Top of Qinglian

Chapter 1752: 0 Lingyu Liquid

"Friend Wang Daoyou, Daoyou Gongsun, you came very early!"

A man's voice full of energy suddenly sounded, and a red light appeared in the distant sky, flying towards it quickly.

It didn't take long for the red light to stop, and it was a huge red cloud. A group of Taiyi Xianmen monks stood on it, headed by a fat young man in red. The belly of the young man in red was bulging. , It was Meng Tianzheng who was about to burst the robe.

Meng Tianzheng is the same as Wang Changsheng. He is also the leader of the Taiyi Five Heroes, and he has entered the stage of spiritual transformation.

Taiyi Immortal Gate has a sub-rudder in the coral sea area. He learned that the Zhenxian Pagoda appeared in the coral sea area. Meng Tianzheng led the team and rushed to the coral sea area in person.

"Meng Daoyou, long time no see."

Wang Changsheng smiled and said hello to Meng Tianzheng. When he first met Meng Tianzheng, Meng Tianzheng was already in the stage of forming an elixir, and he was only in the stage of establishing a foundation. When the Wang family held a major celebration, Meng Tianzheng led the team to participate. Wang Changsheng and Meng Tianzheng were acquaintances.

When he first returned to Dongli Realm, Wang Changsheng wanted to visit Meng Tianzheng, but at that time Meng Tian was in retreat and practice.

"Long time no see, Daoyou Wang and Daoyou Gongsun, have all your juniors gone to Zhenxian Pagoda? I didn't expect that Zhenxian Pagoda will appear in the Coral Sea this time. This is a chance for the juniors."

Meng Tianzheng said with a chuckle, he turned his head to look at the Taiyi Immortal Sect disciple behind him, and instructed, "Go through the barrier!"

"Yes, Master Meng (Master)."

The five cultivators of the Taiyi Immortal Sect took out the Immortal Suppression Order and injected their mana.

After a dazzling aura lit up, they disappeared.

"Someone broke into the thirty-fifth floor."

I don't know who shouted loudly, and the eyes of the monks all turned to the Zhenxian Pagoda.

The thirty-fifth floor flashed with aura, and this time Zhenxian Pagoda appeared in this world, few people broke into the thirty-fifth floor.

On the thirty-fifth floor, a middle-aged man with a national character stood in the spacious and bright hall. His face was slightly pale. Judging from the clothes on his body, it was obvious that he was a disciple of Myriad Beasts Island.

Lin Yang, he is Gongsun Yang's disciple and grandson. This time he took a piece of spiritual treasure to cross the border. He also wanted to cross the thirty-sixth floor like Gongsun Yang and become famous in the Dongli world.

There was a ripple in the void, and the Qinglian Immortal Companion appeared. As soon as they appeared, Dahao Dahao moved his fists, and the dense blue fists smashed over, blocking Lin Yang's retreat.

Lin Yang hurriedly took out a pale golden square token with three lifelike designs of monsters on the surface of the token.

After a dazzling golden light lit up, a red giant tiger, a silver thunder eagle, and a purple centipede flew out. They were all transformed by the spirits of fourth-order monsters and could rival the Nascent Soul stage, but they were driven by the cultivators of the pill. This treasure consumes a lot of mana.

As soon as the red giant tiger appeared, it immediately spewed billowing flames and met the dense fist shadows.

The rumbling sound of rumbling sounded, and the air was billowing.


On the 25th floor, Wang Youwei directed two puppet beasts to fight with a silver-shirted youth. The silver-shirted youth was surrounded by countless silver arcs. Under the attack of two third-order puppet beasts, the silver-shirted youth was somewhat In a hurry.

Wang Youwei flipped his hand and took out a blue and red folding fan, and with a light blow, a strong wind blew, and a blue tornado with a height of more than thirty meters appeared out of nowhere, heading straight for the silver-shirted youth opposite.

The silver-shirted youth was about to avoid it when a monkey puppet beast let out a low roar. The silver-shirted youth seemed to be affected, his reaction slowed down, and he was swept up in the cyan tornado.

After the loud bang, the silver-shirted youth disappeared.

Wang Youwei breathed a sigh of relief, but he wanted to try to see if he could get past the thirty-fifth floor.


On the twentieth floor, Wang Rongxiang held a red pipa and kept playing it. The sound of the pipa sounded in bursts. A little spark of light appeared in the void, turning into red fireballs, hitting the opposite side like a tide. Two golden puppet beasts.

The rumbling sound of rumbling sounded, and the figures of the two golden-armored puppet beasts drowned in the billowing flames, the heat wave was amazing.

After a dazzling golden light lit up, the flame suddenly dissipated, and two golden-armored puppet beasts rushed over.

Wang Rongxiang's face turned cold, and after a passionate pipa sound rang out, a red sound wave swept out, quickly passing over the bodies of the two golden-armored puppet beasts.

The two golden-armored puppet beasts flew out immediately, smashed heavily on the ground, and could no longer stand up. There were not many scars on their bodies, but the spirit stones that drove them had been shattered and could not move.

A golden glow lit up under her feet, drowning her figure.


On the twelfth floor, Wang Jiyun was fighting with two third-order monsters. A golden whale with a big hill kept spouting golden sound waves, and a blue giant crab the size of a house kept spewing out arrows of water. Hit the opposite side.

Their bodies were covered in scars, with countless clearly visible bloodstains.

Wang Jijun's sword art changed, and the seven flying swords with shining blue light condensed together and turned into a huge blue cloud, floating in the sky, the blue cloud rolled violently, and the sharp blue sword qi flew out. Go out and chop at the golden whale and blue cancer below.


After a deafening explosion sounded, the two monsters were penetrated by the dense blue sword energy, and disappeared as little auras.

Wang Jiyun's expression was the same as usual, with a light-hearted look, her sword skills changed, the blue cloud turned into seven blue flying swords and flew towards her, and the scabbard that sank into her back disappeared.

A golden glow lit up under her feet, drowning her figure.


Outside Zhenxian Tower, a desert island.

Chen Yue stood in front of Wang Changsheng with a nervous expression.

"I haven't seen you for many years. I didn't expect that Fellow Daoist Chen was gone. If you encounter any trouble in the future, you can go to Qinglian Island for help."

Wang Changsheng said graciously, when he first arrived in the South China Sea, Chen Yilong provided him with a lot of help, and it was Chen Yilong who helped him build a bridge, so Wang Changsheng got to know Fairy Ziyue, and then got the follow-up Yue is the daughter of an old friend, Wang Changsheng didn't mind taking care of it.

When the other monks heard this, their faces were full of envy. They didn't expect Chen Yue to actually know the famous Taihao.

"Senior Wang, this is a bottle of diluted Wanling Jade Liquid that this junior has obtained. It is useless for the junior to keep it. I hope the seniors don't dislike it."

Chen Yue took out a light blue jade bottle and said through voice transmission.

"Wan Ling Jade Liquid!"

Wang Changsheng was a little surprised. This kind of material is very helpful to the growth of Lingzhi, and it can bring back the effect of resurrection, but it is only for Lingzhi elixir. The material of jade liquid, this material cannot be used for alchemy, it can only be used to cultivate spiritual plants.

No matter what, Wanling Jade Liquid is a good thing.

Wang Changsheng accepted it, and the family got a lot of elixir from the secret realm of heaven, and some elixir died. With this bottle of Wanling Jade Liquid, it should be able to revive a batch of elixir, and it will be easier for the family to transplant elixir in the future. .

At this moment, someone exclaimed: "Someone broke into the thirty-sixth floor!"

As we all know, as long as you pass the thirty-sixth floor, you can get the Heavenly Soul Treasure, but since Gongsun Yang passed the thirty-sixth floor, very few people have passed the thirty-sixth floor. The level of difficulty is high.


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