Top of Qinglian

Chapter 1598: Another fallen god

Niu Kun snorted coldly and let out a loud low roar, his body more than doubled in height, the head of the cow was more than ten feet tall, the body surface was covered with pale golden spiritual patterns, the hands and feet were thick, and the blood vessels under the skin were faintly visible.

His hands lit up with a burst of red light, and a pair of three-meter-long red giant axes appeared in his hands. The red giant axes shone with red light. The shape of the axe blade resembled a bull's head. Like a tadpole, it twists and swims.

The Lingbao Chirun Axe, the treasure of the Ten Thousand Demons Valley, and the Ten Thousand Demon Banner, the Heaven-reaching Spirit Treasure, will not be easily used in the hands of the Valley Master.

The red giant axe burst into a dazzling red light, a red flame emerged on the surface of the axe blade, and the temperature nearby suddenly rose.

Niu Kun held a double axe and slashed towards the cyan peacock in the air, and two groups of flames swept out, turning into two thousand-meter-long red axe blades, slashing at the cyan peacock.

Where the two red axe blades passed, there were ripples in the void, and the heat wave was rolling.

Zhou Xingguo sacrificed a blue inkstone the size of a slap. The blue inkstone whirled around in the void, and suddenly burst into a dazzling blue light, rising to a height of more than 100 feet, like a giant blue mountain, smashing towards the blue Peacock.

As soon as Liu Xiuyun's tactic was pinched, the ground beneath the cyan peacock shook violently, and countless cyan thorns burst out of the ground. Without three breaths, thousands of cyan thorns appeared on the ground, and each cyan thorn was about ten feet thick. The surface is covered with cyan thorns.

Thousands of cyan thorns twisted wildly, turning into a blue sky-high hand, and slapped the cyan peacock.

At the same time, various dazzling beams of light suddenly lit up in the area within a few hundred miles, hitting the cyan peacock.

One after another thick beams of light rose into the sky, and more than 100,000 monks were scattered everywhere. Under the command of the high-level monks, a set of formations was activated.

Yang Tianhai revealed to himself that he destroyed the two eyes of the Shifang Demon Extermination Array. Feng Wu and the others followed the gap and went out. However, there are still more than 300 sets of formations, and there are dozens of sets of fourth-order formations alone. .

More than 100,000 cultivators were mobilized within a month, and the entire Dongli Realm was as powerful as the South China Sea and the Central Plains.

The colorful beams of light rose into the sky one after another, and the radius of a million miles was covered by dense auras.

In the face of the intensive attack, the cyan peacock made a loud chirping sound, all its wings were spread out, and a piece of green light appeared out of thin air, covering a radius of 100 zhang.

Various spells or magical treasures came into contact with the cyan treasure light, as if they were fixed and unable to move forward.

"Hmph, the little trick of carving insects, and I dare to make an axe."

Liu Xiuyun sneered, a dazzling blue light lit up in the palm of his hand, and a three-foot-long blue jade flute appeared in his hand.

There are some black spots on the surface of the cyan jade flute, and the whole body is full of blue light, and the aura is compelling.

The Tongtian Lingbao Xiaoxiang flute is made from Wannian Xiaoxiang bamboo as the main material. Xiaoxiang bamboo is one of the ten spiritual bamboos in the world of immortality.

A cheerful flute sounded, and a green sound wave swept out, heading straight for the blue peacock.

The cyan sound wave hit the cyan treasure light, and the cyan treasure light was torn apart like paper paste.

The cyan peacock's wings slammed fiercely, and a piercing sound of breaking through the air sounded, and cyan plumes flew out one after another, and after a blur, they turned into three-foot-long cyan flying knives, slashing at the cyan sound waves.

The dense cyan flying knives collided with the cyan sound waves, all of them flew backwards, and hit the nearby mountain top. The top of the mountain suddenly burst open and turned into dust.

The cyan peacock opened its mouth and spewed out a cyan light, facing the cyan sound wave.


The two burst apart, and a powerful air wave spread rapidly.

At this moment, a white light lit up in the void above the cyan peacock's head, turning into a white bracelet the size of a palm.

With a flash of white light, the white bracelet instantly swelled and fell quickly, covering the cyan peacock's head, and quickly shrinking, restraining the cyan peacock.

Two to red axe blades slashed on the cyan peacock, the cyan peacock made a painful chirping sound, and the blood flowed from its wings, falling from the sky.

The blue giant inkstone fell from the sky and hit the blue peacock.


After a loud noise, a huge pit was smashed into the ground.

Long Yanji and more than a dozen people stood on the Ganguang Escape Shuttle. Shen Haoran and other Nascent Soul cultivators were pale and their eyes were full of horror. If Yang Tianhai had not exposed himself, they would not have been able to kill them.

There are many restrictions in front, and if you kill them, many people will be killed and injured. Whether you can kill them or not is another reason.

Long Yanji kept waving the Heaven-reaching Spirit Treasure Scarlet Flood Dragon Burning Heaven Sword, and the red sword Qi that was more than a thousand meters long swept out one after another, slashing at the front restraint.

The power of Tongtian Lingbao is huge, and it can't be stopped by the fourth-order formation. Long Yanji knows very well that once the three cultivators are free, she will not be able to run away.

Even though she is a fifth-order Flood Dragon, she is not the opponent of the three cultivators. After all, the other party has arranged a lot of formations.

The power of the Scarlet Flood Dragon Fentian Sword was so powerful that even the Nascent Soul cultivators could not stop it.

In the face of absolute strength, the formation is useless.

"Chopping down our monks in the East Li Realm like cabbage, do you really think we don't exist?"

An indifferent male voice suddenly sounded, and just after the voice fell, a low roar sounded.

Long Yanji felt her head dizzy and heavy, and stopped waving the Scarlet Flood Dragon Burning Heaven Sword.

A shining white bracelet appeared out of nowhere, and instantly swelled, covering Long Yanji.

At this moment, a gust of wind suddenly blew in the void, blowing the white bracelet out.

The blue light flashed, and a scarred blue peacock appeared.

"For the robbery talisman, hum, the robbery talisman is a one-time use item, I don't believe that you have a second robbery talisman on your body."

A cold and ruthless man's voice sounded, and Niu Kun flew from a distance with two axes in hand.

"Senior Sister Long, let's go, I'll hold them back, we must open the space channel, and invite the masters of this sect to come over, don't forget the oath we all The blue peacock spits out words, but it says It is the official language of Tianlan Realm, and Zhou Xingguo and others can't understand it at all.

Long Yanji responded, and the Scarlet Flood Dragon Fentian Sword in his hand flew out and turned into a huge red Flood Dragon, circling around them uncertainly. continuously.

Liu Xiuyun, Zhou Xingguo, and Niu Kun chased after them, and the blue peacock turned into a blue light and rushed towards them.

Niu Kun waved the red double axe in his hand, and two thousand-meter-long red axe blades flew out, slashing towards the blue light.

The blue light flashed, the blue light disappeared, and the red axe was thrown into the air.

The next moment, the blue peacock suddenly appeared in front of Zhou Xingguo, a hundred feet away from Zhou Xingguo.

The body of the cyan peacock swelled up rapidly, only to hear an earth-shattering loud noise, and a dazzling blue light covered the area of ​​​​a hundred miles.

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