Top of Qinglian

Chapter 1817: Get rich, search for immortal cultivation resources

They spread out, or formed formations, or released the spirit beast realm, and meditated to adjust their breath.

Although signing the oath on the banned book, the heart of guarding against others is indispensable. The banned book only says that no poisonous hands can be used, and there is no problem with being injured or imprisoned.

After destroying the Demon Race, the entire Thousand Gourd World belongs to them.

In the face of huge interests, it is difficult to guarantee that no one will be greedy.

An hour later, their mana recovered almost.

The five Wang Changsheng gathered together and flew towards the sky.

In less than half a quarter of an hour, they appeared outside a valley extending in all directions. The ground was black and scattered with a large number of black stones. The place was full of demonic energy. With his powerful divine sense, Wang Changsheng was able to sense a strong restraint fluctuation.

"This should be the treasure house where the demons store their treasures. Most of the rare resources for cultivating immortals in the Thousand Gourd World are here."

True Monarch Qianhu looked at the valley, his eyes were a little fiery.

Shangguan Tianhong snorted softly, waved the golden flood axe, and slashed towards the valley.

A golden long rainbow flew out and slashed accurately in the valley, with a loud noise and smoke billowing.

Wang Changsheng and the four were not idle either, and directly used brute force to break the formation.

Without the command of the cultivator, the formation could not stop them.

After ten breaths, most of the valley was razed to the ground, and a black palace gate more than a hundred feet high appeared in front of them, with a hideous demon pattern on the palace gate.

Shangguan Tianhong took out the golden axe, turned it into a golden rainbow, and slashed at the black palace gate, making a muffled sound.

"What material is this palace gate made of? It can actually block a blow from Tongtian Lingbao?"

Gongsun Yang was surprised.

"This is the unique material of our Thousand Gourd Realm - ink scale stone, which can absorb spiritual energy and magic weapon attacks, but unfortunately it cannot be refined into magic weapons. This material is often used in ancient monks' caves, and the old man's sect treasure house uses this material. Made of a variety of materials, it can only be destroyed with great force.”

True Monarch Qianhu explained, with a look of reminiscence on his face.

Wang Changsheng and Shangguan Tianhong stepped forward at the same time, and they smashed their fists on the black palace gate.


After a loud noise, a large number of cracks appeared in the stone gate, and it was suddenly torn apart.

Wang Changsheng picked up a fist-sized ink scale stone and found that it was very light, which was a bit strange.

After the palace gate was broken, a long black passage appeared in front of them.

Wang Changsheng released two puppet beasts and walked in, and there was no abnormality, they followed behind.

After walking more than a hundred steps, they walked into a huge grotto with a size of a thousand acres. The walls of the grotto were covered with mysterious patterns, which were obviously forbidden.

The top of the grotto is inlaid with a large number of moonstones, illuminating the entire grotto.

There are hundreds of tall shelves in the grotto, and various materials are placed on the shelves, such as jade bottles, jade boxes, and jade boxes.

Every shelf is covered by a formation, and it is colorful.

There are hundreds of wooden boxes on the ground, which are full of middle-grade spirit stones, and there are also high-grade spirit stones, but there are not many.

Even Shangguan Tianhong, when he saw the scene in front of him, couldn't help but take a deep breath, swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and his eyes became hot.

The Demon Race has ruled the Thousand Gourd World for a thousand years. These properties were all collected by the Demon Race. The Demon Race couldn't use it, so it happened to be cheap for them.

Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan looked excited. This time they came right. With these immortal cultivation resources, their cultivation speed would definitely be faster, and it was only a matter of time before they entered the middle stage of God Transformation.


On an endless black wasteland, the ground is black, and three puppet beasts of different shapes are fighting fiercely with a skeleton more than ten feet high. The ground is full of potholes and a large number of white bones scattered.

Wang Yingjie stood on a low dirt **** with an indifferent expression.

A young woman in a red dress with gorgeous facial features stood on the ground. The young woman in the red dress had snow-white skin, watery eyes with peach blossoms, and most of her snow-white **** were exposed. A deep gap could be seen, and her breathing went up and down. , which is thought provoking.

"Fellow Daoist doesn't know how to pity the fragrance and cherish the jade at all. If you bully the less, it won't sound good if you spread it out!"

The voice of the young woman in the red dress was whistling, with a delicate appearance.

Wang Yingjie didn't hear it, and as soon as the magic trick was pressed, a spider puppet beast spewed dense golden spider silk and went straight to the skeleton.

As the skeleton was about to avoid it, a powerful gravity emerged out of thin air. Its body weighed ten thousand pounds and could not move. It watched helplessly as the golden spider silk wrapped around its body.

A giant ape puppet beast wielded a brilliant golden sword, fell from the sky, and slashed at the skeleton.


Sparks splashed, and the golden giant sword slashed on the skeleton, leaving only a shallow sword mark.

The sky suddenly darkened, and a golden brick appeared on the top of the skull without warning, and smashed down with the momentum of Mount Tai.


With a loud noise, the skeleton was smashed by the golden giant brick.

The look of the young woman in the red dress became flustered, and the opponent's puppet beast was too difficult to deal with.

The three puppet beasts pounced on the young woman in the red dress. The young woman in the red dress changed her face greatly, and said quickly, "Fellow Daoist, I know of a treasure house, which is where Senior Zhao and the others store their cultivation supplies. It is very secret."

Wang Yingjie thought about it, if he found the location of the treasure house, it would be a great achievement.

The three puppet beasts stopped suddenly and surrounded the young woman in red skirt.

"Where is the treasure house? Tell me honestly, I can spare your life."

Wang Yingjie's expression was indifferent.

The young woman in the red dress flipped her right hand, and a red sparkling bead suddenly appeared in her hand.

The red ball suddenly burst into a dazzling red light, covering the three puppet beasts.

The young woman in the red dress turned into a red light and flew away in a flash, with a very fast speed.

Wang Yingjie's face turned cold, and the magic trick was pinched. Dozens of thick blue vines broke out, quickly weaving into a large blue hand full of sharp thorns, and patted the young woman in the red skirt.

With a scream, the young woman in the red dress fell from the sky and fell heavily to the ground, spit out a large mouth, and her face turned pale.

"Fellow Daoist, forgive me, I was wrong, my concubine is willing to be a slave and a maid..."

Before she could finish her words, a looming blue light lasing came, piercing her head, and the young woman in the red dress tilted her neck and did not speak again.

Wang Yingjie stayed on the ninth floor of the core formation for many years, and Wang Qingling took good care of him, and he had a lot of treasures in his hands.

Wang Yingjie walked to the corpse, found a red storage bag from his waist, fell down, and a lot of things appeared on the ground.

"Hey, is this the map of the treasure house?"

Wang Yingjie snorted lightly, and picked up a black animal skin. On it was a sea chart with many island patterns.

The Thousand Gourd World has been ruled by the Demon Race for thousands of years, and spiritual practitioners suffered heavy casualties. There are many ruins and the location of the ancient monk's cave is unknown.

Just then, a deafening loud noise came from the sky.

Wang Yingjie was startled, and quickly put away everything and looked up into the sky.

A cloud of fire quickly swept across the sky at an extremely fast speed.

Wang Yingjie's consciousness could sense that this was a Nascent Soul cultivator.

"Yingjie, stop him."

Wang Qingshan's voice sounded in Wang Yingjie's ears.

Wang Yingjie didn't dare to neglect, he flipped his right hand, and a handful of green seeds appeared in his hand.

He is a cultivator of the Five Spiritual Roots and is proficient in the five elements of spells. Even if he entered the stage of forming a pill, he did not give up practicing spells.

I saw him throwing the seeds out of his hands. As soon as the seeds landed, they immediately took root and sprout, and cyan vines broke out of the ground, weaving them into big cyan hands, and shot them towards Huoyun.

He lightly tapped the golden giant brick with his finger, and the golden giant brick smashed towards the fire cloud.


There was a loud noise, and several big blue hands collided with the fire cloud, and suddenly burst open.

A red light flew out from the fire cloud and hit the golden giant brick. The golden giant brick flew out and smashed to the ground.

Nine cyan long rainbows appeared in the distant sky, catching up with the fire clouds in an instant.

After a few muffled noises, nine cyan long rainbows flew out upside down and turned into nine azure flying swords. In a piercing sound of swords, the nine cyan flying swords turned into nine cyan lotus flowers, swishing around. , hit the fire cloud again.

There was a sound of metal colliding in the fire cloud, and sparks flew everywhere.

"Hmph, the mantis arm is the car! Kill me."

A cold and ruthless man's voice suddenly sounded, and the nine cyan lotus flowers suddenly merged into one. A huge lotus with a diameter of one hundred meters floated above the fire cloud out of thin air. The lotus has nine cyan petals, and the shape of the petals resembles a flying sword.

The giant lotus flower spun around, and a piercing sound of breaking through the air sounded, and countless green sword qi swept out, reflecting the sky and the earth in blue.

The fire cloud was like paper paste, smashed by the dense blue sword energy, and countless pieces of meat flew out and landed on the ground.

Wang Qingshan flew from a distance, and a few flashes landed in front of Wang Yingjie.

Wang Qingshan had some brown blood stains on his body, his face was slightly pale, and he was carrying a cyan sword box about the height of one person.

When his tactic changed, the giant lotus flower turned into nine green flying swords and flew back into the sword box.

"The grandson pays a visit to the ancestors."

Wang Yingjie bowed and saluted, looking at Wang Qingshan with admiration on his face.

Wang Qingshan nodded and said, "Yingjie, are you alright!"

"I'm fine, I..."

Before Wang Yingjie's words were finished, a huge cyan lotus flower suddenly appeared in the sky, which could be clearly seen.

The blue lotus flower is the unique symbol of the Wang family, and it is also a signal for Wang Changsheng to contact the clan.

"Ninth Uncle, they should solve the enemy, let's go over quickly."

Wang Qingshan's sword art was pinched, and a blue-green sword light suddenly appeared under him, carrying him and Wang Yingjie towards the sky.

Thousands of escaping lights flew from all over the place and converged on the sky above a giant mountain that was 10,000 meters high. Most of them were injured.

Wang Changsheng, Wang Ruyan, Gongsun Yang, Shangguan Tianhong, and Zhenjun Qianhu stood on the top of the mountain with solemn expressions.

"The demons of the God Transformation Stage have been destroyed by us. The Thousand Gourd Realm has been ruled by the Demon Clan for thousands of years, and there are many evildoers. Let's open a stable space channel first, and transfer people from the Dongli Realm and the Tianlan Realm to pay the thousand gourds. The magician of the world."

Shangguan Tianhong said in a deep voice.

After destroying the demons of the god-transforming stage, it is natural to distribute benefits. The spiritual mountains and mountains of the Thousand Gourd World have been polluted, but there are still many immortal cultivation resources, such as metal veins, sect ruins, forbidden areas, etc. These are all waiting to be developed. cultivating resources.

Their manpower is insufficient, and they need to transfer manpower from Tianlan Realm and Dongli Realm. One is to occupy the site and resources for cultivating immortals;

The demons in the Thousand Gourd Realm are humans, but they have been enslaved by the demons for thousands of years, and the assimilation of the demons is very serious. These demons think they are demons in their bones, and they do not agree with Shangguan Tianhong and others at all, even if they are Zhenjun Qianglu, In the eyes of the vast number of demon cultivators in the Thousand Gourd Realm, they are all invaders.

Winning the king or defeating the bandit, there is nothing to say, a major purge must be carried out, otherwise even if they occupy the Thousand Gourd World, these magic cultivators will still send people to attack various strongholds, seriously hindering their development.

There are only two god-turning monks left in the Thousand Gourd World, and they have little power to speak. As long as the Thousand Gourd True Monarch rebuilds the sect, Wang Changsheng and Shangguan Tianhong have not treated the Thousand Gourd True Monarch badly. It is equivalent to ten times the original sect of the Thousand Gourd True Monarch. They have suffered heavy losses in this expedition to the Thousand Gourd World. Wang Changsheng and other cultivators have been allocated a large amount of resources for cultivating immortals.

Wang Changsheng planned to send some of his clansmen to establish a branch in the Thousand Gourd Realm, also to facilitate the collection of resources for immortal cultivation.

Tianlanjie took nearly two-thirds of the site of the Thousand Gourd Realm in one go, and the rest belonged to Donglijie and Qianglu Zhenjun. Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan contributed a lot and obtained a large piece of land, an area equivalent to half A South China Sea, opening up the territory and expanding the territory,

After hearing this, Wang Qingshan and others cheered.

"Daoyou Lin and Daoyou Gongsun, please make a trip. This old man, Daoyou Wang and Madam Wang stay in the Thousand Gourd Realm to avoid any small disturbances."

Shangguan Tianhong said to Gongsun Yang and True Monarch Qianglu that the matter of sending people back to Dongli Realm to transfer troops would naturally be handed over to True Monarch Qianglu and Gongsun Yang.

Shangguan Tianhong and Qinglian Xianluyi are sitting in the Thousand Gourd Realm, and they are also searching for the resources of immortal cultivation. They are the strongest. If they win the Thousand Gourd Realm, they naturally have to search it first. This is an unspoken rule.

"Qingshan, you bring a few people back to Qinglian Island, let Qingling send people over, and let Junior Sister Tian also send people over. This is a great opportunity to search for resources for cultivating immortals. The sooner the better."

Wang Changsheng sent Wang Qingshan a voice transmission, the Thousand Gourd World is now a huge piece of fat, whoever arrives first will be able to take a few more bites.

The Wang family lacks heritage, and this is a good time for the family to accumulate heritage.

He has already thought about it. He wants to transfer a fifth-order spiritual vein back to Qinglian Island, as well as other resources for immortal cultivation. The more the better.

Wang Qingshan has a flying spirit treasure, and he travels faster.

"Yes, Uncle Ninth."

Wang Qingshan agreed, and he ordered Wang Yingjie: "Yingjie, there must be no one around Ninth Uncle and Ninth Aunt, you stay with Ninth Uncle and Ninth Aunt to do things."

He admires Wang Yingjie more. Wang Yingjie is well-known in the clan for his dedication to Taoism. For Wang Qingling's sake, Wang Qingshan doesn't mind helping Wang Yingjie.

The demons of the god-turning stage have been wiped Wang Yingjie is by Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan's side, which is an open and aboveboard profit.

Wang Yingjie looked excited and agreed.

Shangguan Tianhong and several others gave orders to the disciples. Gongsun Yang and Zhenjun Qianhu flew towards the road with hundreds of monks. Wang Yingjie flew to Wang Changsheng with a respectful expression.

"Let's go! Fellow Daoist Wang, let's go to the places mentioned by fellow Daoist Lin, hoping to find some good things."

Shangguan Tianhong suggested that they searched for the souls of many Nascent Soul stage demons and confirmed that they were all killed in the God Transformation stage, and there was no more worries.

True Monarch Qianglu told them that there are several places where there are rare resources for immortal cultivation, and that there are many restrictions there.

Wang Changsheng nodded and agreed.

Shangguan Tianhong and other dozens of monks flew towards the sky and disappeared into the sky.

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