Top of Qinglian

Chapter 1769: The plan of the Huangfu family

In a secluded small courtyard with green tiles, Huangfuxiong and Huangfu Rui sat chatting in the stone pavilion.

"Hundreds of years ago, I didn't expect that a little-known family could have two spiritual monks. As far as I know, in the history of Dongli Realm, the Sun Moon Palace, Wanfo Temple, Jiuyouzong, Wanjianmen, In the Dayan Dynasty, there were two spiritual monks at the same time."

Huangfuxiong's tone was full of envy.

"If I had known this, I wouldn't have done that back then."

Huangfu Rui sighed, his face full of regret.

"Even if it's a fortune teller, it only knows a general idea, and the divination will make mistakes. Otherwise, everyone doesn't need to practice. Let the fortune teller fortune tell the future."

Huangfuxiong shook his head and said, his tone changed, and then he said: "The status of the Wang family is not what it used to be. If our family wants to rise, we must cooperate with the Wang family. I hope the Wang family is willing to help."

The Huangfu family found a heavy treasure in the Meteorite Icefield, but that place is very dangerous. If you want to get the treasure, you must have a fourth-order flood dragon, and other fourth-order spiritual beasts can't help.

The Huangfu family originally wanted to cooperate with the Wang family to get treasure together. With the strength of the Huangfu family, the treasure must belong to the Huangfu family, but the invasion of Tianlan Realm disrupted their plan and delayed it until now.

When they learned that Wang Changsheng had advanced into the God Transformation stage, the Huangfu family was dubious. If it was true, why did the Wang family not hold a ceremony? The Huangfu family suspects that it is the cultivator of the gods from the Dongli world who is in charge, in order to lure the cultivator of Tianlanzong to take the bait.

Wang Ruyan has entered the period of spiritual transformation, and the Wang family has issued invitations. It is difficult for the Huangfu family to believe it or not.

"The status of the Wang family and our Huangfu family is too different, and they may not be willing to help. Even if the Wang family is willing to help, I am afraid that the treasure will not fall into our hands."

Huangfu Rui sighed.

"That heavy treasure can't be counted on, but it's good to get other things. If we can take this opportunity to strengthen our relationship with the Wang family, it will also be good for our family's future development. Speaking of which, that treasure is from Zhenxian Tower. The first Heaven-penetrating Spirit Treasure was just a mishap, and it was left in the Falling Immortal Icefield."

Huangfu Xiong said slowly, with the background of the Huangfu family, a few spiritual treasures can still be obtained. The Huangfu family has planned for thousands of years and spent a lot of manpower and material resources. , or the first heavenly treasure to appear in Zhenxian Pagoda.

Huangfu Rui nodded and said: "We brought a heavy gift this time, and this matter is also of great benefit to them, the Wang family should be able to help, but I don't know if so many years have passed, will that monster be promoted? Enter the fifth level."

"If Qinglian Immortal Companion makes a move together, and Tongtian Lingbao is added, there should be no problem."

Huangfuxiong said solemnly, his tone a little uncertain.


Qinglian Island, Qinglian Peak.

The door to the basement opened, and Wang Changsheng came out with a thick smile on his face.

During the trip to the Demon Burying Icefield, he got twelve snow ginseng fruits and a snow ginseng fruit tree, and gave one snow ginseng fruit to the Ice Ape King, and he also had eleven blood ginseng fruits.

He took three snow ginseng fruits, refining the cold power contained in the snow ginseng fruits, and the mana increased a lot. Unfortunately, there is no fifth-order alchemist in the family. If it is refined into medicinal pills, the effect will be better.

He came to the door of a stone room, the door opened automatically, and Wang Xin walked out.

Wang Xin's body was covered with a layer of golden aura, and his aura was much stronger than before.

It has entered the middle stage of Nascent Soul, and the incarnation can do many things for Wang Changsheng, but the defects are also obvious. The incarnation has no independent consciousness of its own, and will only act according to the order. If there is no order from Wang Changsheng, it is not much different from a dead thing. .

In other words, even if Wang Xinjin entered the Spirit Transformation stage, without Wang Changsheng's control, it would not be able to do anything at all.

Wang Changsheng is very aware of the disadvantages of incarnation, but incarnation still has many advantages. Adventure treasure hunts let him take the lead, which can reduce losses.

Wang Changsheng took out the communication disk and contacted Wang Mengfen to inquire about the situation of the Qinglian Fa Conference.

"Old Ancestor, guests are arriving one after another. People from the Baili Family, the Ouyang Family, and the Huangfu Family would like to talk to you in private. Currently, there are no cultivators visiting the gods, but the forces that received the invitations have sent representatives."

Wang Mengfen said truthfully, and his tone was a little excited.

Wang Changsheng was not surprised. The Wang family didn't have such a big face yet. The cultivators from various forces came to participate in person, and Taiyi Xianmen might send cultivators to participate.

"Where are the people from the Baili family, the Ouyang family, and the Huangfu family? Did the Zhang family send someone here?"

Wang Changsheng asked, Situ Mei took away the Zhang family's children. Due to various reasons, the Zhang family was not destroyed, but the Zhang family also suffered a lot of exclusion. If it wasn't for the protection of the Wang family, the Zhang family would have been destroyed by other forces.

The Zhang family has been working for the Wang family all these years, and they have also captured two cultivators from the Tianlan Sect, but none of the cultivators of Nascent Soul appeared.

"The people from the Baili family and the Ouyang family live on Qinglian Island. The representatives of the Huangfu family are placed on the outer island. The Zhang family sent people over, and Tianqing personally led the team."

Wang Tianqing is a descendant of Wang Changsheng, married to the children of the Zhang family. Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan entered the stage of spiritual transformation, and her status has also risen, becoming the head of the Zhang family.

"You invite the representatives of the Baili family and the Ouyang family to Qinglian Peak, and the representatives of the Ouyang family are invited first."

Wang Changsheng instructed that the Ouyang family was the in-laws of the Wang family, and it was the only family of cultivators who married the Wang family.

The order of reception is very important, which expresses the attitude of the Wang family.

"Yes, old ancestor, I will invite them right away."

Wang Mengfen agreed.


In a golden attic with carved railings and jade, Ouyang Shengtao was talking to a young girl in a red dress.

The girl in the red dress, Liu Ye, has curved eyebrows, apricot eyes with water waves, and her skin is snowy. Judging from the fluctuations in her mana, she is a cultivator of Nascent Soul.

Ouyang Yuerong, she has a body of fire radiance, she has cultivated to the late Nascent Hundreds of years ago, the Ouyang family held a big birthday, Wang Changsheng took the clan to the Ouyang family to celebrate the birthday, Ouyang Yuerong was only in the foundation stage , The juniors learned from each other, and she won the first place with her great strength.

Hundreds of years have passed, Ouyang Yuerong has entered the Nascent Soul stage, and the speed of cultivation far exceeds that of ordinary monks.

Her aptitude is very good, and she has been cultivated by the family. It is not surprising that she has cultivated to the late Nascent Soul.

Wang Youwei also participated in the competition. He was only in the early stage of Nascent Soul. Apart from his qualifications, he also had a lot to do with the background of the two families.

"Ming Yue said that she would find an opportunity for us to meet Senior Wang. The decision to marry her into the Wang family was correct."

Ouyang Shengtao said with a smile, the Ouyang family has high hopes for Ouyang Yuerong, she has a spiritual body and has a high chance of entering the spirit transformation stage.

The Ouyang family has a profound background, and it has been passed down to this day, and there are not many spiritual objects that assist in the impact of the gods. There is one more, Ouyang Yuerong is not sure.

In addition to strengthening the relationship between the two families, they also hoped that Wang Changsheng would help to obtain the spiritual objects that impacted the spirit transformation stage this time.

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