Top of Qinglian

Chapter 1766: Wang Ruyan entered the period of spiritual transformation

The genius remembers the address of this site in one second: []The fastest update! No ads! Donglijie, South China Sea, Golden Ou Sea.

A huge tortoise floated on the sea, Wang Ruyan was sitting on the turtle's back, his face was slightly pale, and there was a black thundercloud more than a hundred feet in the sky.

Jin Lianqin floated in front of her, her aura dimmed.


A deafening thunder sounded, and the black thundercloud rolled violently, turning into a silver thunder python with a thick waist, and rushing towards Wang Ruyan below.

This is the last thunder calamity, Wang Ruyan must introduce some thunder and lightning power to temper the fleshly body, so as to make the fleshly body sandalwood.

If the power of thunder and lightning is too weak, the flesh body cannot be transformed into sandalwood, then a panacea is needed to assist. If the power of lightning and lightning is too strong, the robbers may be wiped out.

Wang Ruyan's ten fingers swept across the strings, and a passionate sound of the piano rang out, and a blue wave of sound swept out towards the silver thunder python.

The silver thunder python opened its **** mouth and swallowed the blue sound wave. Its body was divided into two and turned into two silver thunder snakes, rushing towards Wang Ruyan.

The sound of the piano became hurried, and blue sound waves swept out, and the silver Razer was divided into four, four and eight...

In less than ten breaths, the silver thunder python turned into a silver thunder snake that was thousands of feet long, hitting Wang Ruyan overwhelmingly.

As soon as Wang Ruyan's magic tactic was pinched, the Jinlianqin burst into a dazzling aura, and a soft blue water curtain emerged out of thin air, covering Wang Ruyan's whole body.


An earth-shattering thunder sounded, and the dazzling silver thunder light drowned out Wang Ruyan's figure.

Some silver thunder snakes slammed into the tortoise, and the tortoise made a shrill neigh, and waves of shocking waves broke out on the sea.

After a while, the silver thunder light dissipated, and the golden lotus violin was scattered in front of Wang Ruyan. Most of the strings were broken, and there were more than a dozen cracks on the surface. Some places were even scorched, and a black smoke appeared.

Wang Ruyan's face is pale, there are several obvious holes in the robes on her body, her arms are a little black, and there is some blood on the corners of her mouth. She is not a physical practitioner. She uses the magic weapon of her life to weaken the last thunder calamity and guide some thunder and lightning to temper her body, or injured.

She took a deep breath and took out a golden porcelain vase and a cyan jade box, which were two spiritual objects that impacted the spirit transformation period.

Wang Ruyan took two spirits, closed his eyes, and refined the huge medicinal power.

As time went by, Wang Ruyan exuded a strange fragrance, resembling sandalwood.

With her body turned into sandalwood, she still had to rely on foreign objects to get to this point. If Wang Jiyun hadn't gotten two Jinyang Yulu Pills from Zhenxian Tower, Wang Ruyan would not have been able to be so extravagant.

The panacea that assists the impact of the divine transformation period is rare in the Dongli world, and the big sect can take out a copy. After all, the inheritance has a long history, and the Wang family has a shallow background.

Half a day later, the originally calm sea suddenly set off a series of shocking waves, and the tsunami continued.

A large number of monsters could be seen, and they rushed towards Wang Ruyan's position as if they had been beaten with blood.

Wang Changsheng's magic tactic was pinched, and the five Kui Shui Li Shi moved their fists and smashed at the attacking monster.


A deafening explosion sounded, and the low-level monsters were smashed by the dense blue fist shadows, turning into a rain of blood.

With the tortoise as the center, the sea water with a radius of 100 miles spun rapidly, forming a huge vortex, generating a powerful airflow, and several small uninhabited islands were crushed by the powerful airflow and disappeared into the huge whirlpool.

The monsters approached the huge vortex and immediately turned into a rain of blood, and the fourth-order monsters were no exception.

Wang Changsheng personally protected Wang Ruyan, unless there was a fifth-order monster, no one could hurt Wang Ruyan.

Ten days passed quickly, and a large number of monks came to hear the wind. They did not dare to approach this place and gathered to discuss thousands of miles away.

More and more monsters rushed towards here, but they were crushed into blood rain as soon as they approached the huge vortex, and neither the demon core nor the spirit remained.

On a barren island that is a hundred miles long, thousands of monks gathered on the island, from the Qi refining period to the Nascent Soul period.

"Which senior is this here to transcend the calamity? To make such a big noise!"

"Yeah! The last time I saw the Qingxu cultivator attack the Nascent Soul, the movement was not that big, why are so many monsters coming here? There are also fourth-order monsters, are there high-level monks hunting? Kill monsters?"

"Open your eyes and see clearly, the fourth-order monsters can't stop it, and they will be killed in a single encounter. It is estimated that the seniors in the God Transformation stage are cultivating great supernatural powers. Let's not get close."


The monks talked a lot, but they didn't dare to approach.

At this moment, a deafening dragon roar sounded, a snow-white flood dragon appeared in the sky, and a group of monks stood on the back of the white flood dragon, it was Wang Qingling and other Wang family children.

The Wang family had a caravan passing through the Golden Ou Sea, and Wang Changsheng asked them to report. Wang Qingling and others had planned to come over to protect Wang Ruyan in person, but Wang Changsheng refused. It was enough to have him alone, and there was no need to delay Wang Qingling and others' cultivation.

The Wang family deliberately set up a stronghold in Jinoufang City. Wang Qingling, Wang Qiuming, and Wang Mengbin were practicing in Jinoufang City. When they received a report from the clan, they rushed over as soon as possible.

"Fairy Bailing, they are the children of the royal family of Qinglian Island, why are they here?"

"Maybe it's Fairy Tianqin who is impacting the God Transformation Stage, otherwise Fairy Bailing wouldn't have come all the way here!"

"Tsk tsk, if Fairy Tianqin also enters the stage of transformation, the Wang family will be the first family of immortal cultivators in the South China Sea! There are two cultivators in the family."


The monks talked a lot, and everyone had an envious expression on their faces.

Wang Qingling and the others were about to approach when Wang Changsheng's voice sounded in their ears: "You just need to be vigilant at the periphery, you don't need to come over."

Wang Qingling breathed a sigh of relief, listening to Wang Changsheng's tone, Wang Ruyan should be fine.

She arranged for the clansmen to spread out and patrol thousands of miles around, not to let idle people disturb Wang Ruyan's impact on the spirit transformation period.

Three days later, Wang Ruyan suddenly opened his eyes, a dazzling blue light burst out from his body, his breath soared, and a powerful spiritual pressure emanated from his There was a huge wave on the sea.

"Finally entered the Divine Transformation Stage!"

Wang Ruyan let out a long breath and smiled.

She has been in the God Transformation Stage for longer than Wang, and the process is more cumbersome, but Huangtian pays off, she has finally entered the God Transformation Stage.

Wang Changsheng descended from the sky with a look of concern on his face.

"Husband, I'm fine, but I've lost some vitality. If I didn't have two spiritual things this time, I wouldn't be able to enter the spirit transformation stage."

Wang Ruyan smiled sweetly and said, the power of thunder tribulation is too strong, and ordinary cultivators dare not guide too much power of thunder and lightning to temper the flesh, which makes it difficult to transform the flesh into sandalwood, and can only use external objects to assist.

"It's okay, it's good to enter the Spirit Transformation Stage, let's go back to Qinglian Island!"

Wang Changsheng was overjoyed, and the tortoise neighed happily and quickly moved forward.

A month later, the news of Fairy Tianqin's promotion to the Divine Transformation Stage spread throughout the South China Sea Cultivation Realm, and all the forces were shocked.

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