Top of Qinglian

Chapter 1791: Shake hands and make peace

"Wang Daoyou, Mrs. Wang, you should also leave an oath on the forbidden book of Tianlan! Since you want to negotiate peace, everyone should show sincerity."

Shangguan Tianhong looked at Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan with a solemn expression.

After not seeing him for more than a hundred years, Wang Changsheng's strength has soared. If Shangguan Tianhong guessed correctly, this matter has something to do with Zhenxian Pagoda.

He knew that there was a Zhenxian Pagoda in Dongli Realm, and it was said that there was a treasure through the sky.

"We have destroyed the bodies of the two cultivators of your sect, are you really going to let it go?"

Wang Changsheng was full of suspicion. They went to the Tianlan Realm to destroy, causing the death and injury of many cultivators of the Tianlan Sect. This **** feud is so easy to resolve?

Shangguan Tianhong smiled boldly and said, "At our stage, compared with the Ascension Spirit World, these grievances and grievances are worthless. If you can't ascend to the Spirit World, even if you sign an oath, so what?"

He was afraid of the strength of Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan, and he had to make them sign the oath on the Tianlan forbidden book.

"We can sign the oath, but we have to wait for the other daoists to sign the oath with you. In addition, Shangguan daoists should contact Long Xiaoyao and the others to stop the sabotage."

Wang Changsheng said solemnly, he must guard against Shangguan Tianhong.

"I can promise you this condition, but I want to know, have you ever taken some kind of elixir? Your vigor is stronger than this old man?"

Shangguan Tianhong said at the end, his face full of curiosity.

Sun Tianhu and the others looked at Wang Changsheng one after another, and they all felt incredible.

Wang Changsheng pondered for a moment, then said, "I took a bottle of the fifth-order body-forging pill, the Golden Marrow Forging Bone Pill, which I got from Zhenxian Pagoda. My clansmen passed through the thirty-sixth floor of Zhenxian Pagoda as a reward."

His cultivation level was a little different from Shangguan Tianhong. He defeated Shangguan Tianhong with his strength, and anyone with a discerning eye could guess that he had taken a panacea.

The physical power of physical cultivation increases with the improvement of the cultivation base. In addition, external objects can also be used to enhance the physical power, elixir, talisman, magic weapon, etc.

"Zhenxian Tower!"

Shangguan Tianhong suddenly realized, this was what he expected, and he asked, "Friend Wang Dao, do you still have the Golden Marrow Bone Forging Pill? The old man will exchange something for you."

"No, I finished taking it long ago. This is not a healing pill. If Shangguan Daoyou got a bottle of body-building pill, wouldn't you keep it?"

Wang Changsheng's tone was calm, and the effect of the Golden Marrow Bone Forging Pill was very good. From this bottle of pills, we could see the gap between the spiritual world and the lower world.

Wang Ruyan smiled sweetly, and said, "If you want the Golden Marrow Forging Pill, Shangguan Daoist can make a deal with Qiling. Qiling has agreed with us on a meeting time, and you can exchange rare materials with her. Qiling said it himself. , Tongtian Lingbao can also be exchanged."

"It's true!"

Shangguan Tianhong's face sank, and his tone became a lot more serious.

Lei Yunbin and Zhenjun Qianhu had solemn expressions. They had heard of the existence of Zhenxian Pagoda, but hearing about it and seeing it with their own eyes were two different things.

Sun Tianhu nodded and said: "This is true, but I remind you that the vision of the spirit is very high. The fifth-order materials may be precious to us, but in her eyes, they are just ordinary, and they need particularly rare refining materials. It's okay, to be honest, Sun's agreement to negotiate has a lot to do with Qiling."

Wang Changsheng took out a cyan jade slip, handed it to Shangguan Tianhong, and said, "This is the refining material that Qiling wants to collect. There are many things I have never heard of, let alone seen."

Shangguan Tianhong took the jade slip, his consciousness swept away, and his brows were furrowed.

"I heard that Shangguan Daoyou is the first person in the Tianlan world and a fifth-order craftsman. You should recognize a lot of materials!"

Sun Tianhu asked with a half-smiling smile, the materials to be collected by the tool spirit, the spiritual cultivators of Dongli Realm can't recognize a few, even if there is a pattern, it is useless.

"There are more than ten kinds of materials. We can find seven kinds of materials in the treasure house of Tianlan Sect. The names are different. Daoyou Lin, how many do you recognize?"

Shangguan Tianhong handed the jade slip to True Monarch Qiangou, who swept away his divine sense and showed a shocked expression on his face.

"I recognize three types, but this old man can't represent the entire Thousand Gourd Realm. The Thousand Gourd Realm may have more materials, and I think the same is true for the Dongli Realm."

Zhenjun Qianghou said with a frown, it is impossible for one sect's classics to include the materials of the entire interface, and this is the benefit of unification.

Shangguan Tianhong can recognize more than ten kinds of materials, which has a lot to do with Tianlanzong's collection of books on the entire interface.

"Daoyou Sun, Daoyou Wang, what is the origin of Zhenxian Pagoda? To be able to take out the Tongtian Lingbao, she also has to collect rare refining materials, wouldn't it really fall from the spiritual world!"

Shangguan Tianhong said solemnly, he didn't really believe in the origin of Zhenxian Pagoda at first, but now he does.

Not to mention the fifth-order body forging medicinal pills and the heaven-penetrating spiritual treasure, the jade slips that Wang Changsheng took out had many things that Shangguan Tianhong could not recognize. If they were fabricated, it would be impossible for him to recognize more than ten kinds. Only three are recognized.

Sun Tianhu pondered for a moment, then said, "Ki Ling said that there is a way to go to the spiritual world, but if we collect the materials she needs, we analyze that the Zhenxian Pagoda may have fallen from the spiritual world."

This matter is not an unspeakable secret. He took the initiative to say it as a gesture of goodwill, and also hoped that Shangguan Tianhong could sincerely cooperate with them.

Shangguan Tianhong's pupils shrank, the news was too shocking.

"Let's convene all the cultivators here to gather here! It's about the ascension to the spiritual world. We are sincerely cooperating, and I hope you will cooperate sincerely too."

Shangguan Tianhong said at the end, his eyes quickly swept over Wang Changsheng.

He was worried that there was a problem with the Nether Moon Water that Wang Changsheng had given him. Wang Changsheng looked as usual, and said, "For sincerity, we don't want to fight to the end with you. Ascension to the spiritual world is the most important thing."

Sun Tianhu nodded.

"It's natural, the old man doesn't want to do it, so let's do it!"

Shangguan Tianhong agreed.

They chatted for several hours and finally reached a consensus.

The news of Tianlan Realm and Dongli Realm shaking hands and making peace quickly spread in Dongli Realm. All major forces are not allowed to start a war. The forces with Nascent Soul cultivators have received The news spread Afterwards, the Dongli Realm shook, the heads of the major forces were confused, and the two realms fought for hundreds of years, with countless casualties, and suddenly they shook hands and made peace. Dare to raise doubts, they sent people to the South China Sea to discuss important matters.

The Dongli Realm needs to integrate the resources for cultivation of immortals on one interface, prepare for the war, and prepare for the recapture of the Thousand Gourd Realm.


In an underground cave, Long Xiaoyao and Li Shuo were talking.

"What? Negotiated? Really or not?"

Long Xiaoyao was full of doubts.

Li Shuo nodded and said: "It should be true, now all the major cities are distributing the shadow crystals of Senior Brother Shangguan, and Senior Brother Shangguan speaks in person, which cannot be faked. In addition, many disciples of this sect have appeared in Dayan. within the kingdom."

In order to convince them of the peace talks between the two worlds, the Tianlan Sect sent many disciples to various places to publicize, mainly to prevent Long Xiaoyao and Li Shuo from messing around and affecting the peace talks.

"Come on, let's go out and have a look. If it's true, then let's rush to the South China Sea! To be honest, I don't want the two interfaces to continue to fight. We have been like mice all these years, hiding here, not like people. Ghosts are not like ghosts."

Long Xiaoyao sighed, and the two left the cave.


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