Top of Qinglian

Chapter 1689: water of the moon

The Meteorite Lake is the first dangerous pass in the Demon Burying Icefield. The lake water is not ordinary water, but the water of the dark moon. The water of the dark moon is unique to the Tianlan world. It is extremely cold, and ordinary utensils cannot be used. The Yuanying cultivator could not pass through the Meteorite Lake at all.

The Tianlanzong cultivator just guarded the entrance to the Demon Burying Icefield and did not conduct activities here. It can be seen that the Tianlanzong cultivator is still very afraid of the Meteorite Lake.

Wang Qiuming released two black flying eagle puppet beasts and controlled them to fly towards the Meteorite Lake.

The flying eagle puppet beast just appeared over the Meteorite Lake, and before it flew more than ten feet, it lost control and quickly fell to the ground.

Wang Qiuming frowned, grabbed with one hand, and two puppet beasts flew towards him.

He could clearly see that the surface of the puppet beast was frozen, and the ice layer was black.

"Don't touch it with your hands. This is not an ordinary ice cube, but a dark ice. Even if the Nascent Soul cultivator touches the dark ice, it will be in big trouble."

Wang Ruyan reminded her that if she hadn't checked the jade slip on the Tianlan Sect cultivator, she wouldn't have known the horror of Yunxian Lake.

Wang Qiuming retracted his palm, and the two flying eagle puppet beasts quickly fell towards the snow.

With the muffled sound of "bang bang", the two flying eagle puppet beasts fell into pieces.

"The water of the dark moon is a bit interesting. If you can collect the water of the dark moon, you can make it into a heavy treasure and hurt the enemy."

Huang Fugui said excitedly that he saw a business opportunity.

He took out a yellow jade bottle the size of a slap, and punched in a magic trick. The size of the yellow jade bottle suddenly soared. The mouth of the bottle was facing down, and a large amount of yellow rays of light was sprayed out, covering a lake.

A large amount of water from the dark moon poured into the yellow jade bottle, but it didn't take long for the aura of the yellow jade bottle to dim, and small cracks appeared on the surface.

With a "click", the yellow jade bottle was torn apart, and together with a large amount of water of the moon, it fell into the lake, splashing a lot of water waves, the water waves fell on the snow, the snow quickly froze, and the ice layer continued to expand. Spreading hundreds of feet, the snow has turned into huge black ice.

Wang Changsheng frowned, and grabbed the water of the lake below with one hand. The void fluctuated together, and a big blue hand more than 100 feet long emerged out of thin air, like fishing for the moon in the bottom of the sea, and grabbed towards the water of the dark moon.

The big blue hand grabbed a large amount of water of the moon, but soon, the big blue hand froze at a speed visible to the naked eye, turned into a huge black ice block, and fell into the lake.

"According to the records of the jade slip, several hundred thousand years ago, several demons in the god-transforming stage entered the Tianlan realm, and the water of the dark moon was brought by the demons from the demon realm. Strictly speaking, the Demon Burying Icefield is an ancient battlefield. , but the demons have long since died, and the cultivators of Tianlan Sect tried to collect the water of the dark moon, but they all ended in failure, even if it is a spiritual treasure, it will be damaged if it touches the water of the dark moon."

Wang Ruyan said with a frown, her face solemn.

Wang Changsheng's heart moved, thinking of Qinglian Ding, Qinglian Ding can purify the refining material, and its rank is definitely higher than Lingbao, but from the perspective of aura fluctuations, Qinglian Ding is not like a heavenly treasure, and the same is true of Zhenhailing. From the perspective of the aura fluctuations, there is no abnormality.

He lacked a powerful weapon, so he could only run away in the face of the cultivator. If he could use the water of the dark moon to refine a heavy treasure, that would be the best.

The Taiyin Divine Crystal is a good carrier, and it may be able to hold the water of the moon.

He pondered for a while, but still gave up the use of Qinglian Ding to collect the water of the dark moon. If he wanted to refine the tool, he could just refine it here. There is no need to use the green lotus to collect the water of the dark moon, in case it broke. Qinglian Ding, then the gain outweighs the loss.

Wang Changsheng sacrificed a snow-white flying boat. The surface of the flying boat was inscribed with countless mysterious runes, emitting a soft white light.

The flying snow boat, a magic weapon for flying, is made of special materials, which can weaken the power of the water of the dark moon. Fan Xue used this treasure to pass through the Meteorite Lake.

Wang Changsheng and the others flew to the flying snow boat one after another, and the flying snow boat burst into a dazzling white light, covering everyone, turning into a white rainbow, and flying towards the Meteorite Lake.

In less than half a quarter of an hour, the snow boat passed through the Yunxian Lake, and a desolate white snow field appeared in front of them. White snowflakes kept falling from the sky, and gusts of cold wind blew through, rolling up countless white snowflakes.

When Wang Changsheng's tactic was pinched, Fei Xuezhou's radiance rose sharply, speeding up.

Three days later, they appeared above a white mountain that stretched for millions of miles. Whether it was a big tree or a stone, they were all frozen, like ice sculptures, and even some frozen ice sculptures could be seen.

"A peculiar cold wind will break out here. Whether it is a monk or a magic weapon, it will be frozen when touched by this cold wind."

Wang Ruyan frowned. This is the most difficult level. The Tianlan Sect cultivator explored the Demon Burying Icefield, and it was here that there were heavy casualties. If it weren't for the flying spirit treasure, it would be difficult to pass through.

When Wang Changsheng thought about it, Wang Xin turned into a golden light and flew towards the mountains.

Before he could fly a thousand feet, a gust of wind suddenly blew, and dozens of white and cold winds came from all directions. When Wang Xin's magic art was pinched, the golden light on his body radiated, and a deafening dragon roar sounded, a line more than a hundred feet long. The golden flood dragon flew out from him, and it was his unique supernatural power, the mighty Tianlong.

The golden Flood Dragon rushed towards the white gust of wind. As soon as it touched the white gust of wind, its body suddenly froze and turned into a huge ice sculpture.

Wang Xin couldn't dodge, his left shoulder was hit by the white cold wind, his body froze at a speed visible to the naked eye, and suddenly turned into an ice sculpture.

Wang Changsheng opened his mouth quickly, spewing out a light blue flame, hitting Wang Xin, the ice layer melted quickly, and Wang Xin flew back to Wang Changsheng.

"Young Daoyou Huang, is there any way for you to pass through here?"

Wang Changsheng looked at Huang Fugui and asked casually.

Huang Fugui hesitated for a while, then nodded and said, "I have a windbreaker, maybe it can pass through here, I'll try it first."

He flipped his hand and took out a yellow flag, with mysterious runes all over the flag, and a tornado pattern on the flag.

He gently flicked the wind shelter, and a yellow glow swept out, covering Huang Fugui, Huang Fugui turned into a yellow light, and flew towards the white mountain range.

Wang Changsheng's eyes flashed with surprise. Huang Fugui's escaping speed was no slower than his. You must know that Huang Fugui is only in the middle stage of Yuanying.

As soon as Huang Fugui appeared above the White Mountains, dozens of white winds suddenly blew up, hitting Huang Fugui.

The strange thing is that dozens of white cold winds came into contact with the yellow glow and avoided them one after another, and Huang Fugui came and went freely.

Huang Fugui circled around the mountain range, but the white cold wind couldn't help him.

"It's alright, with the wind shelter in hand, we can pass through here safely."

Huang Fugui flew back to Wang Changsheng and said with a smile.

He suddenly flicked the wind-shielding flag, and a large yellow glow flew out, covering Under the wrapping of the yellow glow, they flew high into the sky.

From time to time, a white cold wind blows in the mountains, but when it encounters the yellow glow, the cold wind is avoided.

An hour later, they passed through the white mountain range and appeared above a snow mountain more than a thousand feet high. There were many white trees growing on the snow mountain, and the white cold wind was no longer blowing here.

They flew more than 200,000 miles without touching any restrictions. Only then did they land on a steep snow-capped mountain. With the snow-capped mountain as the center, there was an open field for hundreds of miles. To the east was a huge blue ice lake, and to the south was a piece of open land. In the endless white jungle, the west is their way, and the north is deep into the Demon Burying Ice Field.

"Let's stay here for a while! It will be difficult for the Tianlan Sect cultivator to catch up here."

Wang Changsheng said in a deep voice, the location here is good, and he intends to hit the God Transformation Stage here.

Huang Fugui was shivering. Even if he was a Nascent Soul cultivator, he felt a little uncomfortable, but from another point of view, this place was indeed a good place to hide.

"Huang won't disturb Wang Daoyou, let me practice there!"

Huang Fugui left wisely and flew to the north. If a strong enemy came, he could escape into the depths of the Demon Burying Icefield, and he could advance or retreat.



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