Top of Qinglian

Chapter 1658: The usefulness of Zhenhailing

Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan flew into the Xuanshui Palace, the Xuanshui Palace's rays of light soared, and they flew towards the Wanlei Sea Area.

Eighteen golden flying swords slashed on top of the Xuanshui Palace one after another, and there was a muffled sound of "ding ding", sparks flew everywhere, and the Xuanshui Palace was safe and sound.

A sharp and harsh sound of breaking through the air sounded, and a huge yellow fist more than a hundred feet in size smashed, hitting the Xuanshui Palace accurately.

With a "bang", the Xuanshui Palace flew faster, and there was no scar on the place where it was hit by the giant yellow fist.

The gate of the Xuanshui Palace was closed, Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan looked nervous. This was the first time they had encountered such a situation.

Zhenhailing is a magic weapon for storage, and its defense is also very strong. Wang Changsheng has studied it for many years, but he has not studied it thoroughly. One thing is certain, it is impossible for Donglijie to refine such a multi-functional magic weapon.

Except for Zhenhailing, they have no better defensive magic weapon.

Suddenly, the Xuanshui Palace shook violently, and Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan almost fell to the ground.

Wang Changsheng hurriedly controlled the Xuanshui Palace to fly towards the Wanlei Sea, the speed more than doubled.

At this time, a golden light pierced the sky, and a flash appeared in this sea area, it was the Golden Moon Sword Master.

He looked at the blue palace that flew into the Ten Thousand Thunder Sea, and frowned.

"Defend the Lingbao!"

Jianzun Jin Yue spoke to himself, his face full of disbelief.

You must know that his flying swords are all spiritual treasures, which can withstand eighteen attacks from spiritual treasures, or at least defend against spiritual treasures.

With a pinch of his sword tactic, eighteen golden flying swords rang out one after another, and the golden light soared and merged into one, turning into a giant sword that was more than a hundred feet long.

With a piercing sound that pierced the eardrums, the Sky-High Sword turned into a golden sword light and headed straight for the Xuanshui Palace.

The sword light was like electricity, and the golden sword light hit the Xuanshui Palace, and there was a sound of "keng" metal colliding, sparks scattered, and the Xuanshui Palace was not damaged.

Taking this opportunity, Xuanshui Palace accelerated its escape speed.

The rumbling sound of thunder sounded, and one after another thick silver lightning pierced the sky and slashed on the Xuanshui Palace one after another.

Jianzun Jinyue frowned when he saw this scene. After the Tianlan Sect unified the Tianlan Realm, the collections of books from various factions were collected, and the cultivators of Deity Transformation could view them at will.

The records about the Wanlei Sea area can be traced back to 120,000 years ago, which is longer than that of any sect in the Tianlan Realm. There are many theories about the origin of the Wanlei Sea Area. Some people say that it is an ancient battlefield. Some people say that it is a natural prohibition, and there are even rumors that powerful demons are imprisoned in the Wanlei Sea Area.

The rumor of imprisoning demons comes from an ancient book 50,000 years ago. If it was a demon, it would not have survived for 50,000 years.

After the Tianlan Sect unified the Tianlan Realm, it organized manpower to explore all the secret realms and forbidden areas in the Tianlan Realm, and searched for various resources. Only in the three places of the Immortal Burial Ruins, the Wanlei Sea Area, and the Demon Burying Icefield, the soldiers were destroyed. The sea area lost the most manpower, and all the incarnations of Tianmo Zhenjun fell in the Wanlei Sea Area.

Wanlei Sea Area, as you can tell from the name, there are many thunder and lightning in this sea area, and there is more than one kind of thunder and lightning.

There are quite a few Nascent Soul cultivators who come here to refine magic weapons of the thunder attribute, and the True Monarch of Dry Thunder, Lei Yunbin, has also been practicing outside the Wanlei Sea Area for a period of time.

Jianzun Jinyue showed a hesitant look on his face. After a little hesitation, a large golden sword light emerged from under him, which turned into a golden rainbow and chased after him.

The Yellow Turban Warrior and the eighteen golden flying swords followed, and the eighteen golden flying swords fluttered around him indefinitely.

As soon as they entered the Ten Thousand Thunder Sea, dozens of thick silver lightning pierced the sky and slashed towards the Golden Moon Sword Master.

When the Golden Moon Sword Sovereign's sword art was pinched, the eighteen golden flying swords soared, and a large piece of golden sword energy swept out, hitting dozens of silver lightning bolts.


A huge roar sounded, and dozens of silver lightning bolts were smashed into pieces.

While flying with the sword light, he cast spells to attack the blue palace, but it was useless.

The metal collision sound of "keng keng" sounded, sparks flew everywhere, and a chain of silver lightning struck the Xuanshui Palace. The Xuanshui Palace swayed from side to side, but the palace door was closed.

Jinyue Jianzun's killing intent is more serious, this treasure is obviously extraordinary, and its defensive power is not much worse than his Qingsang shield.

The troublesome thing is that when he went deep into the Wanlei Sea, he found a strange force, which seemed to be some kind of restriction, which had certain restrictions on his consciousness.

Seeing that Qinglian Immortal Companion was fleeing farther and farther, due to the natural restrictions of the Ten Thousand Thunder Sea Region, his escape speed was not fast.

His sword technique changed, and eighteen golden flying swords condensed into a circle, like a huge golden sword wheel.

The sword sounded loudly, and countless golden runes emerged from the golden sword wheel, spewing out a thick golden sword light, heading straight for the Xuanshui Palace.

The golden sword light is like a rainbow. Wherever it passes, the void vibrates endlessly, and the sea water is divided into two. Even silver lightning can't stop it.

With a "bang", the golden sword light hit the Xuanshui Palace, and the Xuanshui Palace flew out and fell into the bottom of the sea, splashing a lot of seawater.

Jianzun Jinyue's face became ugly, even if he was defending the spiritual treasure, it was impossible not to be damaged! What the **** is this treasure? If it was a defense-type Heavenly Soul Treasure, he didn't even notice it! Could it be that this exotic treasure is made of special materials?

There are many special ore veins in the Immortal Burying Sea area of ​​Dongli Realm. Due to the difficulty of mining and the spirit of absolute spirituality, not many people go to the Immortal Burying Sea Area. The Tianlan Sect invaded from the Immortal Burying Sea, and by the way, it mined the special ores there and transported them back to the Tianlan Realm, which is really good.


There was a huge roar from high in the sky, and several golden lightning bolts as thick as adults' arms pierced the sky and slashed towards the Golden Moon Sword Master.

Jianzun Jinyue's complexion hurriedly offered up a shield with a gleaming azure light and went up to it.

The surface of the cyan shield is engraved with two small characters "Qing Sang". The aura flows indefinitely, and the aura is compelling. It is a defensive kind of sky-high spiritual treasure, Qing Sang Shield.

Several golden lightning bolts struck the green mulberry shield, and the green mulberry shield had no scars at all, and the whole body was covered with blue light.

At this time, the Xuanshui Palace had sunk to the bottom of the sea and disappeared.

There was an unwilling expression on Jianzun Jinyue's face. He had already penetrated the Ten Thousand Thunder Seas. If he stayed too long, he might be in danger.

Just when he thought of this, the high-altitude thunder roared loudly, and dozens of thick lightning struck him, including silver lightning, golden lightning, and cyan lightning.

Jianzun Jinyue was frightened into a cold sweat, and with a pinch of the sword, he suddenly changed direction and returned to the way he came from. Qingsangdun flew around him non-stop.

The rumbling thunder sounded, and lightning bolts smashed into the sea, splashing large waves, and the waves splashed everywhere.

Thousands of feet under the sea, the Xuanshui Palace slowly fell towards the seabed.

Inside the Xuanshui Palace, Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan looked nervous. They didn't know if the Golden Moon Swordsman would come after them, and they could only hope to stop the Golden Moon Swordsman with the help of the natural restrictions of the Ten Thousand Thunder Sea Region.



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