Top of Qinglian

Chapter 1783: 50 years of talent

The latest website: Time flies, time flies, fifty years will soon pass.

Qinglian Island is a secluded small courtyard with red tiles. There is a three-story cyan attic in the courtyard. In the courtyard, there is a cyan flower, and a group of cyan bees are collecting nectar.

The door suddenly opened, and Wang Yingjie walked out, his face filled with a deep joy.

He has already cultivated to the ninth level of Formation Pill, which has a lot to do with his own diligence and cannot do without the help of Wang Qingling.

Among Wang Qingling's descendants, only Wang Yingjie has entered the stage of forming an elixir, and Wang Qingling will naturally take care of him more.

clang clang!

A huge bell rang, and Wang Yingjie's eyes lit up.

"The clan competition has begun. This time, I will definitely squeeze into the top three."

Wang Yingjie said to himself that his aptitude was very poor, and the clansmen who practiced faster than him either entered the Nascent Soul stage, or failed to form a baby, died and died, or died in the turmoil.

The family has thirty-six sons, eighteen heroes, nine heroes and three heroes. The thirty-six sons correspond to the Qi refining period, the eighteen heroes correspond to the foundation-building period, and the nine heroes correspond to the elixir-forming period. The three best Nascent Soul monks are the three. Jay.

Wang Yingjie was selected as Jiuxiong by virtue of his previous achievements and cultivation, and it is rude to say that he took time to get to this position.

Wang Yingjie stomped the ground with his right foot, turning into a flash of light and dashing away.

Not long after, Wang Yingjie appeared in a very large bluestone square. In the center of the square stood a huge tower with erratic azure light. The five characters "Qinglian Town Spirit Pagoda" could be seen on the tower.

Thousands of cultivators gathered near the Ling Pagoda in Qinglian Town, ranging from Qi refining to Nascent Soul.

Wang Yingjie landed on an open space. He looked at the Qinglian Town Spirit Pagoda with an eager expression on his face.

A blue-skirted girl with snow-skinned skin and a golden-shirted youth with a dignified appearance came over. Judging from the mana fluctuations on their bodies, it was obvious that they were all cultivators of Pill Formation.

The girl in the blue dress has picturesque facial features, and her brows reveal a bit of heroism that is rarely seen in women. The young man in the golden shirt is tall, with bulging arms, full of strength, and his eyes are faintly showing some golden light.

The girl in the blue skirt is called Wang Huaxue, the third-order formation mage, the fifth-level dandan, and the young man in the golden shirt is called Wang Huatian, who is the sixth-level dandan. one.

"Uncle Yingjie, you came so early."

Wang Huaxue greeted with a smile.

"Uncle Yingjie will definitely get a good ranking this time."

Wang Huatian flattered the road with a warm tone.

When the family holds a competition, the higher the ranking, the richer the reward.

Wang Yingjie chuckled lightly and said, "Don't be flattering, you are not weaker than me, by the way, haven't Sheng Hong and Mao Sheng arrived yet?"

There have been many outstanding clansmen in the Wang family over the years, and there are as many as three double-spiritual cultivators, but unfortunately, there are no Tianlinggen and Spiritual Physicians.

A deafening dragon roar sounded, and a red light flew from a distance.

"Sheng Hong came, and he cultivated a third-order Jiaolong."

Wang Huaxue's tone was full of envy. The Wang family had mastered the technique of cultivating third-order flood dragons. However, the third-order flood dragons cultivated by the family would not be easily handed over to private use. Personally, if you wanted to cultivate third-order flood dragons, the resources spent was a huge amount of money. The number is beyond the reach of ordinary people.

It didn't take long for the red escaping light to stop, and a red flood dragon with a length of more than twenty feet appeared. The head of the red flood dragon had a sharp horn that was two feet long. A fat young man in red was sitting on the red flood dragon. on the head.

The young man in red has a round face and small eyes, a simple and honest face, and the fat around his waist is layered.

Wang Shenghong, a third-order spiritual master, is proficient in the art of expelling insects and beasts. He has a cultivation base of five layers of alchemy. He is the second member of the family to cultivate a third-order Jiaolong after Wang Qingling.

"You came so early, you must be very confident in this competition."

A somewhat lazy male voice suddenly sounded, and a golden light flew from a distance, and after a few flashes, the golden light landed in front of Wang Yingjie.

When the light disappeared, a tall and thin young man in a golden shirt appeared. The young man in the golden shirt had bright eyebrows and a golden sword on his back. His body exuded a strong evil spirit.

Wang Maosheng, with golden and fire dual spiritual roots, he is one of the few swordsmen of the Wang family in the formation stage.

"Hey, this time, I must be in the top three."

Wang Huatian smiled, his face full of confidence.

Wang Yingjie chuckled lightly, feeling the pressure. The four of them are all rising stars in the family, and some outstanding clan members have not yet grown up. Over time, there will be more and more outstanding clan members in the family.

Wang Mengfen flew from a distance and landed on the top of the Ling Pagoda in Qinglian Town.

Wang Yingjie and others bowed and saluted, and said in unison, "Meet the head of the family."

"Today is the time when the family is holding a big competition. You all have to perform well. I hope you will reach new heights and the big competition will begin."

Wang Mengfen gave a word of encouragement and announced the start of the competition.

The clansmen lined up one after another and began to enter the town immortal tower.

In a certain secret room, Wang Qingshan sat cross-legged on a cyan futon, his eyes were tightly closed, and a large number of cyan flying swords floated around him.

A light blue crystal was scattered on the ground, and the surface was covered with spiritual patterns. It was obviously a shadow crystal.

After a while, all the flying swords spun rapidly and condensed into a azure-light shining giant sword that floated above Wang Qingshan's head.

Wang Qingshan suddenly opened his eyes, his body exuded an unmatched spiritual pressure, and the giant sword turned into a little blue light and disappeared.

"Finally, I have entered the Nascent Soul Great Consummation."

Wang Qingshan let out a sigh of turbidity, talking to himself, with a strong look of joy on his face.

It took him more than 100 years from the late Nascent Soul to the Great Consummation of the Nascent Soul. The speed of this cultivation is fast. There are some Nascent Soul cultivators who are stuck in the late Nascent Soul all their lives. Of course, Wang Qingshan has a lot of experience.

"Jianzun Four Seasons is worthy of being the grandfather of Taiyi Xianmen. That set of swords is unpredictable, but it is a pity that a flying sword at the Lingbao level can exert its greatest power."

Wang Qingshan speaks to himself. He has three spiritual treasures in his hand, but the flying sword of life is still an ordinary magic weapon.

Wang Changsheng can make a set of spirit treasures, but the success rate is not very high. At most, three sets of spirit treasures can be made. Wang Qingshan has nine flying swords, and it is very difficult to upgrade all of them into spirit treasures. Wang Changsheng had already helped promote Qinglijian to Lingbao.

Wang Qingshan put away the shadow crystal, got up and walked out.

He took out the communication and contacted Wang Mengfen to inquire about the situation of the family.

"Uncle Qigao, you are out of the customs. Today the family is holding a clan competition. Would you like to come and teach the younger generation?"

Wang Mengfen's voice was full of joy.

"Is Meng Xuan also here?"

Wang Qingshan asked casually, there are not many high-level sword cultivators in the clan, Wang Qingshan, Wang Jijun, Wang Changjie and Wang Mengxuan are relatively powerful sword cultivators in the clan.

"He's stuck at a bottleneck and is out and about."

Wang Mengfen said truthfully, Wang Mengxuan is the son of Wang Youwei and Ouyang Mingyue, and they have high expectations for Wang Mengxuan, and Wang Mengxuan has really worked hard.

"I'm fine if I'm idle, then go take a look! I hope you can give me a little surprise."

Wang Qingshan put away the communication disk, turned into a blue rainbow light, and flew towards the martial arts field.

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