Top of Qinglian

Chapter 1623: Arrive at the front

The latest website: In an endless sea area, tens of thousands of monks are fighting, and the explosions are constantly being heard, and this sea area is stained with blood.

High in the sky, dozens of Nascent Soul monks were fighting.

Li Tianyang was holding a short red ruler with an indifferent expression. Opposite him was a burly man in blue shirt. The big man in the blue shirt has a full face, thick hands and feet, and wears a pair of blue-glowing traps on his hands.

Since the start of the war, as many as 20 Yuanying cultivators in Dongli Realm have fallen, and more than 10 Yuanying cultivators in Tianlan Realm have also fallen.

The cultivators of God Transformation have fought against each other several times, but the cultivators of the Dongli Realm are at a disadvantage.

After a period of fighting, Li Tianyang discovered the weaknesses of the monks in the Tianlan world. There are many experts in the Tianlan world, but they have relatively little actual combat experience. The strength of the monks above the middle Nascent Soul is still relatively strong. The cultivator is more powerful.

Qingshan Dahan's surname is Song and his name is Han.

Two Yuan Ying cultivators had already died in his hands, and Li Tianyang in the late Yuan Ying could only entangle Song Hao.

The light of the red short ruler in Li Tianyang's hand soared, and thousands of red ruler shadows swept out and went straight to the opposite side.

A spark of light appeared in the void, turning into a red lotus flower that was hundreds of feet in size, and smashed straight towards the opposite side.

Li Tianyang flipped his hand and took out a simple red lotus lantern, opened his mouth and spurted a red flame, igniting the wick.

In a loud bird song, a red peacock with a size of 100 feet flew out from the wick, carrying a monstrous heat wave, and pounced on the opposite side.

Song Hao's face became dignified, the blue trap in his hand suddenly brightened, his arms moved, the wind broke loudly, and dense blue fists shot out, facing the opposite side.

A huge explosion sounded, the red flames and red lotus flowers were smashed by the dense cyan fist shadows, and the flames splashed on some of the foundation-building cultivators.

A gust of hot wind blew behind Song Hao, and a red peacock a hundred feet long suddenly appeared behind him.

After a loud bird chirping sounded, the red peacock's claws grabbed towards Song Hao.

Song Hao moved his arms, and dense cyan fists shot out, hitting the red peacock.


After a deafening roar sounded, the red peacock was smashed by the dense cyan fist shadow, and turned into a large sea of ​​red fire, shrouding Song Hao's figure, and the heat wave was overwhelming.

But soon, a dazzling blue light lit up in the sea of ​​red fire, the sea of ​​red fire quickly disintegrated, and Song Hao was intact.

"Friend Li save me."

A panicked man's voice suddenly entered Li Tianyang's ears. Li Tianyang looked at the source of the sound and saw a mini Nascent Soul flying towards him with a cyan bead in his arms, and behind the mini Nascent Soul, There are hundreds of thousands of blue beetles.

The cyan beetle has four wings on its back and exposed tusks, which are oval in shape and can be seen from a distance.

"It's the Zhao family in Qianling Mountain again!"

Li Tianyang frowned. The Zhao family in Qianling Mountain is a cultivator family in Tianlan Realm. Can withstand one or two.

Li Tianyang was about to rescue him when a giant red tiger with a pair of cyan flesh wings rushed over. At the same time, a huge green axe fell from the sky and slashed at Li Tianyang.

The red jade ruler in his hand lit up with a red light, drawing towards the void, and a red light curtain appeared out of thin air.

With a flick of his wrist, a red ball the size of a dragon's eye flew out, and after a blur, the red ball turned into a red fire cloud that was thousands of feet in size, facing the blue beetle.

The cyan beetle collided with the red fire cloud, and a large number of blue beetles fell from the sky, but soon, the falling blue beetle flew up again and rushed towards the red fire cloud.

Hundreds of thousands of cyan beetles wrapped around the red fire cloud, three couldn't breathe, and the red fire cloud was swallowed up by hundreds of thousands of blue beetles.

Li Tianyang was stunned for a moment. He couldn't contact the magic treasure. Obviously, the treasure was swallowed up by hundreds of thousands of cyan beetles.

Taking this opportunity, the Mini Nascent Soul escaped thousands of feet away.

A strange bird chirping sounded, and a golden peacock with four wings on its back suddenly appeared above the mini Nascent Soul. The mini Nascent Soul hurriedly sacrificed the cyan ball in his hand, and the cyan peacock spurted a golden glow, covering the cyan A round bead, a pair of sharp claws grabbed towards the Mini Nascent Soul.

Li Tianyang wanted to rescue him, but Song Hao charged at him with a pair of cyan giant axes.

A mid-Nascent Soul practitioner, Li Tianyang didn't dare to be careless and hurriedly cast a spell to attack Song Hao.

The mini Nascent Soul lit up with a burst of blue light, disappeared instantly, and appeared thousands of feet away the next moment.

At this moment, a harsh sound of breaking through the air sounded, and a cyan spear with a length of more than 100 meters shot out. The cyan spear was made up of countless cyan beetles.

The speed of the cyan spear was very fast, and it soon arrived in front of the Mini Nascent Soul, and it was about to pierce the Mini Nascent Soul.

After a rapid sound of the piano sounded, a blue sound wave flew out and collided with the blue spear.


A huge roar sounded, and the cyan spear was torn apart and turned into hundreds of thousands of cyan beetles. Thousands of cyan beetles fell from the sky, with no scars on their bodies.

Zhao Hengbin frowned slightly when he saw this scene, and looked towards the distant sky. A dazzling blue light cut through the sky and appeared opposite him.

The blue light converged, and a blue lotus seat appeared. Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan were standing on the lotus seat.

Wang Changsheng's expression was indifferent, his hands were behind his back, Wang Ruyan was holding the Jinlianqin, and his expression was cold.

"Qinglian Immortal Companion!"

Zhao Hengbin's complexion became solemn. According to the information they Qinglian Immortal Companion was extremely powerful, proficient in the art of combined strikes, not much weaker than the Sun and Moon Sages.

Taking this opportunity, the Mini Nascent Soul flew back to the cultivator's camp in Donglijie.

"Junior Brother Zhao, let's deal with Qinglian Immortal Companion, you can deal with others!"

A rude man's voice suddenly sounded, and a burly man in a red shirt flew over, and beside him, there was a cold-looking young woman in a silver skirt.

Both of them are in the late Nascent Soul, they are a couple, Long Yun and Lu Feng.

"Qinglian Immortal Companion is not an ordinary Nascent Soul cultivator, let's add us!"

Two young men with identical facial features flew over, a young man in yellow shirt was tall and thin, carrying a huge yellow gourd, and a young man in blue shirt was short and fat, carrying a huge blue gourd.

Qiankun twins, they are both in the middle stage of Nascent Soul. They are twin brothers. They can know what the other is thinking without opening their mouths.

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