Top of Qinglian

Chapter 1606: The Power of Zhenhai Ape

   Chapter 1621 The Power of Zhenhai Ape

Shen Haoran is in the late Nascent Soul, but Fairy Ziyue is not afraid. They have a lot of cards, such as the fourth-order puppet beast, Zhenhai ape, Lingbao, etc. The most important point is that the Zhenhaizong site is nearby, who knows who the other party is I didn't come to find Zhenhaizong ruins.

  Ye Haitang has been operating here for a hundred years, and many restrictions have been placed. Even if they lose, they can still retreat.

Fairy Ziyue has been waiting for this day for too long. She is full of anger, full of hatred, and desperately needs to vent. This time she met the people from the Sun Moon Palace, not to mention more, even if she killed a Nascent Soul monk, Ziyue Moon Fairy will be very happy.

   Shen Haoran's face sank. He never thought that he would actually meet the enemy of Sun Moon Palace. If he had known earlier, he would not have pretended to be a member of Sun Moon Palace.

   "Do it, fight quickly, and leave no one behind."

  Since he started, Shen Haoran naturally wouldn't let it go.

  The old man in the green robe held out a green flag with a sparkling green light. There were many ghosts on the flag, and the sound of ghosts crying and wolf howling loudly.

The young woman in the purple skirt slapped the spirit beast bag, accompanied by a loud roar, and a red light flew out. It was a red giant tiger about 10 feet tall and 50 feet long. The back of the red giant tiger was a pair of 30 feet long. The cyan wings, some cyan lines on the back, and the tail is extremely short.

   This is a fourth-order spiritual beast, Fenghu beast, proficient in both wind and fire spells.

  Ye Haitang took out a palm-sized seven-pointed array plate and punched in several tricks. Seven silver light spots lit up on the array plate, and the seven silver light spots were arranged like the Big Dipper.


   Accompanied by a deafening roar, the calm sea suddenly burst open, and seven black water columns with a diameter of one hundred meters appeared on the sea surface. Seven black water columns rose into the sky and went straight to the sky.

   "Not good, formation, avoid it."

   Shen Haoran's complexion changed, they broke through several sets of formations along the way, but they didn't expect there to be formations.

   No matter how strong they are, they will suffer when they are trapped by the formation.

   At this moment, an angry ape roar suddenly sounded, the faces of Shen Haoran and the three were pale, and they found in horror that they could not mobilize the slightest mana.

   Taking advantage of this opportunity, seven black water jets converged into one place and turned into a huge black water curtain, covering a radius of thousands of miles, like a huge black giant bowl, clasping Shen Haoran and the three upside down inside.

   Ye Haitang took out a seven-pointed array plate, handed it to Fairy Ziyue, and said, "Master Zhao, let's control the array to deal with them together, and use up their mana as much as possible."

   Ye Haitang entered a number of tricks into the seven-cornered array, and Fairy Ziyue also entered a few tricks into the array.

  The sea tumbled violently, setting off huge waves more than a hundred feet high, which turned into a dozen or so large black hands, which shot at Shen Haoran and the three from all directions.

   In a piercing sound, black water arrows flew out from the bottom of the sea and went straight to Shen Haoran and the three of them.

   Zhenhai Ape kept making angry roars, and cast the spirit-suppressing roar.

   It is not an ordinary fourth-order spirit beast, but the descendant of Zhenhaizong Zhenzong spirit beast. It possesses a trace of mountain giant ape, and its strength is far from comparable to ordinary fourth-order spirit beasts.

  Shen Haoran's chest lit up with a white light, and a dazzling white light drowned the three of them.

   A dozen **** hands clapped on the white light, and there was a muffled sound. The dense black water arrows hit the white light one after another, and there was a muffled sound of rain hitting the fence leaves.

   The next moment, Shen Haoran and the three each took out three shining talismans and threw them towards the void.

   The dazzling aura lit up in the void, turning into thick silver lightning, red fire and golden sword light, hitting the black water curtain.

   A loud bang sounded, and there were several small cracks on the seven-pointed array plate in the hands of Ye Haitang and Fairy Ziyue, and the array plate was about to shatter at any time.

   "So many fourth-order talismans!"

   Ye Haitang was stunned. The fourth-order talisman was not Chinese cabbage. The ordinary monk got a fourth-order talisman and regarded it as a treasure. The other party offered nine fourth-order talismans in one breath.

  Two dazzling black lights lit up, the black water curtain was violently distorted and deformed, the sea water violently swelled, and the array plate in the hands of Ye Haitang and Ziyue Fairy suddenly shattered and turned into a large pile of debris, and the black water curtain disappeared.

"Junior Brother Song, you and I will deal with them, Junior Sister Zhao, your Zhao family is good at expelling insects and beasts, and that monster ape is handed over to you, and it's really not good, just hold it for a while, don't let it use supernatural powers to interfere. We fight."

   Shen Haoran ordered, his face full of murderous intent.

The young woman in the purple skirt responded, slapped the spirit beast bag, and two green lights flew out. They were two green centipedes more than thirty feet long. Thin green wings, flapping gently, a pair of green tentacles about three feet long on its head, exposed fangs, and spraying green poisonous mist from its mouth.

   These are two third-order top-grade poisonous insects, the dead soul cockroach, which is extremely poisonous.

   Zhenhai Ape slapped his chest with both hands and let out an excited roar, his furry right palm grabbed towards the sea water below.

   A golden light flew out and landed on its hand. It was a giant golden stick more than ten feet long. The stick was engraved with some exquisite patterns, and three large silver characters of "Potian Stick" could be seen.

   This is a heavyweight magic weapon that Fairy Ziyue personally refined for Zhenhai Ape, suitable for Zhenhai Ape to use.


   A loud tiger roar sounded, and a thick red flame swept over. Wherever the red flame passed, a large amount of seawater evaporated.

   Zhenhai Ape hit the sea with a stick, and the sea suddenly burst open, and a huge black wave more than 100 meters high rose into the sky, extinguishing the red flames, and a large white mist erupted.

  Two extremely weird hissing sounds green lights rushed from the left and right sides.

Zhenhai Ape let out a roar, the sea below him surging violently, and a huge black wave with a height of more than 100 meters suddenly appeared on the sea. Zhenhai Ape stood on top of the black wave with a sky-breaking stick. The thunderclouds appeared high in the sky, and the thunderclouds rolled violently, and you could see blue snakes with thick waists walking around.

   The rumbling sound of thunder sounded, and dozens of fist-thick blue lightnings flew out of the thundercloud and smashed into two green lights.

   The two green lights wanted to avoid them, but two huge vortices suddenly appeared on the sea surface. The vortices rapidly rotated, creating a strong suction, and the speed of the two green lights suddenly slowed down.

   The blue lightning struck exactly on the green light, the green light made a painful hissing sound, and a giant golden stick fell from the sky, hitting the two green lights.


  Two green lights burst open, turning into a rain of blood.

  Two third-order high-grade spirit insects were killed by Zhenhai Ape just like that.

   "Water Gang Shenlei! No wonder he has such a great power."

   The young woman in the purple skirt was surprised, and her face became solemn.

   (end of this chapter)

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