Top of Qinglian

Chapter 1836: Golden Winged Soul Eater

Wang Qingshan's sword art was pinched, and nine blue glass swords flew out, hovering unsteadily above his head, and the sound of swords was loud.


Cheng Xiaotian's face became ugly. He never imagined that Wang Qingshan had a set of Lingbao-level flying swords. You must know that even Cheng Zhanxian used a single piece of Lingbao.

Not to mention that Wang Qingshan's strength is not weak in the first place. He has a set of Lingbao-level flying swords. If he really fights for life and death, Cheng Xiaotian is not sure to defeat Wang Qingshan.

"Thousand Gourd World is in chaos now, and there are so many treasures. We don't need to fight to the death. If Fellow Daoist Cheng wants to fight to the death, Wang will accompany him to the end."

Wang Qingshan's expression was indifferent, and the azure sword above his head made a piercing sound of sword cries. It seemed that the enemy would be cut off at the next moment.

Cheng Xiaotian's face was cloudy for a while, he pondered for a moment, and said, "You are also here for that thing?"

If Wang Qingshan came for other things, Cheng Xiaotian didn't care, he was afraid that Wang Qingshan came for the Jiuyang Golden Glass Fruit Tree.

"Naturally, it's for the Jiuyang Jinli fruit tree. If the nine uncles and nine aunts see the Jiuyang Jinli fruit tree, they will be very happy."

Wang Qingshan said meaningfully, he didn't want to tear his face with Cheng Xiaotian, not that he was afraid of Cheng Xiaotian, but that he didn't want to fight at this time.

After hearing this, Cheng Xiaotian's eyes were full of fear, Qinglian Immortal Companion was still in the Thousand Gourd Realm, and it was impossible to occupy the Jiuyang Golden Glass Fruit Tree unless they could destroy Wang Qingshan and others, and kill them.

"In this case, let's hunt for treasures together. Let's talk about it first. We want half of Jiuyang Jinliguo, and we have a complete map in our hands."

Cheng Xiaotian shook a piece of cyan animal skin on his hand and said solemnly.

"According to you, I hope we can cooperate happily."

Wang Qingshan solemnly reminded.

Bai Linger's beautiful eyes kept rolling, but she didn't say anything.

Cheng Xiaotian turned his hand and took out a blue array flag that was covered in water vapor. After injecting mana, the blue array flag flew out, turned into a blue light and disappeared into the blue light curtain. The blue light curtain suddenly collapsed, and a pure spiritual energy rushed out. , a lush rolling mountain range appeared in front of them.

Cheng Xiaotian and others walked in the front, Wang Qingshan and the others walked in the back, and the two groups kept a distance of more than 30 feet.

Flying in the sky might trigger the ban, and they marched on foot.

In front of him is an endless green bamboo forest, looking around, a piece of emerald green.

Liu Yunfeng's expression was tense. If he encounters a powerful monster, his cultivation base is so low, and he will definitely die the fastest.

The Liu family had already explored some areas, and they followed the map left by the Liu family. They did not encounter any danger along the way, but they encountered a lot of low-level monsters.

Three days later, they appeared at the entrance of a canyon. The stone walls on both sides of the canyon were covered with cyan moss, and several moss-covered stones were gathered together, which looked nothing out of the ordinary.

"Through this canyon, you can see a big river, and you can cross the big river and climb a mountain to reach the destination."

Liu Yunfeng introduced that the Liu family spent a lot of manpower and material resources exploring this place, but they didn't expect it to be cheaper for outsiders.

Cheng Xiaotian's consciousness quickly swept across the valley, and found no abnormality.

A fat young man in a red shirt walked at the front, Cheng Xiaotian and others followed closely, and Fairy Ziyue walked at the back.

The road in the canyon is rather peculiar. The stone walls on both sides are either close together or far apart. The road is sometimes wide, sometimes narrow, sometimes dark, and sometimes bright.

After a while, they appeared in an open field. The stone walls on both sides were almost pressed together.

"No, a monster rushed out."

Fairy Ziyue exclaimed, her eyes glowing with purple light.

As soon as the voice fell, a strange hissing sound sounded, and dozens of giant black scorpions flew out of the cave. There are as many as seven rank demon scorpions, and the rest are third rank demon scorpions.

"No, this is the golden-winged soul-devouring scorpion of the top ten poisonous insects in the Thousand Gourd World. They fly extremely fast. The fourth-order golden-winged soul-devouring scorpion can poison Nascent Soul cultivators, and can also perform divine attacks."

Master Xuanling exclaimed, as a local monk in the Thousand Gourd Realm, he naturally knows how powerful the Golden Wing Soul Eater is.

As soon as the words fell, more than a dozen golden-winged soul-devouring scorpions let out a shrill hissing sound.

Wang Qingshan felt slightly unwell, Fairy Ziyue's face was slightly pale, Liu Yunfeng's legs were weak, and she collapsed to the ground, her eyes blank.

It can be seen that the higher the cultivation base, the stronger the consciousness, and the less affected it will be.

Dozens of golden-winged soul-devouring scorpions were extremely fast, and they instantly arrived in front of them. With a flick of the tail thorn, it turned into a piece of golden light, hitting the immortal cultivator.

A scream sounded, and the golden venom instantly corroded the protective aura of the red-shirted youth. His head was numb, and he could see a lot of blood spots. Soon, his eyes widened, his body softened, and he fell on the ground On the ground, the corpse slowly turned into a piece of blood, and the blood touched the ground, and a burst of blue smoke rose from the ground, which was corroded into a large pit.

Just as a mini Nascent Soul flew away from the corpse, a golden glow descended from the sky, covering the mini Nascent Soul and swallowing it up.

Wang Qingshan's reaction was quick, and a burst of blue flames spewed out from his mouth.

Six monks were killed in one encounter. Cheng Xiaotian's chest suddenly lit up, a loud wolf howl sounded, and a red light curtain appeared close to him, protecting his body. Bai Linger's reaction was also very fast. At the moment when Fairy Ziyue reminded him, She sacrificed a white orb and released a white aura to cover her and Liu Yunfeng.

If confronted head-on, they wouldn't suffer such a big loss. Liu Yunfeng didn't say that there was a golden-winged soul-devouring scorpion here. The golden-winged soul-devouring scorpion suddenly burst out, and coupled with the divine soul attack, they couldn't prevent it. Wang Qingshan and others walked at the back. In addition, Wang Qingshan's reaction was relatively fast, so he didn't have it.

Cheng Xiaotian's face was full of killing intent, he didn't have time to ask Liu Yunfeng, and hurriedly shot to kill the Golden Winged Soul Eater.

Fairy Ziyue flipped her hand and took out the Fire Sparrow Fan, and with a light blow, ripples swayed in the void, and countless firelights emerged, turning into red fire clouds, heading straight for the Golden Winged Soul Eater.

With a loud rumbling sound, more than a dozen Golden Winged Soul Eaters were drowned by the billowing flames.

A piercing sound of sword cries sounded, and countless cyan flying swords emerged out of thin air around Wang Qingshan, condensed into a ferocious cyan sword, and rushed towards the golden-winged soul-devouring scorpion.

Xuanling Zhenren and others were not idle took action one after another.

For a while, the explosion continued.

As long as the Golden-Winged Soul Eater touches the Qinglian Karmic Fire, it instantly turns into fly ash.

Cheng Xiaotian roared up to the sky, spewing out an invisible sound wave, which shattered the internal organs of the Golden Winged Soul Eater.

Ten breaths were not enough, all the Golden Winged Soul Eaters were slaughtered by them, and the demon clan lost six Nascent Souls. There was no way, the poison of the Golden Winged Soul Eater was too strong, even the demon clan could not stand it. The Golden Winged Soul Eater is worthy of being the top ten poisonous insects in the Thousand Gourd World.

Wang Qingshan found a few worm eggs from the body of a golden-winged soul-devouring scorpion, and was about to bring it back to the family.

What was a little strange to him was that Liu Yunfeng didn't say that there were a group of golden-winged soul-devouring scorpions here.

"Liu Yunfeng, give me a reasonable explanation, why is there a group of poisonous insects here?"

Cheng Xiaotian's tone was indifferent.

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