Top of Qinglian

Chapter 1717: God-turning melee

Fang Mu sneered for a while and said, "You think I'm a three-year-old child? It's so easy for you to deceive me? Hit me if you want."

He originally hid somewhere with Fu Wen, but the Tianlan Sect cultivator refined a special magic weapon and found Fang Mu.

Fu Wen was entangled by the cultivator of the gods, Fang Mu separated from Fu Wen, and was chased and killed by the cultivator of Tianlanzong.

Fang Mu is very clear about what he has done. The master died at the hands of Shangguan Tianhong, and he will definitely not join the Tianlan Sect.

"If that's the case, I'll send you on your way."

The golden-robed man's expression turned cold, his face full of killing intent.

Fang Mu has nine celestial corpses at the Nascent Soul stage, which is too difficult to deal with. Tian Lanzong had to mobilize experts to deal with Fang Mu.

"Fang Xiaoyou is young, he still has a lot of time to live, you can die early."

An indifferent man's voice suddenly came from the sky and spread all over a hundred miles.

A blue light flew from a distance and stopped over Fang Mu and the others. It was Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan.

"Qinglian Immortal Companion, Spirit Transformation cultivator, no, hurry up!"

The golden-robed man sensed Wang Changsheng's breath as vast as the ocean, and his face changed greatly.

"I only want to leave now! It's too late."

A little bit of blue light emerged from the void around Wang Changsheng's body, turning into blue ice needles, there were as many as tens of thousands of them.

These blue ice needles are not ordinary ice needles, but the cold energy from Wang Changsheng's refining of dried blue snow crystals.

An ear-piercing sound of breaking through the air sounded, and tens of thousands of blue ice needles went straight to the dozen or so Nascent Soul cultivators.

The dozen or so Nascent Soul cultivators wanted to run away, when a passionate harp sounded in their ears, everyone's head buzzed, their bodies weakened, and they couldn't stand firm.

When they regained consciousness, the blue ice needles had already arrived in front of them, hitting their protective aura or defensive magic weapon.

An astonishing scene appeared. Their protective aura suddenly froze. The ice layer was blue, and there were some blue ice chips on the surface of the defensive magic weapon.

There was a muffled sound of "crackling", their body protection aura suddenly shattered, the blue ice needle hit them, their body surface suddenly froze, the whole person froze at a speed visible to the naked eye, and was frozen by blue ice cubes .

A large golden flame suddenly appeared on the surface of the golden-robed man, exuding an astonishing high temperature. The spread of the blue ice layer suddenly slowed down. Yes, it was only slowed down. The blue ice layer was formed by the cold air of dry blue snow crystals. , not an ordinary cold.

A blue-green sound wave fell from the sky, passing over several Nascent Soul cultivators who were not frozen by the blue ice. Their eyes widened, their bodies softened, and they fell down.

With Wang Ruyan's Yuan Ying's great perfection, and with the help of Lingbao Tianhuan Pipa, few monks of the same rank can block her. Except for illusion, few monks of the same rank can block sonic attacks, so it is better for a monster with a strong body.

There were bursts of passionate piano sounds, and several blue-green sound waves swept across the frozen Nascent Soul cultivators.

A burst of dazzling spiritual light lit up, and more than a dozen mini Nascent Souls flew out of their bodies, flying towards the surroundings.

A gust of wind was blowing, and a huge red tower with a height of more than one hundred meters suddenly appeared in the sky. A red glow erupted from the bottom of the tower, covering more than a dozen mini Nascent Souls, all of which were contained in the giant red tower.

The whole process took less than three breaths, and Fang Mu was stunned. He didn't expect the enemy to be killed so quickly, and he didn't even think that Wang Changsheng had entered the stage of spiritual transformation.

"Wang Dao... No, Senior Wang, long time no see."

Fang Mu said in surprise.

"Fang Xiaoyou, are you the only one? No other comrades?"

Wang Changsheng asked with a smile.

"Yes, by the way, Senior Fu was entangled by the Deity Transformation cultivator of Tianlan Sect."

Fang Mu remembered something and replied quickly.

Wang Changsheng's expression froze, and he instructed, "Go, follow me to save fellow Daoist Fu. If it wasn't for fellow Daoist Fu that day, we would have died."

The three of Wang Changsheng turned into three rays of light and flew towards the way they came.

An emerald green mountain range that stretches for millions of miles, the fire is soaring into the sky, and the smoke is billowing.

Fu Wen was holding a Wanmin pen, his face was pale, and Fu Wen was surrounded by Master Tianmo and a young girl in a red dress. Their faces were full of murderous intent.

The girl in the red dress has delicate facial features, embroidered willow leaves, and almond-shaped eyes.

Zhao Hongxue, in the early days of Spirit Transformation, she has been in the Spirit Transformation Stage for more than a hundred years, and she is a newly promoted Spirit Transformation cultivator.

"Fu Daoyou, those who know the current affairs are Junjie. As long as you submit to our Tianlan Sect, you can avoid death. Why do you have to fight against us! Our Tianlan Sect is very tolerant, you should think about it!"

Venerable Tianmo's tone was full of temptation. If it were other cultivators, they would die if they died. Fu Wen was a fifth-order talisman maker, and Tianlan Sect also had a fifth-order talisman maker who helped them a lot.

The space passage in the Immortal Burial Sea will not be restored for a while. If Fu Wen can return to the Tianlan Sect, they can increase their troops to the Dongli Realm.

"A mother is a mother if you have milk? You are too underestimated by Fu. The old man is used to being free and loose, but he doesn't want to listen to other people's irresponsible remarks."

Fu Wen sneered, with a look of disdain.

Only a fool believes in such words. Once he gives up his resistance, he will be the meat on the chopping block and will be slaughtered by others.

"Well said, Wang deeply agrees."

A vigorous male voice suddenly sounded, and a blue light appeared in the sky.

"Spiritual Transformation cultivator! Is that the old snake from the blue-and-white ancestor?"

Master Tianmo's expression changed slightly. As far as he knew, Fu Wen was the only one of the cultivators in the Dongli Realm. The ancestor of Qinghua lost his physical body, and it was impossible to restore his cultivation so quickly. Did Dongli Realm send someone here again?

The speed of the blue escaping light was so fast that the two couldn't breathe, and the blue escaping light stopped in front of them.

"Qinglian Immortal Companion, it's you, you've entered the Divine Transformation Stage."

Master Tianmo frowned. More than 80 years ago, Wang Changsheng was not able to reach the Great Consummation of Nascent Soul. After so many years, Wang Changsheng actually entered the Divine Transformation Stage.

"Fellow Daoist Wang, you have entered the Divine Transformation Stage! Haha, that's great."

Fu Wen smiled boldly, his eyes showed surprise, and there was still a bit of sadness. Wang Changsheng had not been in the spirit transformation period for a long time, and he didn't have the Heavenly Soul

"Sister Zhao, you go to deal with them, I'll deal with Fu Wen, don't worry about winning, Senior Brother Shangguan is already on his way, as long as we hold them back and wait for Senior Brother Shangguan to arrive, they will die."

Master Tianmo sent Zhao Hongxue a voice transmission with a solemn tone.

This is the site of Tianlan Realm, and they don't have to rush to win, they can take a steady and steady approach and delay for some time.

Zhao Hongxue nodded, and when the magic trick was pinched, the fire spirit energy in a radius of 100 miles quickly converged here, and countless red firelights emerged in the void, turning into a red fire cloud more than ten miles long, emitting an amazing high temperature. Some large trees on the ground spontaneously ignited without wind.

The red fire cloud rolled violently and suddenly turned into a red fire phoenix that was ten thousand feet in size. With a clear and loud phoenix roar, the red fire phoenix came straight to Wang Changsheng.

Wang Changsheng was not afraid at all, when the magic trick was pinched, the void vibrated, and dense blue water vapor emerged, which turned into a blue ocean, and in a huge tsunami sound, the ocean faced the red fire phoenix on the opposite side.

The last time Wang Changsheng fought with the eight-winged Xueyao beast, the eight-winged Xueyao beast had a geographical advantage and could easily mobilize the ice-attribute aura.

Zhao Hongxue cultivated fire-type supernatural powers, and Wang Changsheng cultivated water-type supernatural powers.


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