Top of Qinglian

Chapter 1685: cards out

"Friend Shangguan, what do you mean?"

Wang Changsheng asked with a gloomy face, Shangguan Wei did this, obviously tearing his face, trying to solve the grievance between them.

Wang Changsheng also wanted to kill Shangguanwei, but the premise was that the monks from the Tianlan Realm were dealt with first. Shangguanwei's move was to sit on the mountain and watch the tiger fight.

"Hmph, do you think we can't recognize you by pretending to be Qinglian Immortal Companion? I heard that Tianlan Sect has a secret talisman that can transform into the appearance of a specific cultivator. You can fool others, but not me."

Shangguan Wei sneered, her face full of sarcasm.

Of course she knew that the Qinglian Immortal Companion in front of her was not a disguise, and the Tianlan Sect didn't need to do so many tricks.

She needs an excuse, even if the news spreads, she can prevaricate the past. Tian Lanzong does have a secret talisman that can transform the appearance of a specific monk, but it cannot display the supernatural power of the main body, it is just a form.

As long as she is alive and Qinglian Immortal Companion is dead, even if others doubt it, she only cares about the results, not the process, let alone other people's opinions.

Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan's faces sank. Neither of them thought that Shangguan Wei would make up such a lie.

"Using a spiritual treasure to trap us? Want the fisherman to benefit?"

Wang Changsheng sneered, his face full of killing intent, a dazzling blue light emerged from the bodies of him and Wang Ruyan, and a blue cloud emerged out of nowhere, covering their bodies.

The cyan Flood Dragon let out a roar, and a gust of wind emerged all over its body. The gust of wind was raging, and countless gravels were blown away, and the ground was lifted.

The cyan Flood Dragon quickly hovered high in the sky, forming a powerful airflow, turning into a cyan tornado with a height of more than a thousand meters, heading straight for Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan.

Jiuyouque spread its wings and made a loud chirping sound, and a large black flame emerged around its body. It hovered uncertainly in the sky, setting off waves of black fire.

The five couldn't breathe, and a mass of black fire clouds several miles in size appeared high in the sky, and the black fire clouds rolled violently, like a river flowing, endlessly, with amazing momentum.

A bird's chirping resounded through the sky, and black fireballs the size of houses flew out, as if a black meteor shower had fallen from the sky.

The cyan tornado suddenly stopped, and there was an extremely painful roar. Then, a blue sword light with a length of more than 1,000 meters flew out from the blue cloud and went straight to the seven-color mask.


With a loud noise, the seven-colored aura was smashed by the blue sword light, and it sank. The seven-colored glass bowl shook, swaying left and right.

Shangguan Wei was shocked when she saw this scene. Two fourth-order high-grade monsters were trapped in the colorful glass bowl, and they couldn't shake the colorful glass bowl. Could Qinglian Immortal Lv be able to break the colorful glass bowl?

Her majestic mana was injected into the Black Sparrow Bell, and she said in a gentle tone: "The Tianlan Realm invaded our Dongli Realm, causing life to be devastated. The monks in the Tianlan realm are extremely sinful. You Wang Daoyou will also pull the Tianlanzong cultivators back when they die. , can't cheap them."

"Using your strongest supernatural powers to kill the Tianlan Sect cultivator is really not good, and you have to give the Tianlan Sect cultivator some color to see if you expose yourself."

While she used an illusion to interfere with Qinglian Immortal Companion, she directed Jiuyouque to attack Qinglian Immortal Companion.

The strange thing is that Qinglian Xianlu did not reveal himself. There was a gentle pipa sound from the blue cloud, and a silver light flew out from the blue cloud. It was a huge silver Peng bird. Peng Bird's body is wrapped in countless silver arcs, and it is a fourth-rank top-grade puppet beast.

Wang Changsheng took away the puppet beast that Tianbing Zhenren refined. After Tianbing Zhenren died, Wang Changsheng easily erased the imprint left by Tianbing Zhenren.

As soon as the silver peng bird appeared, it went straight to Jiuyouque.


Dozens of black fireballs the size of houses fell from the sky and smashed on the silver roc bird. The silver roc bird was drowned by the billowing black flames.

Countless silver arcs appeared on the body of the silver Pengbird, bursting out with dazzling silver lightning, and suddenly disappeared.

Shangguan Wei didn't scream badly, and quickly directed Jiuyouque to avoid it. At this moment, Jiuyouque made a painful neigh and fell from the sky.

"Divine Consciousness Attack!"

Shangguan Wei's face became more and more ugly. She could conclude that Qinglian Immortal Companion possessed a special treasure to restrain illusion, and also mastered the attack of divine consciousness.

Before the nine secluded sparrows landed, a silver thunder light lit up in the void, which was the silver peng bird.

Thunder Escape Technique!

The silver Pengbird is refined from the bones of the demon bird, and it can display some of its own special magical powers.

As soon as the silver peng bird appeared, the silver arc on its body seemed to be guided by some kind of direction, and it went straight to the Jiuyouque.

A miserable bird chirping sounded, and the dazzling silver thunder light drowned out the nine secluded birds.

A strong wind blew up, and a black light flew out from the silver lightning, hitting the silver roc bird, and the silver roc bird flew out upside down.

The silver thunder light dissipated, and the blood on the surface of Jiuyou Que continued. There was a burning smell on the body, and a blue sword light with a length of more than 1,000 meters shot out. Where the blue sword light passed, the void vibrated. , seems to be collapsing at any time, and the wind blows back.

Jiuyouque wanted to avoid it, but a sharp pain came from the sea of ​​consciousness again, not to mention the fourth-rank mid-rank Jiuyouque, Zhao Hengjiang, who was in the Great Perfection of Nascent Soul, couldn't stand the attack of Wang Changsheng's consciousness.

The blue sword light slashed the nine secluded sparrows into two, and even the spirit could not escape.

Shangguan Wei was shocked and angry. Jiuyouque's strength was comparable to that of a late Nascent Soul cultivator. She couldn't hold five breaths in the hands of Qinglian Immortal Companion. She still underestimated Qinglian Immortal Companion.

"Elder Lei, set up a formation and use the formation to destroy them."

Shangguan Wei sent a voice transmission to Lei Yiming with a murderous look on her face.

No matter how strong Qinglian Immortal Companion is, can it stop the fourth-order high-grade formation?

"Sect If the formation is arranged, the movement will be too great, and I'm afraid it will attract the cultivators of the Tianlan Realm."

Lei Yiming showed hesitation.

"What? Want me to say it a second time?"

Shangguan Wei's tone turned cold. What she needed was unconditional obedience. The stronger Qinglian Immortal Companion was, the more uneasy she became.

She opened the bow without turning back, and she will never regret what she has done.

Lei Yiming shuddered, and quickly said yes, and took out hundreds of silver gleaming array flags and dozens of array plates.

Wang Changsheng sacrificed the Bingyue Ring, and the Bingyue Ring lit up with a dazzling white light, then suddenly grew to a hundred feet in size, and went straight to the seven-color mask.

At the same time, a blue sword light with a length of more than a thousand meters and a green sound wave swept out one after another, and went straight to the seven-color mask.

The silver Pengbird's body was wrapped in countless silver arcs, turning into a silver rainbow, hitting the seven-color mask.

The cyan Flood Dragon wanted to attack the Qinglian Immortal Companion, but before it got close, a sharp pain came from the sea of ​​consciousness.


A huge roar sounded all the time, the seven-color mask shattered, and the seven-color glass bowl flew upside down, with a few small cracks on the surface.



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