Top of Qinglian

Chapter 1848: Adversity sees the truth

Of course, the complete set of Lingbao Qingli sword is indispensable, I am afraid that only the fifth-order monster can resist the complete set of Lingbao.

As soon as the spirit of the monster was separated from the body, a cyan vase fell from the sky, releasing a cyan glow, covering the spirit, and receiving it into the vase.

Wang Qingshan waved his hand, and the blue porcelain vase flew towards him, disappearing into his sleeve.

"What kind of monster is this? How come I've never seen it before."

Bai Linger frowned and said, she is well-informed, but she doesn't know the monster killed by Wang Qingshan.

Wang Qingshan stepped forward and dug out the inner core of the monster. The monster core was dull in color and irregular in shape. Based on Wang Qingshan's many years of experience in hunting monsters, there was not much of the monster's power left.

"It's probably a hybrid monster! It doesn't have much monster power anymore, no wonder it's vulnerable."

Wang Qingshan suddenly realized that he put the corpse of the monster into the storage ring.

"There won't be fifth-order monsters here! Fourth-order monsters are easy to handle, but if you encounter fifth-order monsters, it will be troublesome."

Bai Linger frowned and said, in the land of locked spirits, if they encounter a fifth-order monster, the chance of survival is very low.

"I was told by your crow's mouth that there are really fifth-order monsters."

Wang Qingshan's voice was heavy, and he looked into the distance.

Bai Linger's face was pale, and his eyes were full of fear.


With a loud bang, she saw a golden giant frog jumping from a distance, yes, jumping over.

The golden giant frog is covered with golden scales and has three crimson eyeballs.

Wang Qingshan didn't dare to be careless, and hurriedly took out the dry light and escaped the shadow shuttle, and jumped up, just at this moment, the golden giant frog made an extremely sharp and strange sound.

When Wang Qingshan and Bai Linger heard this, their heads buzzed, as if someone had hit their heads with a heavy object.

A crimson long tongue flew out, like a sharp red spear, heading straight for Bai Linger.

A dazzling white light suddenly lit up on Bai Linger's body, and a thick layer of white light suddenly appeared, protecting her body.

There was a muffled sound, and the white light was like thin paper. It was shattered by the long red tongue. Bai Linger let out an extremely painful scream and flew out, spitting out a large mouthful of blood.

Wang Qingshan's brows wrinkled, the sword art was pinched, and an amazing sword intent rushed out of his body, oscillating and twisting in the void, and cyan sword lights appeared out of nowhere, and there were thousands of them, and the sound of swords continued.

"go with."

Wang Qingshan's finger lightly touched the golden giant frog, and the dense blue sword light shot towards the golden giant frog, turning into a sky-high sword light hundreds of feet long in the middle of the journey. Shake and twist.

The long red tongue of the golden giant frog swept away suddenly, and it hit Qingtian Jianguang, which suddenly shattered.

Taking this opportunity, Wang Qingshan flew to Bai Linger's side, wrapped his broad palm around Bai Linger's slender waist, hugged her in his arms, and jumped on top of Qianguang Yunying.

Bai Linger broke free from Wang Qingshan's embrace, turned around, her eyes shone with dazzling white light, and three snow-white tails suddenly grew behind her.

The golden giant frog stayed in place, motionless, with dull eyes.

"Come on, I'm using the bloodline secret technique, and it won't take long for it to wake up from the illusion."

Bai Linger's tone was weak and her legs were weak.

Wang Qingshan put his arms around Bai Linger, and with a pinch of the magic trick, Qianguang's shadow shuttle turned into a flash of light and flew away.

After a while, the golden giant frog woke up from the illusion, kicked its hind legs, jumped several dozen meters high, and chased after it.

It obviously doesn't have much demon power, otherwise it wouldn't pursue Wang Qingshan and Bai Linger in such a clumsy way.

Bai Linger performed the bloodline secret technique, and the sequelae were severe. She was completely weak, leaning against Wang Qingshan's warm embrace, and a strong masculine breath poured into her nose.

She looked at Wang Qingshan's delicate face, and her eyes kept turning.

The speed of the dry light and shadow shuttle is very fast. In the time of a cup of tea, they appear in the sky over a vast wasteland. The sky is gray, and the ground is barren, looking a bit desolate.

As soon as Ganguang Escaped Shadow Shuttle appeared over the wasteland, the sky above Wang Qingshan's head swayed for a while, and a giant golden claw with a size of more than 100 feet appeared out of thin air, like fishing for a moon in the sea, grabbing at Wang Qingshan's Tianling cover.

The nine azure glass swords turned into nine azure lights and greeted them.

With a loud rumbling sound, the golden giant claws were torn apart.

Qian Guang Eunying Shuttle flew towards the front, followed by nine Qingli swords.

Wang Qingshan found that the suppression of divine consciousness was more serious here, and there were fifth-order monsters chasing after him, so he couldn't care about that much.

It didn't take long for Qian Guang's Shadow Shuttle to stop. The front was a vast and boundless area. The ground was full of potholes. You could see dozens of giant pits and a few humanoid bones.

His consciousness sensed a strong restraint fluctuation, obviously there was a strong restraint here.

He released two flying eagle puppet beasts and controlled them to fly forward.

They just flew hundreds of feet away, when a deafening thunder sounded from the sky, and several thick silver lightnings cut through the sky and slashed at the two flying eagle puppet beasts.

After a loud noise, the two flying eagle puppet beasts turned into a pile of broken copper and iron, scattered on the ground.

Wang Qingshan frowned, with a hesitant look on his face, and an angry roar came from behind him.

He took a deep breath and his eyes became very firm. He still had a Mingyue Pearl and a fifth-order talisman in his hand, but Bai Linger was by his side. If there was a fight, it would be difficult for him to see Bai Linger, Wang Qingshan repeated After thinking about it, he planned to make a foray, but if it really didn't work, he would quit.

With a pinch of his sword technique, the nine azure glass swords burst into a dazzling azure light, turning into nine lotus flowers that gleamed with azure light, floating above his head, and they flew towards the front.


A huge roar came from the sky, and several thick lightnings pierced the sky and came straight to them.

The aura of Qianguang Yunyingshuo soared, avoiding several silver lightning bolts, which stabbed the hornet's nest, and a dozen thick silver lightning bolts cut through the sky and slashed at them.

Lightning flashed and thundered, Wang Qingshan held Bai Linger in his arms, and controlled the dry light escape and shadow shuttle to fly quickly, avoiding the silver lightning.

Bai Linger's teeth clenched her red lips, and a strange color flashed in her beautiful eyes.

At this time, the golden giant frog chased after him. It saw the silver lightning slashing from the sky and let out a few strange roars, watching Wang Qingshan and Bai Linger disappear into the wasteland.

Two hours later, Wang Qingshan and Bai Linger hadn't left the wasteland. With a loud noise, nine cyan lotus flowers turned into nine flying swords with sparkling blue light, and the aura dimmed.

There was a deafening roar from high in the sky, and dozens of silver lightning struck down.

"Friend Wang Dao, put away your flying sword! I can resist it for a while with the demon pill."

As Bai Linger spoke, she opened an apricot mouth, and a snow-white demon pill flew out. It turned over their heads, and a soft white light appeared out of nowhere, covering them.

Ordinary defensive magic weapons can't stop them for long.

Wang Qingshan put away the nine blue glass swords with dim aura, and the speed of the dry light escaped the shadow shuttle soared.

The speed of Qianguang's escape and shadow shuttle is very Even so, silver lightning strikes the white light, like mud like the sea, disappearing without a trace.

After half an hour, there was a lush jungle in front, and there was no more lightning strikes.

Wang Qingshan's tactic was pinched, and the dry light escaped the shadow shuttle and slowly landed on the ground. Bai Linger's inner alchemy turned into a white light, which disappeared into her mouth.

The next moment, Bai Linger's body lit up with a burst of white light, and she suddenly turned into a snow-white three-tailed spirit fox.

Bai Linger used the bloodline secret technique and drove the inner alchemy to resist the ban. Her real essence was severely depleted and could no longer be transformed into a human form. The last time this happened was that she was injured by Wang Qingshan.

The three-tailed spirit fox passed out, and it was useless to let Wang Qingshan communicate.

Wang Qingshan frowned, looking for a place to stay first, waiting for Bai Linger to wake up.

He glanced at a peak in the distance, and drove Gan Guang Yun Ying Shuo to fly towards the peak.

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