Top of Qinglian

Chapter 1652: Fairy Yunhua and the enemy (I wish everyone a happy 51)

The sun and moon ring produced a strong suction, which sprayed out a silver glow and a golden glow, covering the three treasures, and went straight to the sun and the moon.

At this moment, a little bit of black light emerged from the void above their heads, turning into a **** hand more than a hundred feet long.

Du Xu and Fang Yue were prepared for a long time. They patted their hands lightly on the top of their heads, and a golden light and a silver light flew out.

After a loud bang, the **** hand was shattered by the golden and silver light.

At this time, a giant tower with a bright blue sky and a giant golden seal flew from the front, followed by dozens of magical magic weapons.

When Fu Wen thought about it, countless blue runes appeared on the body of the Five Elements Soldiers, grabbed the sea below, the sea surged violently, and a blue water mountain with a height of ten thousand feet suddenly appeared on the sea, carrying hundreds of thousands of feet. Ten thousand catties of force, smashed to the opposite side.

In addition to the spiritual transformation, the spiritual cultivator can also control the spiritual energy of the heaven and the earth, but what kind of spiritual energy can be manipulated is related to the cultivation method of the cultivator.

The five-element talisman is made of hundreds of five-element materials and can control the spiritual energy of the five elements. In terms of magical powers, the fifth-order five-element talisman is much stronger than the fifth-order puppet beast, and the difficulty of refining is not lower than that of the fifth-order puppet beast. In this way, Fu Wen will not spend thousands of years collecting the materials of the Five Elements.


With a deafening loud noise, the blue water mountain knocked dozens of magical treasures out, and a powerful air wave erupted. The air wave lifted buildings on the island, and the towering ancient trees were directly shaken into countless sawdust. ,dusty.

The sun and moon ring quickly flew towards the sun and the moon, and at this moment, a blue light appeared in the void, and a small blue cauldron with a simple shape appeared. The mysterious pattern, the misty water vapor, and the fluctuation of its mana, this is a heavenly treasure, and the word "Yunhua" is engraved on the body of the tripod.

The blue cauldron suddenly spewed out a blue glow, covering the five magic weapons including the sun and moon ring, and rolled them into the cauldron.

Du Xu and Fang Yue frowned and pinched the magic trick. The sun and moon ring burst into a dazzling aura, turning into a golden sun and a silver full moon. The golden sun and the silver full moon tore apart the blue light. The two saints of the sun and the moon came, but the three magic weapons of Qingjiaofan were covered by the blue glow, and they were included in the blue cauldron.

The blue cauldron spun around and flew back into the hands of a girl wearing a blue ruffled skirt.

The girl in the blue skirt has a melon-seeded face, curved eyebrows, small cherry mouth, snow-white skin, and an indifferent expression.

Yunhua Fairy Situqing, in the early stage of God Transformation, has a water and moon spirit body. After 400 years of cultivation, she entered the God Transformation stage, and her cultivation speed is second only to that of Zhenlei Zhenjun.


A huge roar sounded, the sky suddenly darkened, and a 30-mile-long red fire cloud suddenly appeared high in the sky. The red fire cloud rolled violently, and the heat wave was monstrous. You can clearly see the red fire pythons with thick waists. Walking in the fire cloud, emitting a terrifying high temperature.

The azure sea water was reflected in red by the red fire clouds, and a lot of water vapor evaporated.

Wang Changsheng was surprised to find that the bodies of the twenty Nascent Soul cultivators were covered by a burst of red light, and they were all holding a red flag and flag in their hands, with the same breath, as if they were a whole.

"Battle formation!"

Wang Changsheng frowned. He was no stranger to battle formations. During the South China Sea War, they harassed the rear and invaded the lair of the Ice Ape Clan. The Ice Ape Clan set up a battle formation to hold them back.

The Tianlan Sect has dominated the Tianlan world for more than 600 years. In addition to cultivating masters in batches, it also trains its disciples to set up battle formations. Twenty Nascent Soul cultivators set up battle formations. If they don't consider defense, they can compete against the gods.

"Since you're here, don't leave, just stay here forever!"

Fairy Yunhua's face turned cold, and she grabbed the sea with one hand.

The calm sea tumbled violently, and huge waves of thousands of feet were set off on the sea. The huge waves formed a huge blue water curtain, covering the area of ​​30 kilometers in a radius.

After an earth-shattering loud noise, the scarlet fire clouds rolled violently, and huge fireballs the size of houses flew out, smashing at Wang Changsheng's five people.

It didn't stop there, the sea tumbled violently, and tens of thousands of blue water blades shot up, slashing at Wang Changsheng's five people, with the posture of slicing them into pieces.

True Monarch Tianmo opened his mouth, and a black light flew out and hovered in front of him. It was obviously a gleaming black flag. A large number of human faces could be seen on the flag, both men, women and children. Screams.

The voices of ghosts and wolves were loud, the gloomy wind burst, and all the ghosts cried together.

There are as many as 30 ghosts in the Nascent Soul period. It took hundreds of years for Tianmo Zhenjun to collect enough materials and ask Shangguan Tianhong to refine it.

The promotion of ghost magic weapons is relatively easy. As long as the materials are good enough and enough ghosts are swallowed, the level can be improved.

In the entire Tianlan Realm, there are no more than three people whose natal magic treasures are heaven-penetrating spiritual treasures, and Tianmo Zhenjun is one of them.

The people of Dongli Realm made trouble under their noses and killed the Heavenly Soldier Zhenren, so the Tianmo Zhenjun and others naturally couldn't keep their hands.

The Five Elements Soldiers raised their hands high in the arms, and the sea water rolled up, setting off a huge wave more than a thousand feet high, which turned into a huge blue umbrella more than one hundred feet long, supporting Wang Changsheng's five heads.

Huge fireballs smashed on top of the blue umbrella, the roar continued, the white fog rolled, and the red lightning was blocked by Wang Changsheng's five people casting spells as soon as they approached Wang Changsheng's five Senior Fu and Daoyou Wang , the two of us stay behind to stop the enemy, and we will do our best to kill the enemy. This is the last thing we can do for the Dongli Realm. I hope that the Dongli Realm can repel the attack of the Tianlan Realm, or contact the Spirit world. "

Du Xu transmitted voice transmission to Fu Wen and Wang Changsheng, and his expression was firm.

They originally came to Tianlan Realm with the heart of mortal death. They are now close to the space passage. At this time, they are desperate to inflict the greatest trauma on the enemy.

Wang Changsheng's face became solemn, his heart was turbulent, Sun and Moon Shuangsheng stayed behind to block the enemy, obviously prepared to die.

Leaving aside the grievances between Zhenhaizong and Sun Moon Palace, Wang Changsheng was awe-inspiring for the act of Sun and Moon Shuangsheng staying behind.

The ants are still alive, not to mention the Nascent Soul cultivator who has been famous for many years like the Sun and Moon Shuangsheng.

He is also very clear that this kind of secret technique to raise a big realm has great sequelae, maybe it is at the cost of life, otherwise the Sun and Moon Sages don't need to stay behind to stop the enemy, they can join forces to break out of the siege.

Fang Yue and Du Xu's eyes were firm, with a look of generosity and sacrifice. Their lifespans have entered the countdown, and within a quarter of an hour, they will surely die. If they can kill more monks in the Tianlan realm, they will kill more monks in the Tianlan realm.



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