Top of Qinglian

Chapter 1764: Epiphany

The latest website: Northern Xinjiang, Jinquefang City.

Jinquefang City is a medium-sized city, managed by three immortal cultivators.

Chen Le is a qi-refining cultivator. He came from a loose cultivator. He usually hunts and kills monsters for a living. His spiritual tools are often damaged. He is reluctant to replace them with new ones. New, can't do it, and it's hard to come by.

On this day, he was wandering on the street. There were many good things in the shops on both sides of the street, but he couldn't afford most of them.

Chen Le came to a three-story cyan pavilion with three golden characters "Lingbing Pavilion" written on the plaque. This was a weapons store.

Chen Le walked in, and after a while, Chen Le came out with a face full of disappointment.

"The asking price is too high. We need to save some spirit stones to buy a few talismans. After a while, we will set off to hunt monsters."

Chen Le talked to himself, shook his head, and walked towards the front.

He went to more than a dozen weapons stores, some of which were charging too high, some did not do his business at all, some were of poor quality, and some took ten days and a half to repair.

Before you know it, the sky darkened, and the streets were crowded and lively.

"Hey, Qingliantang, a newly opened weapons shop!"

Chen Le was standing in front of a small shop. The shop owner was a tall young man in blue shirt. Looking at the fluctuations in his spiritual energy, he was a qi refining cultivator. There were some spiritual tools in the shop, and the rank was not high. .

He mustered up his courage and walked in.

"Repairing the spirit tool?"

As Chen Le spoke, he took out a cyan flying knife without a handle, with two notches on the blade.

The blue-shirted youth nodded and said: "Of course, the new store opens, fifteen spirit stones."

"When can I get the goods?"

Chen Le asked, the price of fifteen spirit stones is not expensive.

"There's no business in the store. I'll fix it for you now, and you can get the goods in just a cup of tea."

The blue-shirted youth said with a smile.

Chen Le smiled and said, "Okay, then please."

The blue-shirted youth shouted, "Madam, come out and take a look at the shop, there are guests."

Soon, a blue-skirted young woman with picturesque features came out from the backyard. The blue-shirted youth and the blue-skirted young woman were Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan. They had experienced the life of mortals, and now they are experiencing the life of low-level monks.

Wang Changsheng walked into the backyard with a cyan flying knife, Wang Ruyan chatted with Chen Le.

After a cup of tea, Wang Changsheng came out, holding a flying knife with a gleaming blue light in his hand.

Chen Le's eyes widened. If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, he would have thought that he had bought a new spiritual tool.

"Chen Le, haven't you asked your fellow Daoist what to call him?"

Chen Le asked politely.

"My surname is Wang, this is my wife."

Wang Changsheng said with a smile.

"It turned out to be Shopkeeper Wang. These are fifteen spiritual stones. I will buy spiritual tools from you in the future. If the quality is good, I will recommend them to my companions."

Chen Le paid the Lingshi and left happily.

Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan looked at each other and smiled, neither of them said anything.


Five years later, Qinglian Hall.

Wang Changsheng was holding a thick ancient book and reading it with great interest, when Chen Le strode in, there was a scary scar on his face, and his left arm was missing.

"Treasurer Wang, have I refined what I want?"

Chen Le opened his mouth and asked, he has been buying spiritual tools in Qingliantang in recent years, and the quality of Qingliantang's spiritual tools is very good, but unfortunately the shopkeeper is only in the qi refining period and can only refine spiritual tools.

Wang Changsheng nodded with a smile, took out three light red round beads, and said, "I made them with a secret method, each one is comparable to a blow from a foundation-building cultivator, you should use it carefully, Daoyou Chen, this is a one-time-use item. ."

"Don't worry, I know what I have in mind, thank you very much, shopkeeper Wang."

Chen Le paid the Lingshi and left with three red balls.

Wang Ruyan came out of the backyard. She looked at Chen Le's leaving back, sighed lightly, and said, "I don't know if he can come back alive."

Qingliantang sells spiritual tools and talismans. The quality is good, and it attracts many qi cultivators. After a long time, they have a group of loyal repeat customers, but some repeat customers suddenly disappeared. Before they disappeared, they all followed Qingliantang. After purchasing a batch of magic weapons, it was natural to hunt down monsters.

Some qi cultivators returned with serious injuries, unable to hunt down monsters, no longer pursue the avenue of immortality, marry and have children, and live a normal life. The monks can worship the sect.

The life of the low-level cultivators was not easy, especially the loose cultivators. Too few were able to make their mark. In the past five years, their old customers have changed batches after batches.

"Cultivation of immortals is like rowing a boat against the current. If you don't advance, you will retreat. This is his choice. Others can't help him. If he wants to go further in the fairyland, he can only rely on himself."

Wang Changsheng sighed, he said these words to Wang Ruyan.

Wang Ruyan nodded thoughtfully, but said nothing.


A year later, Qinglian Hall.

Wang Changsheng was chatting with Wang Ruyan when Chen Le strode in. His aura was much stronger than before, and he had entered the foundation-building stage.

"Fellow Daoist Chen... No, Senior Chen, it's been a long time, I said why don't you come to our Qinglian Hall, it turns out that you have entered the Foundation Establishment stage, congratulations!"

Wang Changsheng smiled and congratulated.

"Thanks to the spiritual tool that Shopkeeper Wang sold me, otherwise I'm afraid I wouldn't be able to survive, let alone advance to the Foundation Establishment Stage."

Chen Le said gratefully, and he changed his words and said, "I have already joined the Sun family. Are you interested in doing things for the Sun family? With your level of refining and making talismans, I will speak for you, and I will definitely be able to join the Sun family. There are as many as three ancestors in the family, and it is easier for you to join the Sun family to build the foundation."

"Thank you for your kindness, Senior Chen, and we appreciate it."

Wang Changsheng politely refused.

Chen Le persuaded again and again, but Wang Changsheng still refused.

"Okay! If you think about it clearly, you can contact me at any time and say goodbye."

Chen Yile said goodbye and left.

"He went the wrong way. It's okay to rely on others when you are weak. If you only think about relying on others, you won't be able to make a big difference."

Wang Changsheng commented.

Wang Ruyan nodded and said, "Everyone has their own path. The path is different. The end point is the same. It depends on how he goes. If he goes wrong, he can change it back.

Half a year later, a conflict broke out between the Sun family and another force, and Chen Le died in that conflict.

The Qinglian Hall was closed, and after a long time, the other monks forgot about the small shop of Qinglian Hall.


South China Sea, Golden Ou Sea.

A blue giant tortoise with a size of more than 100 feet floated on the sea. The head of the giant tortoise resembled a unicorn, and it was the tortoise.

Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan were sitting on the backs of the tortoises. Wang Ruyan was playing a piece of music, and the melodious sound of the qin sounded. Wang Changsheng was holding a thick ancient scroll in his hand and looked at it with great interest. The incense burner, wisps of faint sandalwood wafted out.

Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan have traveled in the Dongli world for more than 20 years. They have all traveled to the East Wasteland, the Central Plains, the Northern Xinjiang and the Western Desert to experience different lives. They have identities such as mortals, knights, businessmen, and little monks, and they feel good. many.

During this period, Wang Changsheng had already taken the fifth-order Dragon Yuan and Golden Marrow Bone Forging Pill, and his physical body was further strengthened.

According to Qi Ling, the Golden Marrow Forging Bone Pill is so that he can drive the Jiujiao Drum, which can only be driven by physical cultivation.

The speed of the tortoise was not fast, and Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan sat on its back like walking on the ground.

After a while, the sound of the piano became hurried, full of chills.

Wang Changsheng turned his head to look at Wang Ruyan, he found that Wang Ruyan closed her eyes, and her brows were wrinkled.

The sound of the piano became more and more urgent, which made people feel excited when they heard it, and wanted to fight with the enemy immediately.

Wang Changsheng thought about The turtle stopped.

With a flick of his sleeve, eighteen Dinghaizhu flew out, turning into eighteen blue lights, and shot towards the surroundings.

As soon as his magic trick was pinched, the roaring sound of rumbling sounded, and the sea surface burst open. With the turtle as the center, thick blue water columns rushing up on the sea surface with a radius of 300 miles, there were as many as eighteen, ten Eight blue water columns rushed high into the sky, gathered together, and turned into a thick blue water curtain, covering a radius of 300 miles.

"Everyone is not allowed to approach this place, and violators will be severely punished."

Wang Changsheng's voice sounded high in the sky, and could be heard clearly for thousands of miles.

Wang Ruyan's eyes were tightly closed, her face was a little blue, as if she had encountered something that made her very angry.

One after another blue sound waves swept out, hitting the sea one after another, the sea suddenly burst open, and the waves splashed.

A little bit of time passed, and the low-level fish demons emerged from the sea, with no scars on their bodies, but all their internal organs were shattered.

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