Top of Qinglian

Chapter 1666: melee

Qinglian Island, Wang Mengfen is organizing a manpower retreat.

There are fifteen teleportation formations on the island, the shortest teleportation is 30,000 miles, and the longest teleportation is 100,000 miles.

At this level of fighting technique, the cultivator of Pill Formation can’t help. If you want to set up a battle formation, you need a complete set of magic weapons, because the cultivation techniques of cultivator of the dan Dandan are different. Without a complete set of magic weapons, the battle formation is not powerful. Originally it was difficult. There were no complete sets of magic weapons in the Wang family's treasury. Even if there were complete sets of magic weapons, three or five pieces would be useless.

"Hurry up, act fast, if you delay for a while, the ancestor will be in more danger."

Wang Mengfen urged, looking anxious.

If it wasn't to protect them, Wang Qingshan and the others could have retreated long ago.

Wang Qingqi looked at Wang Qingshan and others at a high altitude with a complicated expression.

He really wanted to help, but he had self-awareness, and his stay was just a drag on Wang Qingshan and others.

"Everyone, speed up and withdraw."

Wang Qingqi shouted loudly and strode to the top of the teleportation array.

At this time, mother-in-law and mother-in-law will only do bad things.


As soon as Wang Qingshan appeared, five Nascent Soul cultivators including Tianlei layman, Shen Haoran, and Yan Zong surrounded him. Their target was Wang Qingshan.

Lay Tianlei waved the silver flag in his hand, the thunder was loud, and there was a huge roar from the sky, and a huge dark cloud appeared in the sky, with lightning and thunder.

He waved the silver flag in his hand, and the tip of the flag pointed at Wang Qingshan.


A deafening roar of thunder sounded, and hundreds of silver lightning bolts as thick as adults' arms flew out from the dark clouds and slashed at Wang Qingshan.

Yan Zong turned his hand and took out a giant axe with a blue light flashing, and slashed towards the void. A wave of water ripples swayed in the void. The sea tumbled violently and split into two. Go out and go straight to Wang Qingshan.

Shen Haoran sacrificed a blood-colored gourd the size of a slap, an unpleasant smell wafted out, and a large piece of blood-colored liquid flew out, turning into blood-colored arrows about a foot long, hitting Wang Qingshan.

The blood evil gourd, which collects the blood of hundreds of monsters and refines it using a secret method, specializes in dirty flying swords.

Knowing the enemy and knowing yourself can win a hundred battles, and being famous is not a good thing.

Wang Qingshan's reputation is no less than Qinglian Immortal Companion. They attach great importance to it, and specially prepared this magic weapon for filthy flying swords to deal with Wang Qingshan.

Jianxiu, Jianxiu, Feijian lost their spirituality greatly, and Jianxiu's strength was greatly reduced.

Wang Qingshan did not dare to be careless, and when the sword tactic was pinched, the nine azure glass swords made a loud chirping sound, bursting with dazzling azure light, turning into nine azure lotus flowers, nine azure lotus flowers surrounding Wang Qingshan. Flying non-stop, one after another sharp cyan sword qi swept out, rushing towards all directions.


A deafening roar sounded, and various auras of blue, red, blue, and gold lit up in the void one after another.

Facing the siege of the five Nascent Soul monks, Wang Qingshan felt extremely exhausted. He had no plans to fight to the death. When the low-level clansmen had almost retreated, he would flee.

The void above his head fluctuated together, and a giant silver palm more than ten feet long suddenly appeared. The giant silver palm was composed of countless silver arcs, exuding a terrifying aura.

As soon as the giant silver palm appeared, it immediately slapped at Wang Qingshan's forehead.

Wang Qingshan's reaction was very quick, his sleeves flicked, and the Qinglian sword flew out, turning into a cyan rainbow light, and slashing towards the silver giant palm.

There was a muffled sound of "stab!", and the huge silver palm was smashed by the Qinglian sword like a piece of paper.


The giant silver palm burst open, and countless silver arcs poured out, covering an area hundreds of meters in radius, drowning Wang Qingshan's figure.

Ye Haitang frowned. Her opponent was a burly man in a golden shirt. The man in the golden shirt had bulging muscles and exposed blue veins. He looked full of strength. This was a barbarian in the middle Nascent Soul.

Ye Haitang's natal magic weapon, the Heavenly Ghost Banner, has been promoted to Lingbao. With Zhao Mei'er added, it is not difficult to kill a mid-Nascent Soul monk, but in that way, she will attract the attention of others.

She wanted to help Wang Qingshan get out of the siege, but the magic powers of Master Tianlei restrained Ye Haitang's body, so she had to find a way to deal with Master Tianlei.

"Tian Shigu, is there any way to sneak a sneak attack on Layman Tianlei, even if it hurts him heavily, it can help Cousin Qingshan relieve the pressure."

Ye Haitang transmitted a voice transmission to Fairy Ziyue, looking anxious.

"Junior Tianlei is Yuan Ying's Great Consummation. I'm afraid there are some difficulties. There is no problem with Shen Haoran."

Fairy Ziyue replied through voice transmission that her opponent was a barbarian in the middle Nascent Soul.

The power of the barbarians is infinite. They are born with physical cultivation. The barbarians of the Nascent Soul stage can't hurt their magic weapons. Fairy Ziyue can only entangle each other.

"Shen Haoran! That's okay, I'll find a chance later."

Ye Haitang agreed, her body was covered with black light, the sound of ghosts and wolves wailed loudly, a gloomy wind burst, and a green light flew out from her sleeve and disappeared.

With one enemy and three, Wang Qingling felt extremely exhausted. She resorted to the magic weapon of her life, the three spirits, to drive away demons, and transformed into the fourth-order mid-grade ghost spider, the fourth-grade low-grade black crane, and the fourth-grade low-grade fire whale to attack the enemy.

Zhao Hengbin did not show weakness, and released a blue shark with golden lines on its body and a cyan giant eagle with wings spread out five feet in size.

The other two monks in the middle stage of Nascent Soul either sacrificed magic weapons or released spirit beasts to attack Wang Qingling.

Bingfeng Jiao and Lei Feng entered the fourth rank only a few months ago, and their injuries have not recovered, but Wang Qingling is not an opponent at all, so they can only release Bingfeng Jiao and Lei Feng.

The voices of the dragon and the phoenix mingled with each other, resounding across the world.

"Fourth-order Jiaolong!"

Zhao Hengbin exclaimed, his face full of shock.

According to the information, Fairy Bailing has a third-order flood dragon, how did it become a fourth-order flood dragon?

He carefully observed Bingfeng Jiao and Lei Feng, and sneered, these two spirit beasts reached the fourth rank soon, they did not show much Lei Feng spread his wings and flew high, hovering uncertainly in the sky, countless silver The arc emerges high in the sky.


A huge thunder sounded, and a group of several li-sized thunderclouds appeared high in the sky, with lightning and thunder.

The thundercloud rolled violently, and dozens of silver thunderballs the size of fists flew out, hitting Zhao Hengbin and the three of them.

Bingfeng Jiao made a loud dragon roar, and a lot of cold air emerged from its body. Snowflakes the size of beans suddenly fell from the sky, and the temperature plummeted.

A gust of cold wind blew, and the white snowflakes suddenly turned into ice cones. Hail rain fell from the sky, and thousands of white ice cones hit Zhao Hengbin and the three of them.

Zhao Hengbin held out a flag that shone with blue light, and with a flick of it, a curtain of blue light with misty water appeared out of nowhere, covering the three of them.

The silver lightning ball and the white ice pick hit it, and the blue water curtain sank, and ripples of water ripples appeared on the surface.

A loud rumbling, dazzling silver light drowned the blue water curtain.

After a while, the silver light dissipated, and the blue water curtain was safe and sound.

At this moment, an angry beast roar sounded, Zhao Hengbin and the three felt dizzy and almost fell from the air.



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