Top of Qinglian

Chapter 1860: Zhenxian Pagoda Appearance

"We sent a large number of people to look for them, but they didn't find them. I didn't expect them to come to the door automatically. They are now welcoming the living room. I will bring them to you, or do you go there yourself?"

Zhong Yunxiu said politely that she hired Wang Mengbin to worship the Zhong family and provide resources and formations for immortal cultivation. Naturally, it was not a flood of good intentions, but there was something for Wang Mengbin to do, but it was not the time yet.

If Wang Mengbin's background is extraordinary, then he has forged a good relationship.

Qinghuanjie has rich resources for cultivating immortals, but for the majority of Yuanying cultivators, owning a spiritual treasure is a very luxurious thing. Wang Mengbin actually has a flying spiritual treasure, which greatly exceeded Zhong Yunxiu's expectations. She did not know Wang Mengbin's Origin, naturally more polite.

"Thank you Fairy Zhong for your kindness. I'll just invite them over by myself, so I won't bother Fairy Zhong."

After Wang Mengbin said this, countless thunder lights lit up on his body, and disappeared in a burst of harsh thunder.


Even if Lei Peng's wings are not used, Wang Mengbin can still use the Thunder Dun technique, but with Lei Peng's wings, the power of Thunder Dun is even greater.

In the living room, Cheng Zhenyu and Zheng Nan sat on the stools, and an old man in green robes over fifty sat in the main seat. The old man in green robes had a ruddy face and a peaceful face, giving people an approachable impression.

Zhong Yangming, the head of the Zhong family.

"Young Daoist Cheng and Madam Zheng, take the liberty to ask, where are the two fellow Daoists from?"

Zhong Yangming asked politely, the Zhong family's influence in the Qinghuan world is not small, but the Zhong family is not one of the best forces in the Qinghuan world, and they still need to befriend other forces.

The Zhong family has made good friends with many major forces, and has not heard of the origins of the three Wang Mengbin.

"Our husband and wife are Xianyun Yehe and rarely show up. It's not surprising that Fellow Daoist Zhong has never heard of it."

Cheng Zhenyu said lightly that after he and Zheng Nan came to the Qinghuan Realm, they were helpless and could only do their old jobs, relying on hunting and killing monsters for a living.

There are some forces that throw olive branches and want to recruit them to be the elders of Keqing, but they are used to being idle and politely refused. They joined Zhenhaizong mainly because Zheng Nan's ancestor was a disciple of Zhenhaizong.

The two hunted down monsters while looking for Wang Mengbin. They had formed babies for more than two hundred years. With the abundant resources of the Qinghuan world, the two entered the middle stage of Nascent Soul.

By chance, they learned that the Zhong family was looking for them. At first, they thought they had offended the Zhong family. Later, they found out that the Zhong family had recruited a worshiper named Wang, who was looking for them, so they came to the door. .

Zhong Yangming wanted to ask something else, but a hearty voice suddenly came from outside: "Daoyou Cheng and Daoyou Zheng, you can be regarded as found."

As soon as he finished speaking, Wang Mengbin walked in, looking excited.

Seeing Wang Mengbin, Cheng Zhenyu and Zheng Nan stood up one after another, and the couple looked happy.

"Friend Wang, these two fellow Daoists are the people you've been looking for!"

Zhong Yangming asked politely, Wang Mengbin's strength was not weak in the first place, but now with Cheng Zhenyu and Zheng Nan, the Zhong family had to be afraid.

"They are Wang's friends. I didn't expect them to come to the door automatically. Thank you, Fellow Daoist Zhong, Fellow Daoist Cheng, come to my place to chat!"

Wang Mengbin said with a smile.

Zhong Yangming didn't say anything, and watched the three of them leave.

As soon as the three of them left, Zhong Yunxiu walked in on the back.

"I know the names and looks of Nascent Soul cultivators who are relatively well-known in the Qinghuan world. It's really strange that this fellow Daoist Wang is so powerful that he has never heard of his name."

Zhong Yangming said with a frown, his face full of confusion.

"As long as they can help our Zhong family, that's enough. For this day, our family has been planning for thousands of years. If it is successful, we can contact the ancestors of the spiritual world, and maybe let the ancestors of the spiritual world give them gifts. It’s really not good to lay down treasures or use secret techniques to make our family brilliant again, and we will be much better off by saying hello to the backers of other forces.”

Zhong Yunxiu said sternly, with a look of longing on his face.

The Zhong family currently does not have a spiritual monk, but the ancestors of the Zhong family flew into the spiritual world and established a family of immortals in the spiritual world. They are not weak. If they want to connect with the ancestors in the spiritual world, they need to arrange special formations and special media. , they need Wang Mengbin's help to get the media. The reason is very simple. The place where the media is located is restricted by the thunder attribute, and ordinary Yuan Ying cultivators will be killed or injured when they break in.

Wang Mengbin invited Cheng Zhenyu and Zheng Nan to his residence, and the three sat in the stone pavilion drinking tea and chatting.

The three briefly talked about their experiences over the years, and they were all a little embarrassed.

"Wang Daoyou, if we want to return to the Dongli Realm, unless we find an interface teleportation array that is teleported back to the Dongli Realm or the Thousand Gourd Realm, but as far as we know, the materials of the interface teleportation array are very rare, and the layout method may be lost. Unless we advance to the Divine Transformation Stage, don't expect to return to the Eastern Li Realm or the Thousand Gourd Realm."

Cheng Zhenyu sighed.

Wang Mengbin nodded and said, "Yes! What are your plans?"

"We have found out that the monks in the Qinghuan world can ascend to the spiritual world in the middle stage of their cultivation. We don't plan to return to the Dongli world. What are your plans?"

Cheng Zhenyu asked politely, they have no heirs and have nothing to worry about. For them, since the development prospects of Qinghuanjie are better, they naturally stay in Qinghuanjie to cultivate.

"I plan to concentrate on my cultivation. When I enter the God Transformation stage, I will see if there is a way to pick up the ancestors. Whether it is resources for immortal cultivation or development prospects, Qinghuanjie is much better than Donglijie."

Wang Mengbin said solemnly, strength is the most important thing, and when he enters the Spirit Transformation stage, it will be very convenient for him to do anything.

"If you don't mind, you can join the Zhong family. We are all from the Dongli world and should support each other."

Wang Mengbin suggested that it is human nature to hold a group for warmth. Compared with other cultivators, Wang Mengbin trusted Cheng Zhenyu and Zheng Nan more.

"It's natural. To join the Zhong family, I'll ask Daoyou Wang to recommend it."

Cheng Zhenyu agreed.

Wang Mengbin sighed lightly and said, "We've been missing for so many years, the ancestors must be anxious."

"If we can advance to the Spirit Transformation Stage, then we can hope to return to the Dongli Realm. If the opportunity is big enough to ascend to the Spirit Realm, that would be even better."

Zheng Nan had a look of longing on his face.

Wang Mengbin nodded, with a look of longing on his face.

Qinghuanjie can soar to the middle stage of spiritual transformation. UU reading is more difficult for ordinary cultivators. Wang Mengbin is Lei Linggen. Like Dongli Realm, you can only ascend after cultivating in the late stage of spiritual transformation. For tens of thousands of years, no cultivator has cultivated to the late stage of spiritual transformation before his life essence is exhausted.


In the east fence world, the coral sea area, tens of thousands of monks surrounded a certain sea area, preventing idlers from approaching.

A certain desert island, a steep giant peak.

Shamingzhu, Baili'e, Ye Yan, Meng Tianzheng, and Gongsun Yang stood on the top of a steep giant peak, their faces solemn.

It's almost time for the Zhenxian Pagoda to show up, so I don't know if the Zhenxian Pagoda is willing to tell them how to ascend to the spiritual world.

A certain piece of void suddenly swayed with ripples, making a "humming" sound, and a giant pagoda with shimmering treasures appeared out of nowhere, which was Zhenxian Pagoda.

A golden light lit up on the top of the tower, and the artifact suddenly appeared at the top of the tower with an indifferent expression.

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