Top of Qinglian

Chapter 1687: join the tribe

In the northwest of Tianlan Realm, Ningyuan County, Jinling City.

In a secluded small courtyard with green tiles, in the basement, Huang Fugui sits cross-legged on a futon, his body is covered with a layer of yellow light, and a breeze wraps his body.

The mysterious runes on the stone wall are obviously forbidden.

Behind Huang Fugui, there is a fountain of spiritual eyes that is more than ten feet in size.

A sound transmission flew in, Huang Fugui immediately opened his eyes, grabbed the sound transmission with his chubby palm and crushed it, Wang Qiuming's happy voice suddenly sounded: "Huang Daoyou, grandfather and grandmother joined us."

Huang Fugui was full of surprises, put away the fountain of spiritual eyes, and walked out.

When he came outside, he saw Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan, and his face blossomed with joy.

"Daoyou Wang, Madam Wang, long time no see, Senior Fu!"

Huang Fugui asked expectantly, that he had been frightened and feared all these years, and he was afraid that the Tianlan Sect cultivator would suddenly kill him.

"We lost contact with Senior Fu, and we don't know his situation."

Wang Changsheng said with a light smile.

He had previously planned to find a branch of the Tianlan Sect to hide his identity and practice in seclusion, but the Tianlan Sect increased its efforts to arrest the cultivators in the East Li Jie, arresting the cultivators from the East Li Jie everywhere. As a result, Wang Changsheng could only dispel this idea.

After thinking about it, the places that are not disturbed are the three dangerous places in the Tianlan world.

Needless to say, in the Wanlei Sea Area, they just came out from there. There are many space cracks in the Immortal Burial Market, and the Demon Burying Icefield is a good place.

The Tibetan Demon Icefield is located in the northwest of the Tianlan Realm. Wang Changsheng sensed the existence of the avatar on his way to the Demon Burial Icefield and rushed over immediately.

At the beginning, he gave the avatar an order to protect Wang Qiuming's safety. Unless the avatar died, he would always protect Wang Qiuming.

There was too much noise in the shocking spirit transformation stage. Wang Ruyan alone was not enough. With Wang Qiuming and others, Wang Changsheng was even more confident.

"You don't know the whereabouts of Senior Fu? So what are you going to do next? The limelight is very tight outside, and the Tianlan Sect cultivators are looking for us everywhere."

Huang Fugui said nervously, if Fu Wen was not there, he would naturally not follow Wang Changsheng to harass the sub-rudder of the Tianlan Sect, he didn't live enough!

"We plan to find a place to hide from the limelight. By the way, Daoyou Huang, thank you for helping to take care of our tribe."

Wang Ruyan took out a small yellow umbrella and a yellow shield and handed them to Huang Fugui.

When Zhao Hengbin resolved, Shangguan Wei revealed that his belongings were affected. Wang Changsheng killed several Nascent Soul cultivators and obtained a spiritual treasure and dozens of magic treasures.

During their journey, they encountered many cultivators of Tianlanzong, captured the cultivators of Tianlanzong to search their souls, and found that many cultivators from Donglijie were caught. Found out, still very capable.

"Mrs. Wang is too polite. We are acquaintances. Huang is not trying to impress you. Of course, I can't deny your kindness."

Huang Fugui pretended to shirk and accepted it.

Wang Qiuming couldn't help laughing and laughing, Huang Fugui is really a wonderful person. If you want to accept it, accept it, why should you pretend.

"Huang Daoyou, what are your plans? Follow us? Or continue to hide here?"

Wang Changsheng asked casually, speaking from his heart, he didn't want Huang Fugui to follow him, this guy runs the fastest when he has something to do, but Huang Fugui can hide in the secular world for decades without being discovered, and he still has some skills.

Huang Fugui had a look of hesitation on his face. He hesitated for a moment, then said, "Anyway, there is nowhere to go. Huang should follow you! Of course, as you all know, Huang's strength is low, and he is really no match for fellow daoists of the same rank."

If he is alone, if he is in danger, no one will help him share the pressure. Qinglian Immortal Companion is very strong. If he encounters a Tianlan Sect cultivator, if they help drag the Tianlan Sect cultivator, Huang Fugui has a lot of power. He hoped to get out. In addition, he went to Tianlan Realm to impact the God Transformation stage. Qinglian Immortal Companion has great luck, maybe Huang Fugui can get some luck.

Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan smiled lightly, nodded and agreed, they didn't expect Huang Fugui to fight with fellow cultivators, Huang Fugui was a famous coward.

"Alright then, we'll leave in an hour, Fellow Daoist Huang, go back and pack up."

Wang Changsheng said in a deep voice.

Huang Fugui left wisely. He knew that Wang Changsheng had something to tell his clan.

Wang Changsheng convened a meeting of his clansmen and distributed magic weapons to them.

They killed a lot of Nascent Soul cultivators, and there were too many magic weapons on their bodies. They could send them to the clansmen at the stage of forming pills to improve their strength.

Wang Yingjie was assigned one defensive magic weapon and one attacking magic weapon, Wang Qiuming was assigned two defensive magic weapons, and Wang Rongting and others were all assigned several magic weapons.

"The limelight outside is too tight. We need to find a place to avoid the limelight. I plan to attack the spirit transformation period, and I need you to protect me."

As soon as Wang Changsheng said this, Wang Qiuming and others were stunned for a moment, but they quickly reacted and said excitedly, "Grandson is willing to protect the Dharma for grandfather (old ancestor)."

Wang Changsheng nodded in relief, told them about the situation outside, discussed the route of travel, and dealt with various accidents.

An hour later, Wang Changsheng and others left the courtyard, mixed with the crowd, and left Jinling City.


In the northwest corner of Tianlan Realm, there is an emerald green mountain that stretches for thousands of miles.

In a secret underground cave, a hundred-zhang-long golden python lay on the After a while, a dazzling blue light appeared on the surface of the golden python, and its body moved.

"Shangguan Tianhong, I have written down this account."

The golden python spit out human words with a cold tone. It is the ancestor of the blue and white.

Shangguan Tianhong's strength is too strong. He has three heaven-penetrating spiritual treasures. The blue-and-white ancestor is not an opponent at all. His body has been destroyed.

The blue-and-white ancestor's body is a blue-and-white python. By chance, it devoured the corpse of a fourth-order monster python with the blood of the swallowing python. It took eight hundred years of hard work to transform into a human form. Its body was destroyed, and the primordial spirit took away one. It takes at least hundreds of years for a third-order monster to restore its cultivation base. As for transforming into a human form, it is very difficult. Generally speaking, only monsters with powerful blood can transform into humanoids. It must be able to transform into a human form, and a monster that can transform into a human form either has a strong bloodline or has a special chance.

The blue-and-white ancestor has not much life left, let alone transforming into a human form, whether it can be restored to the cultivation base is another matter. It is now only a third-order monster python, and a cultivator of pill formation can kill it.

To put it bluntly, Shangguan Tianhong's move is equivalent to breaking the path of the blue-and-white ancestor.

The golden python quickly twisted its body and drilled into a hidden crack.



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