Top of Qinglian

Chapter 1674: Qing Qi Sihuan

Wang Qingshan and Wang Mengbin flew towards Dongli Island, and the Tianlan Sect cultivator flew towards Tianlan Island.

After decades of war, for convenience, the island where the monks from Donglijie gathered was renamed Dongli Island, and the island where the monks from Tianlanjie gathered was renamed Tianlan Island,

Wang Qingshan took Yanzong's corpse to the Deacon's Hall in exchange for a large amount of contribution points and returned to his residence.

"I don't know what happened to the ninth uncle and ninth aunt! It's been so long, and there's no news."

Wang Qingshan sighed.

In all, Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan have been going to Tianlan Realm for more than 40 years.

"When the cultivators of Tianlanjie are repelled, the ancestors will be able to return safely."

Wang Mengbin said confidently.

Wang Qingshan nodded and said, "Indeed, all right, go back and rest!"


In the discussion hall, more than ten cultivators including Sun Tianhu were discussing the war.

They originally mobilized a group of cultivators from the rear, but the cultivators of Tianlan Sect were in chaos, forcing some cultivators to return to help.

The number of high-level cultivators of Tianlan Sect has been decreasing, especially the number of Yuanying cultivators, one is going up and down, and if things go on like this, it will only be a matter of time before the cultivators of Tianlan Sect submit to them.

"In today's battle, Tianlanzong lost a lot of manpower. It is estimated that it won't be long before the Tianlanzong monks will submit to us."

Dongfang Yulin said excitedly.

"Mrs. Feng, what happened to the monster sent to the Immortal Burial Sea to attack the monks in the Tianlan Realm? Haven't replied yet?"

Sun Tianhu looked at Feng Li and asked with concern.

"There is a reply, it's not good news, I found some corpses of the monks in the Tianlan world, but there are no corpses of the monks of the gods. At the entrance of the space passage, they built a city, and now the Immortal Burial Sea area is filled with a large number of extraordinary spirits. Qi, neither monks nor monsters can use mana, the city walls are too high, and they can't help them."

Feng Li sighed.

The things that they can think about, why can't the cultivators of Tianlan Sect think of it?

"If the aura of absolute spirituality erupts, they will become mortals. How can they stay in that kind of environment?"

Liu Ruyi asked with a frown, the magnetic field in the depths of the Immortal Burying Sea can make the body of the cultivator burst.

"They have arranged some kind of special formation that can weaken the power of the magnetic field, but I have already sent some monsters to attack them and try to kill some Tianlan cultivators as much as possible."

Feng Li said sternly, because of the special circumstances of the Immortal Burying Sea, only monsters with powerful flesh can enter the depths of the Immortal Burying Sea, at least the fourth rank. Under the influence of the natural magnetic field, the monsters can easily get lost and die before and after. There are as many as one hundred fourth-order monsters.

Because of this, that sea area is called Immortal Burial Sea Area.

"Can you contact the monks we went to Tianlan Realm? I don't know what happened to them?"

Sun Tianhu looked at Lu Dao and asked with a frown.

Tianlan Realm and Dongli Realm are adjacent interfaces, but after all, they are separated by an interface. The power of interface is no joke. It is not easy for monks on the two interfaces to communicate.

Lu Dao shook his head and said, "We've tried many methods, but we can't get in touch. If the Zhenxian Pagoda is opened, and if we can get one or two heaven-penetrating treasures, maybe we can completely turn the situation around."

Zhenxian Pagoda and Feixian Market are from the spiritual world. This is the consensus of the cultivators in the Dongli world. There was once a cultivator who wanted to take away the Zhenxian Pagoda, but it was backfired.

In the entire Dongli world, the most precious thing is the Zhenxian Pagoda. As long as the passers-by come up with enough good materials, they will get rich rewards if they pass through the Zhenxian Pagoda, the highest treasure.

"The Qi of Absolute Spirit has lasted for 30 years. According to the time interval of Zhenxian Tower in the past, the Zhenxian Tower will be opened within 100 years. The time is too long. It is estimated that all the monks in Tianlanzong in the Immortal Burial Sea are dead. Send people to stare at each sea area! Once the Zhenxian Pagoda comes into existence, send people to enter the border immediately, and it is bound to get a few heavenly treasures."

Sun Tianhu said in a deep voice that there is no exact time for Zhenxian Pagoda to appear in the world, it can only be said that it will appear in a certain time range.

They discussed it for more than half an hour, and then the meeting broke up.


Donghuang, Wei State, Qinglian Villa.

In a secluded courtyard, Wang Qingqi was lying on the bed, holding a red alchemy furnace in his hand.

Wang Qingling, Wang Tianwen, Wang Changjie, Wang Yinghao, Wang Youwei and others gathered around the bed, their expressions sad.

Wang Qingqi really devoted his life to the family. He carried the banner of the family's alchemy method by himself, taught the people to make alchemy, and studied new alchemy recipes. He directly brought out most of the alchemists in the family. of respect.

"Fourth brother, if you have anything to say, just explain it! I will definitely do it for you."

Wang Qingling's eyes were slightly red, and she choked.

She and Wang Qingqi grew up together and studied in the preaching hall together. The two took different paths. Wang Qingqi was addicted to the art of alchemy, and wanted to make all his clansmen take their own elixir.

"My greatest hope in this life is that we... There will be a fourth-order alchemist in our family, I can't see... I can't see a day, Uncle Changjie, if you become a After the fourth-order alchemist, remember to tell me in front of my tombstone that this is my favorite alchemy furnace, and wait for the fourth-order alchemist to appear in the family... Bury this alchemy furnace with me...I."

Wang Qingqi said intermittently, his voice weak.

"I will, I will definitely work hard to become the first fourth-order alchemist in our family.

Wang Changjie solemnly took over the alchemy furnace and said with grief.

Wang Youwei and others looked sad. Before dying, Wang Qingqi still remembered the family.

Wang Qingqi held Wang Qingling's palm tightly, he took a deep breath, and said, "Tell the nine uncles and nine aunts, I am gone, if there is an afterlife, I still hope to be born in the Wang family, I can no longer serve the family, my heir There are fourth-order pills that I have studied for many years in the beads. Uncle Changjie, you must continue to study. I hope our family also has a unique secret medicine, and others have Our family has it, others don't have it. Pill, we have to have it too, the things I can't do, leave it to you, the future of the family, please."

After saying these words, Wang Qingqi slowly closed his eyes and breathed out completely.

Wang Qingqi, the initiator of the Wang family's alchemy way, just sat down. He finished his life, and the family continued to develop.

"Fourth brother!"

Wang Qingling was very sad. Tears fell down her cheeks and wet the front of her clothes. Her clan brother who had played from childhood to adulthood left, and she was in a very sad mood.

Wang Changjie and the others looked sad, with tears in their eyes.

After a while, Wang Qingling wiped away his tears and said sternly: "The fourth brother's funeral must be handled solemnly, you are responsible, and you will be responsible for engraving the fourth brother's last words on the stone tablet, and erect the stone tablet at the entrance of the alchemy institute. All alchemists can see it."

Wang Youwei repeatedly agreed. The war is not over yet, and many clansmen can't rush back to attend Wang Qingqi's funeral.

Half a month later, the Wang family held a grand funeral for Wang Qingqi. Many forces in Donghuang sent people to attend. Wang Qingqi's spiritual tablet was enshrined in Qinglian Tower. To read Wang Qingqi's autobiography.



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