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Chapter 1790: peace talks

The latest website: With a flick of his sleeve, a blue jade slip flew out, heading straight for Shangguan Tianhong.

Shangguan Tianhong swept his divine sense and took the jade slip after confirming that it was correct, and his divine sense penetrated into it.

His face sank, and he said coldly, "Are you still lying to the old man? Do you think you are stronger than the old man, so you can kill the old man?"

"I didn't lie to you, it's just that you missed something important."

Wang Changsheng's tone was indifferent.


Shangguan Tianhong asked, the material and refining method recorded on this jade slip were exactly the same as last time, and he felt that Wang Changsheng was playing tricks on him.

"The water of the moon needs a special method of refining. If you want the water of the moon, you can exchange the materials with me. I only sell the water of the moon."

Wang Changsheng said through a voice transmission that he did not dare to give Shangguan Tianhong too much water of the dark moon. Maybe one day he would fight to the death with Shangguan Tianhong, so he still had to guard against it.

Shangguan Tianhong's face was cloudy for a while, he pondered for a moment, and said, "You give me some refined water of the moon first, if it is as you said, the old man will change it with you."

With a flick of his sleeve, a small golden cauldron flew out. The golden cauldron had three legs and two ears. The tripod was engraved with a pattern of a golden tortoise.

Wang Changsheng's divine sense swept across the golden cauldron. After confirming that there was no problem, the blue light on his body surfaced, covering the golden cauldron and a large area inside.

Shangguan Tianhong took out a golden round bead and planned to use the treasure to peep where Wang Changsheng put the water of the moon.

It didn't matter at this point, he felt his head dizzy and his body swaying from side to side.

"Illusionary Spirit Treasure!"

Shangguan Tianhong's brows were furrowed. Ordinary spirit treasures could not block his exploration at all, with the exception of illusion-like spirit treasures.

After a while, the golden cauldron flew out and stopped in front of Shangguan Tianhong.

Shangguan Tianhong's eyes swept away, his brows furrowed, there was only half a catty of water from the moon in the cauldron, and the amount was pitifully small.

He put away the golden cauldron and said to Sun Tianhu: "Let's talk about business! We really came to talk about peace this time, and this matter is also a good thing for you."

Shangguan Tianhong and Lei Yunbin flew towards Dongli Island, followed by True Monarch Qianglu, and the five Sun Tianhu looked at each other.

Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan also followed, but they wanted to see what medicine was sold in Shangguan Tianhong's gourd.

In the discussion hall, ten gods, Wang Changsheng, Wang Ruyan, Shangguan Tianhong, Lei Yunbin, Qianhu Zhenjun, Sun Tianhu, Liu Ruyi, Lu Dao, Shamingzhu, and Baili'e gathered together. Their expressions were different.

"Let me introduce you, this is Fellow Daoist Lin from the Thousand Gourd Realm."

Shangguan Tianhong pointed at the Thousand Gourd True Monarch and introduced.

"Thousand Gourd World!"

Wang Changsheng and the others were stunned, why was the Thousand Gourd Realm also involved?

True Monarch Qianglu stood up, with a look of reminiscence on his face, and said, "Lin has seen all the fellow Daoists, and this old man was born in the Thousand Gourd Realm..."

He recounted his origins and experiences in the Thousand Gourd Realm, and when the Demon Race invaded the Thousand Gourd Realm, True Monarch Qiangourd was full of anger.

He actually wanted to take back the Thousand Gourd Realm, but he had no choice but to ask for foreign aid.

"The Demon Race has occupied the Thousand Gourd Realm! Do you know how many Gods there are in the Demon Race?"

Sun Tianhu frowned and said, this news is too shocking. There are many forces within the Dongli Realm, and there are usually internal fights. However, when foreign enemies invade, they unite to fight against the enemy, and spiritual cultivators and demon cultivators are born dead enemies. Their cultivation methods very different.

The magic cultivator usually refers to the cultivator who kills and sets fire to immortals, which can also be called evil cultivator. The real magic cultivator refers to the demon clan. The demon clan uses the magic energy to cultivate, and the immortal cultivator uses the spiritual energy to cultivate. The immortal cultivator can become a demon clan, but the demon clan cannot become an immortal cultivator.

Wang Changsheng frowned. What he cared about was not that the Demon Race had occupied the Thousand Gourd Realm, but that Situ Mei had taken refuge in the Demon Race.

It really answered that sentence, good people don't live long, and disasters are left for thousands of years. If Situ Mei didn't turn to the demons, he should have died.

"As far as we know, the demons can use the energy of the real devil to instill the body of the cultivator, so that the cultivator can be transformed into the demon, but the success rate is very low. It is conservatively estimated that there will be no more than twenty monks of the demon. , Most of them are in the early stage of God Transformation, and we two worlds can join forces to destroy the Demon Race."

Shangguan Tianhong said solemnly.

"If I can retake the Thousand Gourd Realm, Lin is willing to rule the Thousand Gourd Realm with you."

Qianglu Zhenjun said sincerely, there are only three god-turning cultivators left in Qianglu Realm. Without the help of Tianlan Realm and Dongli Realm, he simply recaptured the Thousand Gourd Realm. The cultivators in Dongli Realm and Tianlan Realm are not big. A good person can't help in vain. It's better to be more knowledgeable than others to offer conditions, because you can't keep it anyway.

For him, as long as the sect's lineage can be passed down, his goal is to ascend to the spiritual world.

Sun Tianhu and others were a little tempted, not for anything else, but for the immortal cultivation resources of the Thousand Gourd Realm.

"How do we know if what you said is true or false? What if you regret it later! It's not like this has never happened before."

Baili'e frowned, his face full of suspicion.

With the common enemy of the Mozu, they can indeed join forces, but who can guarantee that Tianlanzong will not regret it later.

"If you are willing to negotiate peacefully, we must sign an oath on the forbidden book of Tianlan, and we will not attack each other. You should also have such treasures. We will eat in the same pot in the future, and we will share the blessings and share the difficulties."

Shangguan Tianhong flipped his palm, golden light flashed, and a thick account book appeared in his hand.

Sun Tianhu frowned. To be honest, he is more inclined to cooperate. First, the Tianlan Realm is powerful. If there is no peace talks, it will not benefit anyone to fight to the death; You must know that the resources needed by the demons to cultivate immortals are different from those of immortal There are many secret realms and great sect ruins in the Thousand Gourd World, there must be a lot of high-year elixir, and there are a lot of high-year spirits. Yao, he will be able to advance to the late stage of God Transformation faster. Thirdly, Zhenxian Pagoda Artifact Spirit is collecting the materials for artifact refining. If they help Qianglu Zhenjun regain the Thousand Gourd Realm, they may be able to collect a large number of Artifact Spirits. Required smelter materials.

The troublesome thing is that he really can't be the master of this matter. Even if he agrees, other forces may not agree. After all, passive beating and active attack are two different things. Tian Lanzong took the initiative to attack Dongli Realm. , More than ten cultivators were killed or injured, and some cultivators might not be willing to participate.

"This matter is of great importance, and we can't decide, but in order to show our sincerity, let's sign an oath to each other and not aggress each other."

Sun Tianhu suggested that he still doesn't believe in Shangguan Tianhong, in case Shangguan Tianhong wanted to take this opportunity to trap and kill the cultivators in Dongli Realm! The heart of preventing others is indispensable, and the heart of harming others is not necessary.

"no problem."

Shangguan Tianhong readily agreed. He and Sun Tianhu left oaths on each other's forbidden treasures. If they attacked each other, they would be attacked.

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