Top of Qinglian

Chapter 1813:

Seeing this scene, Wang Changsheng frowned. It seemed that this monster could destroy the fifth-order ice and fire flood dragon, and naturally it could also destroy the fifth-order flood dragon summoned by the Jiujiao Drum.

A golden light suddenly lit up on the top of the Bloodthirsty Demon Ape's head, and a brilliant golden brick appeared out of nowhere. It was a spiritual treasure.

Gongsun Yang's tactic was pinched, and the golden brick suddenly lit up with a dazzling golden light.

Before the golden bricks fell, a powerful air wave came under the mask, the ground was torn apart, and the towering trees were directly turned into countless sawdust.


With a loud bang, the golden giant bricks crushed more than a dozen hills, sending dust flying.

A look of joy appeared on Gongsun Yang's face, even if it was a fifth-order demon beast, it would be difficult for him not to die if he was hit by a heavy-duty spirit treasure.

At this moment, the golden giant brick shook violently, and small cracks appeared.

"Impossible, it was clearly..."

Before Gongsun Yang's words were finished, the cracks on the surface of the golden giant brick spread rapidly, torn apart, turned into a pile of broken copper and iron, and fell to the ground.

The surface of the bloodthirsty demon ape was wrapped in a **** flame, like a blood demon.

"Fellow Daoist Wang, you will use your divine sense to attack and cooperate with us to kill the demons. If it doesn't work, we will use the formation to trap them, and you will mobilize the heavenly treasure to kill them with sound waves."

Shangguan Tianhong transmitted the sound, his voice was heavy.

The body of the Demon Race is strong, and the Heavenly Soul Treasure cannot be killed with a single blow, but is easily destroyed by the Demon Race.

The strength of the Demon Race is not weak, and a strong attack may not work, only outsmart.

Unless the demons also have treasures that restrain sonic attacks, they will definitely not be able to stop the attack of Jiujiaogu.

Gongsun Yang's face became ugly. Without the Heaven-penetrating Spirit Treasure, his strength plummeted. With just a few Spirit Treasures, he couldn't help the Demon Race at all.

"If you want to kill them, you must trap them. Once you let them escape, there will be endless troubles."

Wang Changsheng replied through voice transmission.

If the demons escape, no matter how strong the sonic attack is, it will be useless.

Shangguan Tianhong nodded, sent a voice transmission to the others, coordinated the strategy, unified opinions, first killed three fifth-order monsters, and then cooperated with Qinglian Immortal Companion to kill Zhao Qianfeng and the three.

Naturally, they could see that the power of the Jiujiao Drum was enormous, and there should be no problem in dealing with the demons.

With Gongsun Yang's lessons learned, they did not dare to drive Tongtian Lingbao to attack the demons at close range, so as not to suffer damage.

Fostering strengths and circumventing weaknesses, Jiao Lin has the unique treasure of restraining sonic attacks, which the demons may not have.

There was a deafening thunderous sound from high in the sky, and black lightning bolts fell from the sky, hitting Wang Changsheng and others.

As soon as the black lightning approached Wang Changsheng and others, it was immediately shattered by a blue sound wave and turned into countless black arcs.

Thousand Gourd Zhenjun's hands lit up with a dazzling blue light, pressing it on the ground, the ground shook violently, and strips of cyan vines with thorns burst out of the ground, and the cyan vines were woven into big cyan hands, slapped towards Addiction. Gorefiend and five giant pythons.

The bloodthirsty demon ape reacted very quickly, and hurriedly avoided it. One of the five-headed giant pythons suddenly spewed out a yellow glow, covering the big blue hand. The big blue hand turned into stone at a speed visible to the naked eye. His tail was swept away suddenly, and the petrified cyan hand was torn apart and turned into countless powders.

The three of Zhao Ganfeng looked at each other, nodded to each other, and urged the bloodthirsty ape, black peacock, and five-headed python to attack Wang Changsheng and others. Situ Mei and others will not be sacrificed on purpose.

Shangguan Tianhong, Jiao Lin, Liu Ruyi, Gongsun Yang, Zhenjun Qianhu, Long Xiaoyao, Long Yanji, Song Xiruo dispersed and attacked Zhao Qianfeng.

Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan didn't do anything, they were looking for an opportunity to cooperate with their companions to kill the demons.

Long Xiaoyao hovered uncertainly in the sky, turning into a green tornado, thousands of feet high and three hundred feet in diameter, covering the sky and blocking the sun, like an evil dragon that devoured everything. Where the blue tornado passed, the mountains turned into Yanfen, the towering trees disappeared, as if they had never appeared.

Long Yanji's whole body was full of flames, and raging flames emerged all over her body. She turned into a huge red dragon, and went straight to Zhao Ganfeng and the three of them.

In terms of physical strength alone, Long Yanji is not afraid of demons at all.

Gongsun Yang, Liu Ruyi, Song Xiruo, and True Monarch Qianhu attacked Zhao Qianfeng.

Countless blue light suddenly appeared in the sky, and soon, a blue sea suddenly appeared in the sky, looking from a distance, as if the ocean was hanging upside down in the sky, the sea tumbled violently, and suddenly turned into a huge incomparable blue hand. In the harsh tsunami sound, the big blue hand patted the black peacock.

The big blue hand has not yet fallen, and a strong gravity is facing the mask. The black peacock's body is tight, and the wings are extremely difficult to flap, and the speed is greatly reduced.

It made a sharp chirping sound, and the black thundercloud rolled violently, turning into a huge black thunderbird, facing the big blue hand.


The black thunderbird was smashed by the big blue hand, and the big blue hand slapped the black peacock. The black peacock quickly fell from the sky like a kite with a broken string.

Before it landed, a red light lit up in the void, and Shangguan Tianhong appeared, holding the golden flood axe in his hand, and his eyes were cold.

Countless black arcs appeared on the surface of the black peacock, heading straight for Shangguan Tianhong.

A huge explosion sounded, and a round of black scorching sun appeared out of thin air, covering Shangguan Tianhong's figure.

A golden light suddenly lit up in the black scorching sun, and a huge golden axe blade flew out without warning.

The vision of the black peacock turned golden, and the golden axe blade was like a big golden mouth that devoured everything. It came straight to it. It quickly flapped its wings and wanted to avoid it. A muffled sound rang out. looking at the golden axe on his body.

A muffled sound The black peacock flew out upside down, the left wing was dripping with blood, a lot of feathers fell off, and the bones could be vaguely seen.

With a flash of golden light, a small golden cauldron appeared on the head of the black peacock without warning. It was the golden turtle tripod.

The golden turtle tripod fell down, and a large piece of water of the dark moon poured down. The black peacock wanted to avoid it, and countless cyan vines suddenly drilled out of the ground, entangling its huge body.

The water of the moon fell on it, and its body froze at a speed visible to the naked eye, turning it into a black ice sculpture.

A golden axe fell from the sky, 1 smashing the black ice sculpture into countless black ice chips.

The black scorching sun dissipated, revealing the figure of Shangguan Tianhong. Shangguan Tianhong was unscathed, his eyes were gloomy, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

He hadn't been happy for a long time when he heard a very familiar scream, a cyan tornado suddenly exploded, and a embarrassed figure flew out.

There was a terrifying slash on Long Xiaoyao's left chest. The blood flowed non-stop, and white bones could be seen. There was a mass of demonic energy in the wound, which constantly corroded his body.

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