Top of Qinglian

Chapter 1600: The new patriarch of Tianhu 1 clan

   Chapter 1615 The new patriarch of the Tianhu family

  East Wilderness, the hinterland of the demon clan.

  Qingqiu Mountain, Tianhu Temple.

  Liu Ye, Ye Yan, Niu Kun, the ancestors of blue and white, and the ancestors of black tiger gathered in the Tianhu Hall, and their expressions were solemn.

  Bai Linger was holding a five-tailed spirit fox that had lost its breath, howling and crying. Her expression was grief and her eyes were red.

Knowing that there was a catastrophe in the Dongli Realm, the human race cultivators in the Dongli Realm contacted the cultivators of the Monster Clan, the Sea Clan and the Barbarian Clan with the idea that they would rather believe it or not, and let go of their grievances first. Unite outside.

Shen Haoran trapped Bai Linger, and Bai Xin simply took the plan and led Shen Haoran into the trap. In order to let Shen Haoran fall into the trap, the two clans in the East Wilderness battled and suffered heavy casualties. It was because of this that they knew where the otherworld cultivators came from. Set up an ambush and inflict heavy damage on the monks in the Tianlan world.

Killing 1,000 enemies and losing 800, Tianlan Realm killed two cultivators, Bai Xin was proficient in illusion, and was attacked by three cultivators, a puppet beast and a spirit beast , with one enemy five, unfortunately killed.

  Before the action started, the cultivators of the human and demon races found out that they valued each other, and if the other party was unfortunately killed, they would definitely take care of their forces.

  Long Yanji and others had flying spirit treasures, but Niu Kun and Liu Xiuyun could not catch up, so Long Yanji and others escaped, and Liu Ye and others returned Bai Xin's body.

"The old man promised fellow Daoist Bai that if he dies unfortunately, he will definitely bless his descendants, Xiaoyou Bai, don't be too sad, if you encounter trouble, you can go to Taiyi Immortal Sect for help, as long as it is within the ability, the old man will not will decline."

  Liu Ye said solemnly, Bai Xin is proficient in illusion, and because of this, he became the target of the enemy's focus.

   Blue and White Patriarch snorted coldly and said, "Daoyou Liu, Daoyou Bai just died like this? Is this your explanation?"

After True Monarch Sirius disappeared, the Eastern Wilderness Monster Clan became a piece of scattered sand. With the huge base and the support of the South Sea Monster Clan, they were able to keep most of their territory. However, the treasures of the Eastern Wilderness Monster Clan were lost one after another. A Tongtian Lingbao, Bai Xin can only drive Tongtian Lingbao Wanmin Pen.

  Bai Xin was not a Confucian cultivator, so he could not exert the full power of Wanmin Pen, and he was besieged by the equivalent of five cultivators, and he died.

   "That's right, anyway, Fellow Daoist Bai sacrificed for the Dongli Realm, he can't go, you have to come up with a pension."

   Black Tiger Patriarch frowned and said, in any case, Bai Xin was a member of the Eastern Desolate Monster Clan, Bai Xin died in battle, and the Eastern Desolate Monster Clan suffered the most.

Cheng Zhanxian devoured seven demon pills of the fourth-rank high-grade demon wolves, plus other immortal cultivation resources, before he was able to enter the God Transformation Stage. , Bai Xin died at the hands of the alien god.

   "I don't want any pensions, I just want my ancestors to survive."

  Bai Linger howled and cried. Bai Xin cultivated her as a successor and treated her very well. She couldn't accept the fact that Bai Xin died in battle.

Niu Kun sighed lightly and said, "We have discussed and we will give you a pension, but the pension can only be given to Bai Linger. This is the last word of fellow Daoist Bai. He said that if he dies in battle, take good care of him. Bai Linger, no one can get their hands on this immortal cultivation resource, Linger, if you don’t mind, just call me Uncle Niu, if someone bullies you, you can go to the Valley of Ten Thousand Demons in the Central Plains, and Uncle Niu will support you.”

   "The pension is given to Ling'er, I have no opinion, but how do I know that Fellow Daoist Bai died at the hands of a monk from another world? Maybe you are killing people with a knife. No matter how precious the pension is, can it be more precious than the life of Fellow Daoist Bai?"

   The blue-and-white ancestor sneered, the two clans have been grumbling for a long time, and Bai Xin died too strangely, why wasn't the human cultivator dead? It was Bai Xin who died?

   She was a little fortunate, but luckily she didn't give the Tongtian Lingbao to Bai Xin, otherwise Bai Xin died in battle, and the Tongtian Lingbao probably wouldn't be able to get it back.

   "The old man is willing to swear by his inner demon, this is absolutely true, the old man has a lie, and he is stuck in the early stage of spiritual transformation for life, and the Taoism of Sanyan Palace will be destroyed."

   Ye Yan's tone was solemn, he swears by the inner demon and the Taoism of Sanyan Palace, which is no trivial matter.

The ancestors of Qinghua and Heihu pouted and didn't say anything. Ye Yan said it for the sake of it. If they didn't believe it, they wanted to fight in the nest. The period is not long, and it is not good to break up with the human race at this time.

   "Linger is a member of our demon clan. Even if you don't say it, we will train her well."

  Bai Linger wiped away her tears, stood up, bowed to Liu Ye and the others, and asked, "Dare to ask Senior Ye, what is the name of the person who killed your grandfather?"

"Long Xiaoyao, Sun Hao, Li Shuo, they have god-transforming puppet beasts and fifth-order spirit beasts, and Daoist Bai has a heaven-penetrating spirit treasure and is not an opponent, not to mention you, Bai Xiaoyou, you should cultivate with peace of mind first, and then look for opportunities to reach the sky in the future. Lanjie, take revenge for fellow Daoist Bai."

   Ye Yan comforted softly.

Bai Linger nodded and said solemnly: "I ask you all to be a witness, I, Bai Linger, swear to the sky, temporarily take the place of the patriarch of the Tianhu clan, and lead the clan to prepare for war. If the children's personal feelings are violated, they will be devoured by thousands of thunder and die."

As soon as Bai Xin died, the Tianhu clan was likely to be in strife, and the demon clan were not monolithic. Don't look at the blue-and-white ancestors and the black tiger ancestors talking nicely. Once Niu Kun and others left, the blue-and-white ancestors turned their faces and refused to recognize them. Bai Ling There is no way,

Taking advantage of the presence of many cultivators, Bai Linger proposed to temporarily replace the patriarch of the Tianhu clan to avoid infighting in the Tianhu clan. With so many cultivators to testify, other clansmen did not dare to come out and **** the patriarch from Bai Linger. No, Bai Xin has a spirit in the sky, and he doesn't want the Tianhu clan to strife.

   "Well said, if you encounter any trouble in the future, go to Ten Thousand Demon Valley to find your Uncle Niu."

  Niu Kun was the first to express his stance and agreed.

   The expressions of the blue-and-white ancestors and the black tiger ancestors were a little unnatural, but they soon returned to normal.

   They did have other ideas, but Bai Linger blocked the conversation ahead of time, and they couldn't say anything. Bai Linger's reason was righteous, and Bai Xin had just died, so it was really hard to object.

   Ye Yan and Liu Ye both agreed, and they also didn't want the Tianhu clan to be in strife, which would only cheapen the monks from other worlds.

"Daoyou Liu, Daoyou Ye, and Daoyou Niu, this time our Eastern Wilderness Monster Clan paid a heavy price. There will be such a dangerous thing in the future, but it will not be our Eastern Desolation Monster Clan's turn. The top ten schools and ten aristocratic families in the South China Sea are not vegetarians. There must be masters, and next time we have to ambush the gods of other worlds, we will not take action."

   The blue and white ancestor said coldly, the Eastern Wilderness Monster Race sent Bai Xin to fight, and Bai Xin died in the battle. She really did not dare to trust the human race easily.

There are still three cultivators in the East Desert. Cheng Zhanxian has just entered the Divine Transformation stage. If another **** dies the Eastern Wilderness Monster Clan may not be able to hold on to their current territory, repeating what happened more than 4,000 years ago. 's mistakes.

   "That's right, that Long Yanji, don't let her run away, it's better to capture her alive. If Tianlan Realm is better than our Dongli Realm, look for opportunities to counterattack."

  The Black Tiger Patriarch agrees.

   "She is a fifth-order Flood Dragon, but it's not that easy to catch alive, don't worry! We have organized a group of experts, as long as she dares to show up, she will be killed immediately."

  Liu Ye said with confidence that they searched for the souls of the prisoners, the prisoners directly exposed themselves, and tortured them for questioning. Only then did they learn that the Tianlan world had been unified and became a superpower Tianlanzong.

The Tianlan Sect has been unified for more than 600 years. It has invested a lot of resources and trained a large number of experts to invade other interfaces. As for how many cultivators are in the Tianlan world, those prisoners are not very clear. It is conservatively estimated that there are two Ten gods, the real number is only a lot more.

   The blue and white ancestor nodded and said: "That's good, I hope this matter will end as soon as possible."

   Next, under the witness of many cultivators, Bai Linger convened the clan and officially became the patriarch of the Tianhu clan.

   On the second day, Ye Yan and others left Qingqiu Mountain and went back to their respective homes.

   (end of this chapter)

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