Top of Qinglian

Chapter 1680: Tianlanzong encircled and suppressed the monks in the East fence world

In the southeast of Tianlan Realm, Tianfeng Mountains.

An endless green plain, the void suddenly swayed with ripples, twisted and deformed, the space fluctuated together, the void was torn apart, and a gap of more than ten feet long appeared, and a blue light flew out from it and smashed downward.


After a deafening roar sounded, the ground shook violently, a blue palace sank into the ground, the palace door was facing upwards, and the three words "Xuanshui Palace" were written on the plaque.

After a while, the Xuanshui Palace flew up, and Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan walked out of the palace gate, their faces full of vigilance.

Wang Changsheng's consciousness was wide open, and he scanned the three-hundred-mile radius, but did not find the aura of other monks.

He suddenly remembered something, and carefully checked whether the Xuanshui Palace was damaged. Fortunately, the Xuanshui Palace was not damaged, and there were no scars left.

Wang Changsheng became more and more certain that Zhenhailing came from the spiritual world, and Feixian Ruins probably came from the spiritual world, maybe it was a fragment of the spiritual world.

From the perspective of aura fluctuations, Zhenhailing is just an ordinary magic weapon, but its defensive ability is beyond Wang Changsheng's imagination, and it is stronger than the defense of defensive spirit treasures.

With Zhenhai Ling in hand, Wang Changsheng's treasure hunt would be much easier, and his survival rate would be much improved.

"I don't know where this place is, let's restore the mana first, and then explore the situation here!"

Wang Ruyan suggested.

Wang Changsheng nodded, and he and Wang Ruyan returned to the Xuanshui Palace to meditate and adjust their breath.

An hour later, Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan came out, their faces flushed.

When Wang Changsheng's tactic was pinched, the Xuanshui Palace lit up with a dazzling blue light, turning into a blue token, which disappeared into his sleeve.

Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan rose into the sky, turned into a blue light, flew high into the sky, and disappeared into the sky.


After the Tianlan Sect unified the Tianlan world, the country was also unified. There was only one country in the entire interface, the Tianlan Kingdom, with 365 prefectures and 34,372 counties, each of which had immortal cultivators. Take your seat and ensure the normal functioning of the mortal kingdom.

Ningyuan County is located in the northwest of Tianlan Country, with an advantageous geographical location and many business travelers. Jinling City is the county seat of Ningyuan County, and a large number of business travelers come and go every day.

In the northwest corner of Jinling City, in a secluded small courtyard with green tiles, Huang Fugui, Wang Qiuming and Wang Xin are discussing something.

After they escaped from the Qingli Sea, they came to Ningyuan County after several turns.

Huang Fugui suggested that they hide in the mortal city and avoid the pursuit of Tianlanzong monks. Wang Qiuming naturally had no opinion. As for Wang Xin, the order Wang Changsheng gave him was to protect Wang Qiuming. on an advanced puppet.

"The latest news, the top of the Tianlan Sect discovered the cultivator of Donglijie, and is mobilizing manpower to encircle and suppress it. Let's be careful, don't run around, stay at the residence, and if there is trouble, we will use the teleportation array to leave immediately."

Huang Fugui solemnly suggested that he believed in the idea of ​​hiding in the city, and took the Wang family cultivator to hide in the mortal city. He has been in peace for so many years. Huang Fugui did not delay his cultivation. In the middle stage of infancy, speaking of it, it is thanks to the resources he has accumulated over the years for cultivating immortals.

He has been married for more than two hundred years. He has been promoted from the early Nascent Soul to the middle Nascent Soul for more than two hundred years. This cultivation speed is not fast.

The magical powers he cultivated tend to be escaping. With his cultivation in the middle of the Nascent Soul, coupled with the flying magic weapon, ordinary monks in the late Nascent Soul could not catch up with him.

"Fellow Daoist Huang, is the news true?"

Wang Qiuming frowned and asked, this is not good news.

"It's absolutely true that the county governor started to check the population of Ningyuan County, which was presided over by the cultivator Jiedan. Fortunately, I had a foresight. I had a fake identity early, and I can fool the past. You just need to hide it."

Huang Fugui said proudly that over the years, the Tianlan Sect has continued to increase its efforts to arrest the cultivators of the Dongli Realm, and it is said that many cultivators of the Dongli Realm have been executed.

If you find a place to practice with spiritual veins, of course, it is convenient and trouble-free, but it is easy to be found by the monks of Tianlanzong. Tianlanzong has already figured out where there are spiritual veins in Tianlanjie.

"Young Daoist Huang, is there no news from your grandfather and grandmother?"

Wang Qiuming asked with a frown.

Huang Fugui shook his head and said, "No, don't worry! With their abilities, they should be fine."

He wasn't sure in his heart that Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan left behind to block the enemy.

Wang Qiuming nodded and sighed: "I hope! If only I could meet them earlier."

"Leaving the green hills is not afraid of running out of firewood. As long as we do well, we will have the opportunity to join them."

Huang Fugui said confidently, he has a lot of experience when it comes to life-saving.


In the southwest of Tianlan Realm, Qianyang Mountains.

In an open area, dozens of monks were fighting, the roar was constant, the ground was full of potholes, and there were more than a dozen corpses lying on the ground.

At an altitude of tens of thousands of meters, Shangguan Tianhong stood on top of a golden cloud several meters in size, with an indifferent expression.

In the void more than a thousand meters away from him, Zhao Yun stood on a black cloud, his breath was sluggish, and his left arm was missing.

Zhao Yu is the Supreme Elder of the Yin Corpse Sect, in the early stage of Spirit Transformation.

Immortal Burial Sea area erupted with aura of absolute spirit, and Tianlan Sect was unable to contact the same sect in Dongli Realm. All the monks sent to Dongli Realm never returned. They guessed the truth of the matter. To encircle and suppress the monks in the Donglijie.

Zhao Wei and Qinghua Ancestor led a team into the Tianlan Realm. Their team was the best preserved and the strongest. At the beginning, they looted a lot of property and killed many Tianlan cultivators. After Tianlanzong released his hands to concentrate on them, they suffered heavy losses.

"Your spirit ghost and corpse have been destroyed by this old man. I will give you a chance to submit to our Tianlan Sect. This old man can spare you from dying."

Shangguan Tianhong's expression was cold and murderous.

"Hey, the old man is not a gentleman, but the old man also knows that since ancient times, traitors have not had a good end. Want to kill the old man? The old man doesn't mind pulling a back."

Zhao Wei laughed and said, his body swelled rapidly, and he went straight to Shangguan Tianhong, as if he wanted to expose himself to hurt the enemy.

"Stubborn, looking for a dead end."

Shangguan Tianhong's face turned cold, and when he opened his mouth, nine red lights flew out. There were nine small and exquisite red mirrors, each spurting a red light, and went straight to Zhao Yu.

Zhao Wei's body suddenly burst open and turned into a large black mist.

"Escape technique! Hmph, compared with this old man, I don't know whether to live or die."

Shangguan Tianhong's face turned cold, and a dazzling fire light lit up his back, revealing a pair of five-foot-long red wings, and the surface of the wings was filled with a lot of red flames and a gust of wind.

The Tongtian Lingbao Fenghuo Wing, which took hundreds of years to refine, was made from the wings of the wind and fire beasts in the late stage of the transformation of the gods.

The wind was blowing, and Shangguan Tianhong's body surfaced with countless red firelights, covering the nine small red mirrors.

After a while, the red fire light dissipated, and Shangguan Tianhong disappeared.

Three hundred miles away, a red light suddenly lit up in the void, and Shangguan Tianhong and nine small red mirrors appeared.

His eyes lit up with a dazzling fire, and he looked towards the void.

There was a sarcastic expression on the corner of his mouth, and when the magic trick was pinched, each of the nine small red mirrors spurted a red beam of light, hitting a certain void.

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