Top of Qinglian

Chapter 1620: The core disciples return to Zhenhaizong

In the northwest corner of Baihe Island, there is a steep mountain peak. On the top of the peak stands a blue palace more than thirty feet high.

Just above the entrance of the main hall, there is a lacquered gold plaque with three big blue characters "Zhenhai Hall" written on it.

This is Fairy Ziyue's residence, and it is also the forbidden area of ​​Zhenhai Sect. Without an order, ordinary disciples cannot enter Zhenhai Hall without authorization.

The hall is spacious and bright, with some exquisite blue spar inlaid on the top, and the water vapor is misty.

Fairy Ziyue sat on the main seat, her face full of joy.

Zheng Nan and Cheng Zhenyu stood aside with respectful expressions.

"Okay, okay, okay, nephew Zheng and nephew Cheng, you are willing to return to this sect, I am very happy, you can choose a peak and build a cave dwelling by yourself, as for the spirits of infants, this sect can't provide them yet, but I'll send someone to watch."

Fairy Ziyue said with an embarrassed expression, the reconstruction of Zhenhaizong lacked masters, and the Wang family was also in urgent need of spirits for infancy, and there was no extra spirits for Zhenhaizong.

If you want to refine the spirit of the baby, unless you cultivate a fourth-order alchemist, even the Wang family does not have a fourth-order alchemist, and the newly rebuilt Zhenhaizong will naturally not have a fourth-order alchemist.

In the past five years, a large number of cultivators claiming to be descendants of Zhenhaizong have come to the door, most of them are fake, and there is not a single core disciple of Zhenhaizong.

Zheng Nan practiced "Tian Yin Over the Sea", one of the three major Zhenhai Zong exercises. Wang Changsheng and Ziyue Fairy mentioned Cheng Zhenyu and his wife, and she was very happy to see them join Zhenhai Zong.

Cheng Zhenyu and Zheng Nan were watching at the beginning, and no one knew what was going on. Zhenhaizong was rebuilt for five years, and the Wang family invested a lot of manpower and material resources. Supporting the reconstruction of Zhenhai Sect, they joined Zhenhai Sect for the sake of the road.

They have lived all over the world for these years, and they have no sense of belonging to Zhenhaizong. If they don't talk about their sense of belonging, it is time to be hunted down by the Sun Moon Palace. They joined Zhenhaizong to have babies. It is good to enjoy the shade under the big tree. Wang family.

Qinglian immortals are practicing Zhenhaizong Zhenzong Gongfa. Because of this relationship, Cheng Zhenyu and Zheng Nan are willing to join Zhenhaizong. If Fairy Ziyue rebuilds Zhenhaizong alone, they may not join Zhenhaizong. After all, they are used to being free and loose. .

"Xie Sect Master, the disciple understands that it is not easy for the sect now. The disciple has a ruthless request, ask the sect master to fulfill it."

Zheng Nan said cautiously, looking apprehensive.

Fairy Ziyue smiled lightly and said, "But it doesn't matter."

"If conditions permit, we would like to meet Qinglian Immortal Companion, and the disciple would like to ask Fairy Tianqin about the exercises."

Zheng Nan looked nervous. If Wang Ruyan could give her some pointers, it would be of great benefit to her cultivation.

"Okay, I will definitely tell Senior Brother Wang and Senior Sister Wang, you are tired too, go down and rest first!"

Fairy Ziyue was not surprised and agreed.

Cheng Zhenyu and Zheng Nan agreed repeatedly and turned to leave.

Fairy Ziyue breathed a sigh of relief. Since Zhenhaizong was rebuilt, she didn't have much time to practice. She actually didn't like to be in charge, but now it's different from before. The five thousand disciples of Zhenhaizong who are truly loyal to her are estimated to be Yunhaizong. The new disciple was not very loyal to her suzerain.

Fairy Ziyue recruited ten disciples. There are Qi-refining and foundation-building stages. Three of them belong to the Wang family. When the ten people grow up, she can really control Zhenhaizong. She is now mainly relying on the Wang family to control Zhenhaizong. Withdrawing the staff, she couldn't control Zhenhaizong at all.

In addition to five thousand disciples, Zhenhaizong also controls 135 islands. Baihe Island was originally owned by the Lu family, with fourth-order spiritual veins, and seven islands with third-order spiritual veins. For the current Zhenhaizong , it would be good to be able to hold these sites.

Supporting 5,000 disciples requires a lot of resources to cultivate immortals. After Zhenhaizong was rebuilt soon, he naturally couldn't get much wealth, and most of them depended on the help of the Wang family.

It is rude to say that if Zhenhaizong can be rebuilt, the Wang family has spent a lot of manpower and material resources. This is what they should do.


Qinglian Island, Qinglian Peak.

A burst of cheerful piano sounds came from Qinglian Peak, which made people feel an indescribable sense of pleasure.

In a courtyard where birds and flowers are fragrant, Wang Ruyan is sitting in the stone pavilion and playing.

The wood demon is wrapped around the trunk of a towering tree, and it rarely moves.

An all-white spirit fish jumped out of the lake. Before it landed, a small earth bulge swelled up on the ground. The double-eyed rat emerged from the ground. Its body surface lit up with a yellow light, and its size quickly expanded into a room. The size of the house, it opened its **** mouth and swallowed the white spirit fish in one bite.

The tortoise made a low roar, and a thick blue lightning flew out of its mouth and slashed at the double-eyed mouse.

The size of the double-eyed mouse quickly shrank to the size of a palm, and the blue lightning brushed past it and sank into the ground, blasting a huge pit several meters in size.

The double-eyed mouse quickly climbed to the top of the towering tree where the wood demon was located, the tortoise roared angrily, and a cheerful harp sounded.

The tortoise dived back to the bottom of the lake, ignoring the double-eyed The double-eyed rat lay beside the wood demon, making a cheerful chirping sound, and flapping its tail.

It often takes food from the scale turtle, and with its strong defense, the scale turtle can't help it.

Wang Changsheng walked out of Qinglian Pavilion with a faint smile on his face.

He refined the natal magic weapon for Wang Qingqing, Wang Tianwen, and Wang Qingjun, but it is not a complete set of magic weapons. The refining of a complete set of magic weapons is not easy, and it is more troublesome to collect materials.

Wang Qingshan's flying swords are all made from thousand-year-old glazed bamboo, and Ye Haitang's sky ghost flags are all made from ten-thousand-year-old ghost wood. They can have a complete set of magic weapons. The material, and secondly, has a certain relationship with the magical power of the practice.

The natal magic weapon used by Wang Mengbin is not a complete set of magic weapons, and Wang Qingling's natal magic weapon is not a complete set of magic weapons.

In the entire Wang family, only four people can have a complete set of magic weapons, Wang Changsheng, Wang Qingshan, Wang Qiuming, and Ye Haitang, but Wang Qiuming's natal magic weapon is a pair of golden moon wheels, which is not as powerful as Wang Changsheng's natal magic weapon.

The double-eyed mouse jumped down from the towering tree and quickly climbed onto Wang Changsheng's shoulder.

"You guy, grabbing the turtle's food again, let you not grab its food and annoy it, and I can't protect you."

Wang Changsheng said in a reprimanding tone.

The double-eyed mouse drooped its tail and lowered its head, seeming to be a little guilty.

"Madam, how is Zhenhaizong now?"

Wang Changsheng asked Wang Ruyan that he did not intervene in Zhenhaizong's management.

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