Top of Qinglian

Chapter 1693: Tiger Yunxiao, the owner of Wanyao Valley

They didn't start a big battle before. First, the people were different, and they each had their own calculus. Second, they didn't have a complete set of spiritual treasures, so they would be at a disadvantage.

For more than 30 years, they have refined several sets of spiritual treasures, and they have the capital to compete with the cultivators of Tianlanzong. In addition, the cultivators of Tianlanzong are in chaos, causing public anger. It is time to solve the cultivators of Tianlanzong.

"I agree with this. The cultivators of the Tianlan Realm, Lei Yunbin and Long Xiaoyao are the most powerful ones. If they didn't have a complete set of spiritual treasures, they would not necessarily be our opponents."

A thick male voice suddenly sounded.

"It's the Taoist Tiger friend of the Ten Thousand Demons Valley, you can count on it."

Zhou Xingguo narrowed his eyes and looked outside.

The others looked out of the hall one after another, and a burly man in a golden shirt walked in. The man in the golden shirt had straight facial features, a dignified appearance, and a golden light flashed in his eyes, giving people a strong sense of oppression. His breath was weaker than that of Sun Tianhu.

Hu Yunxiao, the Valley Master of Ten Thousand Demons Valley, in the middle stage of God Transformation, his body is a six-winged golden-eyed tiger.

Two men and one woman followed behind him. All three of them were Yuan Ying Great Perfection. Their lifespan was running out, and there were no spiritual things that could impact the Spirit Transformation stage. All they were waiting for was sitting. Do your best for Donglijie.

When Hu Yunxiao appeared, the cultivators were all surprised, and the surprise quickly turned into a surprise.

"With Daoist Hu joining us, our odds of winning are a little better."

Sun Tianhu said excitedly, in this way, the strength of the cultivator in the Dongli realm will stabilize the cultivator in the Tianlan realm.

Hu Yunxiao nodded, looked at Liu Ye, and said solemnly, "They are running out of longevity, fellow Daoist Liu, I remember that your Taiyi Immortal Sect has a secret medicine, Yugandan, which can elevate the cultivation of the Yuanying cultivator to a divine transformation. Can you take out a few pills for them to take?"

Every major force has a fourth-order alchemist, and individual forces have a fifth-order alchemist. For thousands of years, the most famous fifth-order alchemist is the Four Seasons Sword Master of Taiyi Xianmen. With a superb level, he developed a secret medicine, Yugandan, which can increase the mana of the late Nascent Soul monks to the early stage of divine transformation. The Four Seasons Sword Master had contact with the two previous Valley Masters of Wan Yaogu, and Hu Yunxiao was able to

Hearing this, Sun Tianhu and the others were shocked. It was obviously the first time they heard about this.

"We Taiyi Xianmen do have this kind of secret medicine, but the materials for refining are very rare, and we don't have a few. The old man brought two. After taking it, the Nascent Soul cultivator can have the magic power of the initial stage of God Transformation, and the time is only half an hour. Zhong, taking this medicine will definitely kill you."

Liu Ye said solemnly, any secret technique or elixir that can raise a great realm will have serious sequelae.

The major forces exchanged rare materials, and Taiyi Immortal Sect was able to gather the materials and make four jade dry pills. Liu Ye brought two of them, and the two remained in the treasure house of Taiyi Immortal Sect in case of emergency.

"Okay, in this way, we can add two more Spirit Transformation cultivators. Fellow Daoist Liu, if you have this secret medicine, you can take it out early, and we will deal with the Tianlan Sect cultivator long ago."

Dongfang Yulin complained.

"Yugandan is made from three thousand years of dried jade fruit as the main medicine, and more than a dozen thousand-year-old spirit medicines as auxiliary medicines. It's not easy to gather a single batch of materials."

Liu Ye explained that the Yugan Dan left by the grandfather had been used up long ago.

"Tianlong also intends to use the secret technique of combining human beings and beasts, so that he can have the strength of the initial stage of divine transformation, and he will automatically solve it afterward."

Sun Tianhu solemnly said that the Tianlong he was referring to was Qin Tianlong, the owner of the island of Myriad Beasts. Qin Tianlong was already a great consummation of Nascent Soul. Sun Tianhu provided him with two spiritual objects to let him pass the spirit transformation period. Unfortunately, Qin Tianlong failed, and his longevity Not many dollars.

"It's very good, but they may be broken into pieces, which is not easy to deal with. We have to consider this and take measures to deal with it."

Liu Ye reminded.

Sun Tianhu nodded and discussed countermeasures with the others.


Tianlan Island, the council hall.

Lei Yunbin and other nine cultivators were discussing the war. As time went on, the cultivators in the East Li Realm obviously lost patience and frequently provoked wars. There were fewer and fewer Nascent Soul cultivators in Tianlan Sect. traumatized.

"I guess the cultivator of Donglijie has lost patience, and it is estimated that he will fight to the death with us."

Li Shuo frowned and said, they seem to be safe when separated, but in fact they are easy to be defeated one by one, the back road is broken, and there is no reinforcement yet, their morale is very low, if it is not in another world, those Nascent Soul monks would have fled long ago .

"After all, this is the Dongli Realm. If we really fight for life and death, we may not get a lot of advantages. How about we seek peace?"

Someone suggested.

"Begging for peace? At this time, begging for peace is courting death. The weaker we are, the less they will let us go. Even if we ask for peace, we have to fight with them and show them something powerful."

Yan Que said with a cold face, his intestines are all regretful, but unfortunately there is no regret medicine in the world. Not long after he took refuge in the Tianlan Realm, he burst into a spiritless energy, and his luck was extremely bad.

He is the most unwilling to negotiate with Donglijie, and Donglijie will definitely not let him go as a traitor.

"Don't worry! I've already made a complete plan, but if it really doesn't work, let's withdraw to the Immortal Burying Sea Area and wait for the Absolute Spiritual Qi to dissipate."

Lei Yunbin said confidently, this is the worst plan, they are outsiders, no matter where they escape, it is not safe, the Immortal Burial Sea is a good choice.

He has a few nine-yuan spirit-blocking talismans in his hand, which can temporarily isolate the spiritual energy, enough for them to withdraw to a safe place in the Immortal Burial Sea Area. This talisman will be scrapped when its power is Can you reach it? The safety of the Immortal Burial Sea area is still two things, there are many variables.

"" Don't be too discouraged, I have already sent someone to plan a major event, even if there is no reinforcements, if that event is successful, it can turn the situation around. "

Lei Yunbin looked confident. Long Yanji gave Situ Mei the elixir to prolong his life, and helped Situ Mei enter the Yuan Ying Great Consummation. Lei Yunbin sent a group of masters to accompany Situ Mei to do a major event. If it succeeds, Dongli Realm will collapse without a fight.

After hearing this, Long Xiaoyao and the others' expressions softened, and they reluctantly raised some confidence.


Two days later, Dongli Island, Teleportation Hall, Wang Qingshan and other hundreds of cultivators gathered in the Teleportation Hall. Most of these cultivators were injured, and some cultivators lacked arms and legs.

"Wang Daoyou, Sun Daoyou, Liu Daoyou... Daoyou Chen, you all stand on the teleportation array and prepare to leave."

A burly old man in green robe urged.

Wang Qingshan and other more than ten cultivators stood on the teleportation array, and the teleportation array shook violently, illuminating a dazzling aura that drowned Wang Qingshan and others.

The spiritual light dissipated, and Wang Qingshan and others disappeared.



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