Top of Qinglian

Chapter 1618: Rebuilding Zhenhaejong

"Master, you are well-informed, and please show us a clear path for our family."

Wang Qingshan bowed and said respectfully.

The Wang family seems to be beautiful now, but in fact there is a crisis.

Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan naturally saw this as well. They knew that they were practicing Zhenhaizong's Zhenzong Gongfa. Liu Ruyi did not ask about the situation of Zhenhaizong's main altar, nor did he ask for other financial resources. ask?

A set of matching exercises that can superimpose mana, Dongfang Yulin does not ask? Just because of Liu Ruyi?

"Senior Liu please give me some advice, this junior is very grateful."

Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan bowed to Liu Ye and said in unison.

Liu Ye was very satisfied with their attitude, and said, "Your family has several troubles right now. First, your baby formation has caused a vision, which has great potential. If Tianlan Realm wants to invade Dongli Realm, it will definitely target you. They will also target Gongsun Yang and others, but they have deep backgrounds and are not easy to deal with. You should understand that persimmons are soft-spoken. The chances of Long Yanji attacking you are not high, because your royal family has a shallow background and not much wealth. Attacked the Palace of Ten Thousand Fires and stole a lot of treasures, most of which were to arrange a formation and open the space channel again."

"Secondly, don't think that the old ghost Dongfang is so easy to talk, now the war is imminent, once the battle begins, the Nascent Soul cultivator will be the main force, he is for the sake of the overall situation, so he doesn't ask for the training method of Zhenhaizong, as for Fairy Liu, you guys It doesn't matter whether you get the Zhenhaizong main altar or not, what matters is whether you have enough strength to protect the Zhenhaizong main altar. To put it bluntly, this catastrophe is a big wave to wash away the sand. If you can survive and enter the God Transformation Stage, these things will all be. It doesn't matter, if you die or cannot enter the God Transformation Stage, the best outcome is to hand over the Zhenzong Gongfa, hand over the Zhenhaizong ruins, hug the thigh of Wanjianmen, and have Wanjianmen as protection, as long as you It doesn't matter if you don't fight the old ghost in the east."

Both Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan thought of this. They were under a lot of pressure. The difficulty is not generally high.

"Most of the cultivators of the gods are thinking about ascension to the spiritual realm. This is the case with the Tianlan realm invading the Dongli realm, and we want to counterattack into the Tianlan realm. What you have to do is to concentrate on cultivation and improve your own strength as much as possible. Say a Strength is the most important thing, as long as the old man and Fairy Liu are still there, the old ghost in the east will not be too embarrassing for you."

Liu Ye said bitterly,

Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan nodded solemnly, claiming that they were.

"Okay, what should be said, the old man has said it, you have to do it yourself, if you are worried about the family suffering heavy losses, you can withdraw some of the elite back to Donghuang, and the old man can still talk in Donghuang."

Liu Ye saw the potential of Qinglian Xianlu, and naturally didn't mind selling his favor.

"Many thanks to Senior Liu for pointing out the maze, the junior is very grateful, we will send a group of clansmen to Donghuang."

Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan gratefully said that they had this plan long ago.

Eggs cannot be put in one basket. To be on the safe side, it is natural to assign the clansmen out. In case of another disaster, they can make a comeback.

"You can do it yourself! The old man still has something to do."

Liu Ye turned around and left, and Wang Changsheng and the three personally escorted him away.

When they returned to the council hall again, Fairy Ziyue was also in the council hall, her eyes were red and tears were flashing in her eyes.

"Senior Brother Wang, Senior Sister Wang, your great kindness, little sister can't repay, thank you very much."

Fairy Ziyue bowed her body and said gratefully.

When Wang Changsheng and Sun and Moon Shuangsheng negotiated to hand over the murderer, Fairy Ziyue heard their conversation.

"Junior Sister Tian, ​​don't do this, this is what I should do, I'm not all for you."

Wang Changsheng said solemnly, he insisted that the Sun Moon Palace hand over some accomplices, Fairy Ziyue was one reason, but more was the Great Elder Nangong Miao.

The kindness of dripping water should be reciprocated by the spring. Without the great elder Nangong Miao, Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan would not have such great supernatural powers even if they had a baby.

They are grateful to Nangong Miao from the bottom of their hearts. According to their original plan, if they enter the God Transformation stage before the Sun and Moon Sages, they are willing to destroy the Sun Moon Palace and rebuild Zhenhai Sect, but the plan cannot keep up with the changes, and it is under the constraints of the God Transformation monks. They can only swear an oath on the forbidden book of ten thousand ghosts, and they will not violate each other.

In this way, Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan are still looking for trouble with the Sun Moon Palace, that is, they will cut their own way, and they will not cut their own way, but there is no problem in dealing with some accomplices.

It is very risky for Wang Changsheng to make this request, but if he does not make this request, he will not be able to pass the test himself.

"Anyway, Senior Brother Wang, it's too risky for you to make this request, but fortunately you didn't offend Senior Dongfang."

Fairy Ziyue said gratefully that her relatives had all died in the hands of the Sun Moon Palace, and she could not help the Sun and Moon Double Saints under the orders of the Sun and Moon Double Saints, and it was good to be able to deal with some accomplices.

"We've discussed it, Junior Sister Tian, ​​come and be the sect master of Zhenhai Sect! I will let Qing Jun and Meng Bin take charge of them in the past. The specific affairs are managed by you. We will not interfere in the affairs of Zhenhai Sect. If we need our help, we will never interfere. No refusal, as for the Zhenhaizong site, it is only to cause trouble if we take it out now, if we can't advance to the God Transformation stage, the Zhenhaizong site can't be preserved."

Wang Changsheng sighed and said, he had discussed with Sun and Moon Shuangsheng, Sun and Moon Shuangsheng planned to move the Lu family away and vacate the island to the Wang family. In this way, Zhenhaizong and the Wang family were neighbors, and they would be able to help in an accident.

As for the other sites of Zhenhaizong, most of them must be handed over to Wanjianmen. This is the rule. If Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan enter the God Transformation stage in the future, they can return to these sites with just one sentence.

To put it simply, Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan entered the God Transformation stage after the catastrophe, and it is not a problem for Zhenhai Sect to regain the strength of the top ten sects. The Wang family can also be ranked among the top ten immortal cultivators. It can only survive by relying on Wanjianmen, Zhenhaizong only exists as a medium-sized sect, and maintains the immortality of Taoism.

Fairy Ziyue nodded and said: "No problem, the Sun Moon Palace is mainly to capture the core elders and their descendants, and there are still many disciples in Zhenhai Zong who escaped, but after so many years, even if they are still alive, they are still alive. Zong doesn't have much sense of belonging anymore, so he can only build up the air first and cultivate slowly."

"Junior Sister Tian, ​​have you forgotten Yunhaizong? I will send someone to send a letter to Qiu Xin, asking them to join Zhenhaizong as disciples of the whole sect will be fine. As long as the treatment is good enough, those disciples will not It will be compared."

Wang Changsheng said with a smile, the entire Yunhaizong is controlled by the Wang family, and important positions are all members of the Wang family. It is not difficult for the entire Yunhaizong to join the Zhenhaizong. For those low-level disciples, it is just a name change, who can give them After a good day, they will follow whoever they are.

"Let Yunhaizong merge into Zhenhaizong? This is a lot of power."

Fairy Ziyue was surprised and said that Yunhaizong had thousands of disciples, including those affiliated forces, almost tens of thousands of monks.

"Without the Great Elder, we would not be today. This is what we should do. You can appoint and remove personnel at will without consulting us. However, since Zhenhaizong has just been rebuilt, it is better to let our Wang family children control important positions and let them assist you in doing things. , if you don't like them, you can also remove them."

Wang Changsheng said sincerely, the reconstruction of Zhenhaizong, there must be many forces who want to install people, at this time, Fairy Ziyue needs stability.

Fairy Ziyue smiled sweetly, and said, "Senior Brother Wang is joking. I believe they will cooperate with me. Zhenhaizong is rebuilt, and everything needs to be done. Let them stay in their original positions and work!"

A month later, the news of Zhenhaizong's reconstruction spread throughout the Nanhai Xiu Xianjie. Situ Mei was bewitched by the monks from Tianlan Realm and destroyed Zhenhaizong. Now that the truth has been found out, the Sun Moon Palace severely punished the accomplices and handed over some of Zhenhaizong's accomplices. On the site, Fairy Ziyue, as the suzerain of Zhenhaizong, called on the disciples of Zhenhaizong to return to Zhenhaizong and rebuild Zhenhaizong.

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