Top of Qinglian

Chapter 1819: Mutation

Two days later, the ice moose boat appeared on a vast and boundless glacier. There was a huge crack one hundred thousand feet long in front of it. The crack was more than one hundred feet wide, and the ground seemed to be divided into two.

"Three seniors, here is Fengxueyuan. It is said that there are fifth-order monsters in the depths of Fengxueyuan, and there are many prohibitions left by ancient times."

Liu Tong pointed at the crack and introduced, looking apprehensive.

He knew very well that he was exploring the way as cannon fodder, and it would be better if he didn't encounter a ban. If he encountered a strong ban, he would be the first to die.

Shangguan Tianhong and Wang Changsheng released their divine senses to explore. The restrictions on divine senses here are relatively large, and when they are placed outside for a few miles, they become blurred.

"Go! Be careful."

Shangguan Tianhong ordered.

Liu Tong responded, and with a pinch of the magic formula, the ice moose boat flew up and flew into the wind and snow abyss.

The ice walls on both sides are uneven and even reflect light.

After a while, they landed on the ground, and the ground was also an ice layer. They broke into the world of ice and snow, and the place where they saw it was white.

Wang Yingjie was shivering, even with the protection of the body protector, the biting chill still poured into his body.

He patted a red jade pendant on his chest, the red jade pendant burst into a dazzling red light, and a red light curtain appeared out of nowhere. He felt warm all over his body, and the chill suddenly disappeared.

This is a rare treasure that Wang Changsheng gave him, specially to ward off cold.

A crimson flame emerged from Chen Hung's right fist, and the nearby temperature suddenly rose, smashing towards the ground.


There was a muffled sound, and several small cracks appeared on the ground.

I don't know how long the ice layer has existed here. Chen Hung's punch can only make several cracks appear on the ground. It can be seen that these ice layers are not ordinary ice layers.

Not only is it extremely cold here, but there are also serious restrictions on the consciousness of immortal cultivators.

As they walked forward, there were several forks from time to time, leading to different places. With Liu Tong leading the way, they didn't encounter any danger. If outsiders came here, they really didn't know where each passage led.

A day later, there was a huge pit that was hundreds of feet in size and more than a hundred feet deep. There was a fork in the pit, leading to different places.

Liu Tong walked towards the passage on the left, and Wang Changsheng and others followed.

After walking for a while, the road ahead became narrow, and only two people were allowed to walk side by side. The terrain extended down, and it felt like a landslide.

After a cup of tea, the front suddenly opened up, and a huge canyon appeared in front of them. There were more than a dozen thick icicles at the entrance of the canyon.

Liu Tong released a small snow-white mink and let it walk in front.

The white sable walked into the canyon wagging its tail, and there was nothing unusual.

Wang Changsheng frowned slightly, and Wang Xin's right fist suddenly lit up with a dazzling golden light, hitting the stone wall on his left.

With a muffled sound, a looming white shadow appeared. It was a shriveled white monster. The monster's head was relatively small, and its hands and feet were as thin as bamboo poles, which looked a bit strange.

This is a third-order high-grade monster. If it wasn't for Wang Changsheng's strong sense of consciousness, he really wouldn't be able to find it.

A red light descended from the sky and hit the monster,


After a loud noise, billowing flames drowned the body of the monster, the monster let out a scream, and disappeared without a trace, turning into a pool of white ice water.

"This is the unique monster Xueyun beast in Feng Xueyuan. They are good at concealment. They come and go without a trace, and their cultivation is not high. However, they are very aggressive and bloodthirsty."

Liu Tong explained that just after he finished saying this, the white sable let out a scream, and a snow cloud beast pierced its abdomen, pulled its heart out, and stuffed it into its mouth.

There was a sound of breaking the air, and a long whip of white light fell from the sky, hitting the Xueyun Beast accurately, and the Xueyun Beast let out a painful roar, and its body burst open.

Along the way, they encountered many snow cloud beasts, the level of snow cloud beasts is not high, either their opponents or dragged down their speed.

After passing through the canyon, a vast and boundless snow field appeared in front of them, with cold wind blowing from time to time, and countless snowflakes flying high in the sky.

Liu Tong's expression was tense, and it seemed that this place was more dangerous.

"There are some remaining restrictions here, mainly a strange cold wind blowing. Immortal cultivators can easily be frozen and their bodies will be destroyed if they come into contact with them."

Wang Yingjie released three apes and puppets from the foundation-building period and walked towards the snowfield in front.

Before walking a hundred steps, a white gust of wind suddenly blew on the ground, heading straight for the monkey puppet beast.

They avoided one after another, but soon, more white hurricanes appeared on the snowfield. Once they were collided by the white hurricanes, they immediately froze and turned into ice sculptures, unable to move.

Chen Hung's sleeves flicked, and a blue light flew out, which was a blue orb the size of a pigeon's egg. The white hurricane touched the cyan glow, and immediately avoided it, the monkey puppet beast was safe and sound.

"This Lingbao restrains this kind of restriction and can't stop us."

Chen Hung opened his mouth to introduce.

Wang Changsheng nodded, Shangguan Tianhong was extremely rich, and he had many spiritual treasures on his body, which was one of the reasons why he dared to go to Feng Xueyuan to find treasures.

The cyan orb covered them as they walked towards the snowfield, and they walked all the way without encountering any danger. After walking more than a thousand steps, Wang Ruyan suddenly said, "No, there is a space crack coming, hurry up and avoid it."

Wang Changsheng and others avoided them one after another, but the four Nascent Soul-stage demon cultivators reacted a bit slower, their bodies suddenly split in two, and then disappeared into the void, never to be seen again.

When the incident happened suddenly, everyone was shocked. If Wang Ruyan didn't find it in time, their losses would have been even greater.

Shangguan Tianhong's eyes were gloomy, and he looked at Liu Tong. Liu Tong quickly explained: "The younger generation is not very clear. I only came here once, and I didn't encounter the space crack at that time."

After the Demon Race occupied the Thousand Gourd Realm, they destroyed a large number of books and so-called treasure maps in the Thousand Gourd Realm. The locations of some forbidden areas and secret realms were unknown, and there were not many topographical maps of the forbidden areas.

True Monarch Qianglu only knew that Feng Xueyuan had a space node, and others were not clear. After all, before the Demon Race appeared in Qianglu Realm, True Monarch Qianglu did not need to go to Fengxueyuan to search for treasure at all.

"Forget it, Fellow Daoist Shangguan, let him continue to lead the way!"

Wang Ruyan said that without a guide, it would be more difficult for them to hunt for treasures.

If it wasn't for her reminder, Liu Tong would have died the fastest.

Shangguan Tianhong took out the Jinwuzhu, carefully observed the surroundings, and found nothing unusual, which was a lot of relief.

"Next time there is an abnormality, the old man will definitely not be polite to you."

Shangguan Tianhong's tone was cold.

Liu Tonglian claimed yes and agreed.

A day later, they came to the end, and in front of them was a rolling white mountain range, not a single tree, very strange.

Wang Ruyan used the Wufeng method to observe and found nothing abnormal, and Shangguan Tianhong used Jinwuzhu to find no abnormality.

Liu Tong and Chen Rong walked in front, their pace was relatively slow, and they seemed to be more cautious.

Shangguan Tianhong and others followed far behind, more than a hundred feet apart.

After walking hundreds of steps, they walked into a wide and narrow A white fruit tree with a height of 10 feet suddenly appeared in front of Liu Tong. The leaves on the fruit tree were sparse, and there were several pieces of snow hanging on it. white fruit.

Liu Tong quickly ran towards the fruit tree, as if to pick the fruit, which seemed normal.

Wang Ruyan frowned, and suddenly shouted: "Liu Xiaoyou, do you want to touch the ban? Stop it."

Liu Tong not only did not stop, but strode forward to the fruit tree, stretched out his hand to grab a fruit, and pulled it hard.

There was a deafening muffled sound from high in the sky, and hundreds of thick white lights descended from the sky, hitting Wang Changsheng and others.

They secretly screamed in their hearts and wanted to avoid it, but a strange cold aura emerged from the ground, and several demon cultivators and the aura of body protection began to freeze.

"Haha, you all die under the forbidden light of the North Pole! You invaders, we will pull you back when we die."

Liu Tong's face is mad. If he can take this opportunity to kill the enemy, he will die without regret. He knows very well that even if he finds the treasure, the enemy will not let him go.

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