Top of Qinglian

Chapter 1839: The land of locks

A quarter of an hour later, they appeared in the depths of the desert, with yellow sand fluttering in the sky and a gust of wind gusting.

Wang Qingshan frowned, his right hand slashed downwards, a piercing sword sound rang out, and a large piece of cyan sword qi flew out, hitting a certain sand dune below.


After a deafening loud noise, a yellow giant python more than ten feet long emerged from the sand dune, and the dense cyan sword qi slashed on its body, leaving only shallow sword marks.

Bai Linger's eyes lit up with a dazzling white light, and the yellow python looked at Bai Linger, his eyes dull and motionless.

When it came back to its senses, a cyan-colored sword dragon that was more than a hundred meters long fell from the sky, tore it to pieces, and the blood rained red a lot of yellow sand.

A deafening roar came from a distance, Wang Qingshan frowned, the colorful lizard was staring at them, which is not a good thing.

Considering the existence of the ban, they dare not fly too fast.

Wang Qingshan's tactic made a pinch, Ganguang Yunying Shuttle accelerated, and the two flying eagle puppet beasts also accelerated.

After flying more than a hundred miles, Wang Qingshan suddenly stopped and his face became ugly.

A lot of white vortices appeared in the void ahead, looming, emitting a strong spatial fluctuation.

This is a space node. As for where it leads, no one knows, it may be the Necrospace, it may be a secret realm, or it may be a small world.

"So many space nodes? These space nodes don't seem to be stable, and they might collapse at any time."

Bai Linger frowned, which meant that the front was more dangerous.

A gust of wind blew up, and a huge earth bag quickly moved towards them, it was the colorful lizard.

As soon as it appeared, it made a sharp, ear-piercing roar. Wang Qingshan and Bai Linger felt their heads buzzing and their heads dizzy.

The void above their heads fluctuated together, and a huge golden claw shadow appeared out of nowhere and was photographed instantly.

Wang Qingshan bit the tip of his tongue, and a fishy smell spread in his mouth. He quickly took out nine blue glass swords and slashed at the giant golden claws.


With a loud noise, the golden giant claws were shattered by his slash, and disappeared as little auras.

The wind suddenly rose, and countless yellow gravels flew high into the sky, turning into yellow stones, and smashing at Wang Qingshan and Bai Linger.

As soon as the yellow stone approached Wang Qingshan and Bai Linger Baizhang, it was smashed by nine green glass swords, and the dust was flying all over the sky.

Countless yellow gravels flew high into the sky, turned into yellow arrows, yellow flying swords and other forms, attacking Wang Qingshan and Bai Linger.

The colorful lizards have suffered losses and dare not attack them at close range.

For a time, the explosions continued, and the air waves were billowing.

They didn't notice that the white vortex trembled slightly.

Countless yellow gravels flew high into the sky, and after a whirl, they condensed into a yellow mountain hundreds of feet high and smashed towards Wang Qingshan and Bai Linger.

Wang Qingshan's sword art was pinched, and the nine azure glass swords burst into a dazzling azure light, turning into nine azure rays and slashing towards the yellow mountain.

With the sound of rumbling, the yellow mountain was smashed by nine green light slashes.

Two red lights flew out of the smoke without warning, heading straight for Wang Qingshan and Bai Linger.

Their response was quick, their bodies swayed, avoiding the red light, and two red lights hit the two white vortexes.

The white vortex shook violently, making a "humming" sound, as if this space was about to collapse.

Wang Qingshan's complexion changed greatly, and he was about to avoid it when the white vortex suddenly tore apart, and a hollow a few meters in size appeared. .

Countless yellow gravels were swept into the void, and the colorful lizard noticed something was wrong and turned around and left.


I don't know how long it took, Wang Qingshan opened his heavy eyelids, he felt someone pressing on him, the soft jade was warm and fragrant.


Bai Linger slowly opened her eyes, dizzy, her clothes were tattered, and she could vaguely see the snow-white apron and the ravine on her chest, which was dazzling.

She saw clearly that she was sitting on Wang Qingshan's body, a blush appeared on her face, she quickly stood up, took out a robe and put it on.

Wang Qingshan had multiple wounds on his body, but his injuries were not serious.

He stood up and looked around.

They are located above a barren mountain, where the vegetation is sparse, looking into the distance, it is desolate, and the sky is also gray.

Wang Qingshan let go of his consciousness and planned to see if there were any monsters or restrictions.

He frowned and looked at Bai Linger, who also frowned.

Their spiritual consciousness is limited to a certain extent. Wang Qingshan can only explore a radius of 150 miles. You must know that the spiritual consciousness of a monk in the late Nascent Soul can be explored for more than 200 miles. Here, his spiritual consciousness is limited. In addition to this, their mana is slowly draining away.

"The Land of Locking Spirits!"

Wang Qingshan and Bai Linger said in unison, their faces were a little ugly.

The Land of Locking Spirits is one of the top ten Jedi in the world of immortality, just like the land of absolute spirits. It is difficult for immortals to mobilize mana in the land of absolute spirits. Whether they are using magical powers or manipulating magic weapons to attack the enemy, they will be severely restricted. The land will slowly dissipate the mana of the cultivator until the mana is exhausted, and the cultivator loses his mana and still enjoys the original longevity, but without mana, he can only continue

If the mana is exhausted and there is no way to replenish the mana, there is no need to mention the danger.

"We have to find a way out as soon as possible, otherwise I'm afraid we will really be trapped here."

Wang Qingshan said with a frown.

He took out all the high-grade spirit stones on his body, put them in his arms, and also put the medicinal pills to restore mana and two bottles of bigu pills in his arms, just in case of emergencies.

The two slowly walked down the mountain, their speed was not fast.

At the foot of the mountain is a vast wasteland with no end in sight.

Wang Qingshan released the double-eyed mouse and let it lead the way in front of him, looking for a way out.

The double-eyed rat's body shrank into a and turned into a yellow ball, quickly rolling towards the front.

"You're an interesting spirit mouse, and like this way of exploring the way."

Bai Linger said casually.


Wang Qingshan's tone was calm and he didn't want to say more.

Three days later, they appeared in a huge basin. Two ape puppet beasts walked in front. There was a small mountain of white skeletons and a human-shaped skeleton on the ground. Strangely, there were no storage rings on the skeletons.

Wang Qingshan's tactic was pinched, and the two ape puppet beasts strode towards the white skeleton. They waved their arms and smashed the skeleton into pieces, nothing unusual.

"Someone has come here. If his storage ring is not on his body, it means that someone came after he died and took the storage ring."

Bai Linger analyzed.

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