hundreds of monks were divided into two groups and used large-scale magic to attack Sun Tianhu and others.

Hundreds of Nascent Soul cultivators set up battle formations to confront the enemy, even the Spirit Transformation cultivators did not dare to take it hard.

At this moment, Ye Yan flipped his palm, red light flashed, and a red flag appeared in his hand. The flag was covered with mysterious cyan runes, emitting a strong fire attribute fluctuation.

The Heaven-reaching Lingbao Xuanyang Demon Slayer Banner, a treasure made by the Emperor Puppet himself.

Sun Tianhu turned his hand and took out a short blade with a gleam of blood. The short blade exuded a pungent **** smell. The Tongtianling Treasure Blood Demon Blade, for this treasure, Zhou Sihong had been in chaos in the South China Sea for decades, causing many casualties. The monk, this treasure finally fell into the hands of the Shenbing Palace, and Sun Tianhu borrowed this treasure deliberately to deal with the monks from other worlds.

Bai Xin flipped his hand and took out a shiny white jade pen. There were countless small words on the surface of the jade pen. Looking closely, it was a personal name.

Tongtian Lingbao Wanmin Pen, a treasure left by the sage Kong.

These three Heaven-reaching Spirit Treasures came from different forces, and in order to deal with the monks from other worlds, they were given to Sun Tianhu and the three of them to use.

A nine-color sword light that was more than a thousand feet long shot out. At the same time, a nine-color giant blade that was more than a thousand feet long followed closely. Empty sound.

Bai Xin waved Wanmin's pen, and a soft white light flew out, turning into a white shield more than ten feet high, blocking him.

The nine-color sword light and the nine-color giant blade slashed on the white shield, and disappeared like a boxing on cotton.

There was a huge roar from high in the sky, and a cloud of blue fire that was a hundred miles long appeared in the sky. After the blue fire cloud violently rolled over, blue fireballs the size of watermelons flew out, like meteors falling to the ground, hitting Long Xiaoyao and others. .

Long Xiaoyao screamed in the let out a loud dragon roar, and a green gust of wind flew out and greeted him.

The cyan fireball landed on the cyan gust of wind, and it exploded suddenly, with a constant roar.

Sun Tianhu waved the blood demon blade, the **** light flashed, and a blood-colored light blade with a length of more than a thousand meters flew out, heading straight for the opposite side.

Sun Hao quickly threw out a green shield, which instantly rose in front of him.

There was a muffled sound of "keng", and the blood-colored light blade slashed on the cyan shield. The cyan shield was intact, and a cyan aura appeared on the surface.

The cyan thundercloud rolled violently, and hundreds of cyan fireballs smashed downward.

The cyan fireball hit the stone wall and burst open immediately, turning into a large piece of cyan flame, the cyan flame spread rapidly, and the heat wave was amazing.

For a while, the explosions continued, and the fighting inside and outside the Falling Immortal Cave was in full swing. Outside the Falling Immortal Cave, the cultivators of Donglijie had the advantage.

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