Top of Qinglian

Chapter 1740: Tianpin treasure hunt

Time flies, three years have passed quickly.

There is a small and quiet courtyard that covers an extremely wide area. Some exotic flowers and plants are planted in the courtyard. In the center is a blue attic with carved railings and jade.

Wang Yingjie pushed open the door and walked out with a thick smile on his face.

He followed Wang Changsheng to the Tianlan Realm for an adventure. After he came back, he received a large reward. In addition, Wang Qingling gave him some resources to cultivate immortals. Wang Yingjie's cultivation speed is very fast. Yes, after all, he is the root of the five spirits.

Today is the day of the clan competition, and the first place will be rewarded with a spirit treasure.

Wang Yingjie left the residence, turned into a ray of light and flew away, and he could clearly see a large number of clansmen flying towards the martial arts field.

Not long after, Wang Yingjie came to the martial arts field. Thousands of clansmen gathered in the martial arts field. In the center of the martial arts field was the Qinglian Town Spirit Pagoda.

The clansmen participating in the clan competition must have at least three levels of foundation-building cultivation. They must be members of the royal family to participate, and the worshipers cannot participate.

Because of the generous rewards, it attracted many clansmen to participate.

"Clang clang clang!"

A loud bell rang, and a golden light descended from the sky and landed on the immortal tower in Qinglian Town. It was Wang Qiuming.

"This time the clan competition is hosted by me personally. The first place in the level will be rewarded with a spiritual treasure. You have to perform well, you know?"

Wang Qiuming's voice spread throughout the martial arts arena.

"Yes, my ancestor."

All the clansmen agreed in unison.

"Line up to enter Qinglian Town Spirit Pagoda, come one by one."

Wang Qiuming instructed, his eyes involuntarily looked towards Qinglian Peak.

Qinglian Peak, Wang Changsheng, Wang Ruyan, Wang Qingshan, Wang Qingling, Wang Qingqing, Ziyue Fairy, Wang Xin, Murong Yuyao, and Ye Haitang gathered in a secret room, and there was a teleportation array that was more than one hundred feet long.

Wang Ruyan tested Murong Yuyao with the Seven Star Inquiring Talisman. She really did not lie. Wang Changsheng was going to go to the secret realm of heaven to search for treasures to enhance the strength of the family.

He has nine dark moon beads in his hand, and he gave one each to Wang Qingshan, Wang Qingqing, Ye Haitang, Wang Qingqing, Ziyue Fairy, Wang Qiuming and Wang Xin, but there are not many Wannian Xuanyu and Taiyin crystals, and they can no longer be refined. To make the Moon Pearl, unless you get Wannian Profound Jade and Taiyin Divine Crystal.

"Let's go! Let's go, go back early."

Wang Changsheng strode up to the teleportation array, and Wang Qiuming stayed at the residence on Qinglian Island, mainly to cover the actions of Wang Changsheng and others. In addition, Wang Qiuming was also responsible for testing the Zhenxian Tower. During the period, Zhenxian Pagoda appeared in the world, and Wang Qiuming could also take his clan to break into Zhenxian Pagoda and prepare with both hands.

No way, no one knows when Zhenxian Pagoda will appear in the world, otherwise Wang Changsheng will bring more elite children.

Wang Ruyan and others stood on the teleportation array one after another, Wang Changsheng entered a magic formula, the teleportation array lit up with countless runes, and a thick spiritual light lit up, covering everyone's figures.

After a slight dizziness, Wang Changsheng and nine people appeared in a simple underground cave. There was a water pool not far away, and water droplets fell into the water pool from time to time.

Ye Haitang walked in front of a steep stone wall, flipped her hand and took out a bright yellow flag, and swayed it gently towards the stone wall. The stone wall lit up with a burst of yellow light, and suddenly a hole several feet large appeared, and the dazzling eyes floated. Come in.

When they walked out of the cave, they were located on a desert island more than a hundred miles long. There were no monsters on the island, and the spiritual energy was weak.

"Flying east, you can reach your destination."

As Ye Haitang spoke, she sacrificed a jet-black boat, with some hideous grimace patterns engraved on the boat, which was full of yin.

This is a flying spirit treasure, a spirit boat, and a spirit treasure that Ye Haitang got from Zhenxian Pagoda.

Wang Changsheng and others walked up to the Hundred Ghosts Escape Spirit Boat, and when Ye Haitang slapped the magic trick, the ghost faces on the boat seemed to come alive, and they let out a "woo woo" devil cry. They spewed out a large black yin, covering Wang Changsheng. Wait a minute, if a cultivator uses his divine sense to probe, his divine sense will be blocked by the black yin.

The Hundred Ghosts Escaping Spirit Boat turned into a ray of light and flew away, and it didn't take long before it turned into a black spot and disappeared into the sky.


Red Moon Sea, Cloud Island.

In the Cloud Sea Palace, a fat man in a golden robe sat on a golden jade chair. The golden jade chair seemed to be unable to bear his weight and made a "jiji" sound.

A blue-skirted girl with beautiful brows was sitting beside her, her brows furrowed.

The fat man in the golden robe is called Wang Qiuxin, the son of Wang Changxing, he has been in charge of the Cloud Sea Sect, and the girl in the blue dress is Wang Qiuli, who sits on Silver Snake Island.

They received an order that the family would go to the Red Moon Sea to do business and ask them to assist.

"How come the family members are not there yet, there will be no accident!"

Wang Qiuli frowned and said that all these years have not been peaceful, even the Silver Snake Island has been attacked, but it was quickly repelled.

"With me here, nothing can happen. Who dares to beat our Wang family's idea?"

A domineering male voice suddenly sounded.

As soon as the words fell, Wang Changsheng and the others walked out from the side hall.

"Ninth Uncle, Seventh Uncle."

Wang Qiuxin and Wang Qiuli quickly stood up and bowed in salute.

"Qiu Xin, have you won that island?"

Wang Changsheng asked, the entrance to the Heavenly Secret Realm was above a small island, and that island was the residence of a cultivator family.

"I came forward to communicate as the helmsman of Zhenhaizong, and I have already won the island. That family has been merged into Zhenhaizong. Now the island is all our people. already."

Wang Qiuxin answered truthfully that Yunhaizong all joined Zhenhaizong, but still retained some people to sit on Yunhai Island. Yunhaidao exists as a branch of Zhenhaizong, and because of the relationship between the Wang family, there is no force willing to be difficult with Yunhai.

He explained in detail the process of winning the island. The strength of the Xiuxian family was far less than that of the Yunhai Branch. Wang Qiuxin coerced and lured them, and they won the family easily without causing any fatalities.

"You did a good You have worked hard all these years. I will give you credit for this matter, and Qiu Li also has credit. When I return to Qinglian Island, I will definitely reward you."

Wang Changsheng smiled and promised.

Wang Qiuxin and Wang Qiuli looked happy and said in unison, "Thank you, Uncle Jiu."

"Okay, let's go!"

Wang Changsheng ordered.

Under the leadership of Wang Qiuxin, they came to a secret room more than 100 feet long, and there was a teleportation array more than 50 feet long in the secret room.

Wang Changsheng and other eleven people walked to the teleportation array one after another, and entered a magic formula. A dazzling white aura shot up into the sky, drowning their figures.

The white light dissipated, and Wang Changsheng and others appeared in a spacious and bright hall with the door closed.

Wang Qiuxin pushed open the hall door, Wang Changsheng and others walked out. At this time, they were located on an oval-shaped island with dense vegetation. There were more than 50 immortal practitioners, most of whom were in the foundation-building period.

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