Top of Qinglian

Chapter 1656: escape

After ten breaths, the spiritual light dissipated, and the white fog also dissipated, revealing the figures of the five people including Jinyue Jianzun. Pale, his injuries are not light.

Sun and Moon Shuangsheng exposed himself, plus two heaven-penetrating spirit treasures and two spirit treasures, the power is too great, and the defensive spirit treasures can't stop it.

Since they entered the God Transformation Stage, when have they suffered such a big loss, but then again, apart from Tianhuo Zhenren, the other four God Transformation cultivators have not experienced life and death battles since they entered the God Transformation Stage. In Tianlan Realm, they will learn from other cultivators of God Transformation, not to mention exposing the Heavenly Soul Treasure, even the Lingbao will not expose it.

When the dog is in a hurry, it will jump over the wall! Not to mention the immortals.

"Let's go back to Jinsha Island first. We must kill them, especially the Qinglian Immortal Companion. Their threat is too great. If they grow up, they will definitely become a big problem for their confidants."

True Monarch Tianhuo's eyes were gloomy and cold. After this battle, his vitality was severely damaged, at least he would need to be recuperated for a hundred years.

With their current state, if they forcibly chase after them, if Qinglian Immortal Companion also exposes themselves, they will be hurt even more.

What they are most worried about is not this, but the safety of Jinsha Island, which is the only space passage from Tianlan Realm to Dongli Realm. Once it is destroyed, their previous efforts will be in vain.

"Qinglian Immortal Companion can't stay, I'm going after them, I have to kill them."

Jinyue Jianzun has a killing intent on his face. He has a defensive spiritual treasure, Feijian is a set of spiritual treasures, and his injuries are the least.

After saying this, a large piece of golden sword light emerged from under Swordsman Jinyue, turning into a golden rainbow that broke through the air and walked away.

Fairy Yunhua also wanted to catch up, but was stopped by True Monarch Tianhuo: "Junior Sister Situ, don't go, you have experienced too little life-and-death fighting, so go back with me and stick to Jinsha Island! Junior Brother Qin, go!"

Fairy Yunhua is the key training object of the Tianlan Sect, but she has relatively little experience in fighting skills, so there is no room for loss.

"No, it's just killing two late Nascent Soul cultivators. I can solve it. Junior Brother Qin will go after that cultivator. This person drives the Heavenly Spirit Treasure to confront the enemy. The mana consumption is relatively large. You only need to entangle him for a while and wait. I solved Qinglian Immortal Companion, and I will join you immediately."

The voice of the Golden Moon Sword Master came from the sky.

True Monarch Tianmo thought for a while, then responded, turned into a black cloud, and chased in the direction of Fu Wen's escape.

"Senior Brother Lu, let me help Senior Brother Qin! It's no problem for us to entangle this person. You all go back to Jinsha Island, use the communication array to notify Senior Brother Shangguan, and report the situation to him."

After Fairy Yunhua finished speaking, she turned into a blue rainbow and chased after her.

True Monarch Tianhuo frowned, didn't say anything, and flew towards Jinsha Island with Fairy Hongyue.

Three hundred miles away, Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan turned into a blue rainbow and flew away. They used a secret technique to escape, and they escaped very fast, but they knew very well that if the cultivator of the gods had the heart to catch up, it would be a matter of time.

Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan had a jade slip between their eyebrows. They were looking at the captured jade slip and looking for an escape route.

"I found it, husband, flee to the southeast. Three million miles away is the Wanlei Sea Area, and the Wanlei Sea Area is the three major dangerous places in the Tianlan Realm."

Wang Ruyan said in a deep voice.

According to Venerable Gan Li's account, the Wanlei Sea Area is the three major dangerous places in the Tianlan Realm, and the cultivators did not dare to intrude. This is helpless.

"No, he's catching up."

Wang Changsheng frowned, and his divine sense sensed that a powerful breath was flying towards them at a particularly fast speed, getting closer and closer.

The blue light on Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan's bodies rose sharply, and they rushed into the sea water.

Under the wrapping of the blue light curtain, they quickly dived.

When they dived to 30,000 feet, a golden rainbow pierced the sky, and it was a giant sword that was more than 100 feet long. , emitting a sharp sword cry, and slashed in the direction of Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan fleeing.

Before the Sky-Raising Giant Sword fell, the void made a piercing sound that pierced the eardrums, vibrated and distorted, and it seemed that the entire void was about to collapse.

The powerful air current made the sea roll backwards, split into two parts, setting off huge waves that were thousands of feet high, and an abyss more than ten miles long appeared on the sea.

With the momentum of destroying the sky and destroying the earth, the Sky-high Sword slashed down the abyss.


Wherever the Sky-Raising Giant Sword passed, the sea water was divided into two, and a crack more than ten feet wide appeared.

Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan were standing on a flat seabed, their expressions nervous.

A yellow light flew out from Wang Changsheng's sleeve and landed on the seabed. It was the double-eyed mouse.

The double-eyed mouse made a strange hissing sound, and a dazzling aura burst out from its body, covering Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan.

The rumbling sound came from the top of his head, Wang Changsheng's face changed greatly, his sleeves flicked, and a golden metal sphere flew out. After the sound of an organ, the metal sphere turned into a golden armored guard with a whole body of golden light. , it is the fourth-order puppet beast.

Wang Ruyan sacrificed the five-element talisman and broke into a tactic. The five-element talisman showed up, gestured toward the void with both hands, and a little blue light emerged, turning into a huge blue water curtain, covering Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan.

The yellow light on the surface of the double-eyed mouse soared and burrowed into the ground, followed by Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan, wrapped in the yellow light.

The golden giant sword slashed on the fourth-order puppet beast, and the fourth-order puppet beast was like a piece of paper, and it was torn apart instantly.

The Five Elements talisman was no exception. A set of Lingbao-level flying swords could not stop the puppet beasts and talismans in the early Nascent Soul.

The golden giant sword slashed on the blue water curtain, and the blue water curtain shattered instantly.


With a loud bang, the seabed was split in half, and a huge crack appeared. However, at this moment, a yellow light lit up near the seabed, turning into a burly young man in yellow shirt. The countless yellow runes are the Five Elements Soldiers.

The Five Elements Rune Soldiers are not so easily destroyed, they are proficient in the Five Elements spells.

The aura of the golden giant sword rose sharply, the sound of the sword sounded loudly, and tens of thousands of golden sword qi swept out, rushing towards all directions.

The Five Elements Rune Soldiers were pierced by the dense golden sword energy, and disappeared as little auras.

In a short while, a dazzling blue light lit up in the sea water, and a burly young man in blue shirt appeared, it was the Five Elements Talisman.

The Five Elements Soldiers grabbed the sea water on both sides with both hands, and thick blue water ropes flew out from the sea water, entangling the golden giant sword.

The golden giant sword's spiritual light rose, turned into a hundred, and shot in all directions, piercing the body of the Five Elements Soldier again, and a large piece of the seabed was shattered, and dust was flying all over the sky.

The dust blurred and suddenly turned into a young man in yellow shirt. The runes on his body were dim.

The fourth-order puppet beast was destroyed at a glance, and the five-element talisman was destroyed many times, but it still The golden giant sword has been transformed into eighteen golden flying swords, which surround the five-element talisman. .

The golden light flashed, and the slender golden sword threads flew out, piercing the body of the Five Elements talisman. The body of the Five Elements talisman spontaneously ignited and burned to fly ashes. This time, the Five Elements talisman was completely destroyed.

After three breaths, Jianzun Jinyue chased after him, his brows furrowed.

Qinglian Immortal Companion escaped from under the seabed. To his surprise, the terrain of the seabed was special, and the disturbance to the consciousness was relatively large.

He is a metallic Heavenly Spirit Root, and he cannot perform the Earth Escape Technique. He patted the Spirit Beast bag, and a yellow light flew out. It was a yellow python with a flesh-crowned head. Proficient in earth attribute spells.

The Ankylosaurus made a strange hissing sound, and a large yellow light appeared on its body. The Golden Moon Sword Master jumped on the Ankylosaurus' back, and the Ankylosaurus' tail swept away suddenly and burrowed into the seabed.

Jianzun Jinyue drove eighteen golden flying swords to open the way in front, and the speed was very fast.

Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan frowned, and their consciousness sensed that the Golden Moon Sword Master was approaching, and the speed was relatively fast.

They glanced at each other, nodded to each other, turned their hands and took out two silver talismans. The surface of the talismans was covered with mysterious runes the size of grains of rice.



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