Top of Qinglian

Chapter 1865: ask

Wulong Sea Area, a certain blue sea area.

The sky was clear and cloudless, white clouds were blooming, the sea breeze was blowing, waves of water swayed on the sea, and a group of white seagulls flew from the sky.

After a while, the sea level suddenly tumbled violently, setting off one after another huge waves, and the waves rolled back.


After a deafening roar sounded, an incomparably huge island emerged from the sea, which was the Zhenhaizong site.

In Zhenhai Hall, what Wang Changsheng, Wang Ruyan, and Ziyue Fairy were talking about.

"Junior Sister Tian, ​​this place is not very far from Qinglian Island. Send someone to set up a teleportation formation. If you encounter danger, it is convenient to support."

Wang Changsheng suggested.

"I will instruct people to do the rest. Senior Brother Wang and Senior Sister Wang, please be busy! You must have a lot of things to explain."

Fairy Ziyue said understandingly.

Wang Changsheng nodded, he and Wang Ruyan turned into two rays of light, and left the main altar of Zhenhaizong.

A day later, they returned to Qinglian Island.

They had just returned to Qinglian Island when they saw high-altitude lightning flashes and thunder, a huge thundercloud appeared over Qinglian Peak, and one after another thick lightning fell from the sky.

"It should be Soul Eater Golden Cicada! After so many years, it has only hit the fourth rank. No wonder Myriad Beast Island has not vigorously promoted it. Soul Eater Golden Cicada is really difficult to advance."

Wang Changsheng sighed that he raised Soul Eater Jin Chan in the stage of forming pills, which was the second rank at that time, but now he has entered the Divine Transformation stage, Soul Eater Jin Chan was only promoted to the fourth rank, and the growth rate of the tortoise is faster than that of Soul Eater Jin Chan. quick.

Not long after, the thundercloud dissipated.

Wang Changsheng could clearly sense that his consciousness had increased a bit. With his current consciousness, the fourth-order Soul Eater Jin Chan's consciousness was indeed very small.

Wang Ruyan also has a soul-eating golden cicada in his hand, but it is only Tier 3.

Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan came to Qinglian Tower, where they burned incense to worship the deceased clansmen.

During his trip to the Thousand Gourd World, Wang Changsheng obtained many pieces of spiritual treasures and a large amount of refining materials. He forged many pieces of spiritual treasures, namely, the sea-turning flag, the yellow wind flag, the Xuanguang shield, and the Heavenly Flame Sword. Among them, the sea-turning flag is the A complete set of Lingbao, the remaining three Lingbao are single Lingbao.

He intends to keep these spiritual treasures as treasures of the clan. In addition, he also refined Ao Qing's corpse into a fourth-order high-grade puppet beast, and also left ten Moon Pearls, which Wang Ruyan left behind. With five fifth-order talismans, she can make fifth-order talismans, but the level of talisman making is not very high.

In this way, the seven treasures of the Wang family's clan, including the Nine Suns Ruler, the Overturned Sea Banner, the Seven-star Demon Slaying Nail, the Yellow Wind Banner, the Xuanguang Shield, the Heavenly Flame Sword, and the Qinglian Town Spirit Pagoda, are already quite remarkable. You know, the Shenbing Palace is only five treasures of the sect.

This is also thanks to this war, otherwise it would be very good for the Wang family to have a spiritual treasure as the treasure of the town.

"With these treasures and the great formation of protecting the clan, even if we are gone, as long as we don't provoke the cultivators, our family will have no worries for a thousand years."

Wang Ruyan said with relief that the Wang family has been rectifying the clan all these years, and basically does not have any bad relations with the big forces.

"Hope! It's not enough to have these things. If Qingshan is there, it doesn't matter without these treasures."

Wang Changsheng sighed and said, he has no clue in his heart, and no one knows what will happen in the future. The Palace of Ten Thousand Fires and the Shen family have a long history. In the face of the catastrophe, they have not fallen quickly, and there is no power that will prosper forever. Wang Changsheng hopes that the family can continue to pass on. , he still needs to keep a few more backhands.

If Wang Qingshan is rescued, it is naturally the best. If Wang Qingshan cannot be rescued, Wang Changsheng has to think of other ways and leave more treasures for the family.

Unfortunately, he was unable to refine the fifth-order puppet beast, mainly because the materials used by the fifth-order puppet beast are relatively rare. puppet beast.

At this moment, Wang Mengfen's voice came from outside: "Old Ancestor, Senior Cheng of the Eastern Wilderness Monster Clan is here, and Senior Blue and White."

Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan looked at each other, their faces were confused, they had nothing to do with Cheng Zhanxian, and as for the ancestor of Qinghua, Wang Changsheng rescued her once.

"Invite them to the reception room, we'll be there right away."

Wang Changsheng ordered.

Wang Mengfen responded and led the way.

"Cheng Zhanxian and Qinghua Ancestor came here, probably for the sake of ascending to the spiritual world!"

Wang Ruyan guessed that the Eastern Wilderness Monster Clan had contacts with the Monster Clan Sea Clan in the South China Sea, and Cheng Zhanxian guessed that he had learned from the mouth of the shark Mingzhu that the tool spirit was going to take people to ascension.

"We can't help him, I still want to take my avatar to the spiritual world! Come and see!"

Wang Changsheng, please let out a light snort. The incarnation Wang Xin has already cultivated to the late Nascent Soul, and only two places were given to the Item Spirit. Wang Changsheng intends to refine the incarnation into some kind of special puppet.

Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan came to the reception room, and not long after, Qinghua Patriarch and Cheng Zhanxian came in one after another.

Seeing the blue-and-white ancestors who are still in the form of monsters, Wang Changsheng is not surprised. It is very difficult for monsters to transform into shape. Both the Eastern Wilderness Monster Clan and the Sea Clan intermarry with the Human Race, giving birth to the next group of half-demon.

"I wonder what the two fellow Daoists are doing?"

Wang Changsheng asked calmly.

"Friend Wang Daoist, I want to ask you for help, please ask Daoist Baili to help me to refine the transforming pill for Laoshen. Laoshen has the main medicine of transforming pill and transforming ginseng. After this is done, Laoshen will definitely be grateful. "

The cyan giant python spit out human words, with a sincere voice.

In the entire Dongli world, only Baili'e is a fifth-order alchemist.

Wang Changsheng was stunned. He knew what the Transformation Pill meant to the monsters, but he didn't understand why Qinghua Patriarch didn't go directly to Baili'e. As long as he was willing to invest his blood, Baili'e should help.

"We also want to invite Daoyou Wang to speak kind words in front of Senior Ye. We hope Senior Ye can follow us to the spiritual world."

Cheng Zhanxian explained that Qi Ling appeared for the second time and took the initiative to inquire about the whereabouts of Qinglian Immortal Companion, which can already explain the problem.

Looking for Baili'e's help, she still has to turn around to find Qinglian Immortal Companion. Shangguan Tianhong destroyed the body of Qinghua's ancestor, but she dare not go to Shangguan Tianhong.

"Let Senior Ye bring you? I don't have such a big face, but I can tell Senior Ye. As for whether it is successful or not, I will not dare to guarantee it."

Wang Changsheng's voice was just said a few good words, that's not a problem.

"No problem, if Artifact Spirit is willing to take us, I will be very grateful."

Old Ancestor Qinghua's voice was sincere.

Wang Mengfen walked in suddenly and said respectfully, "Old Ancestor, Senior Baili came to visit and is outside now."

"Quickly invite fellow Daoist Baili to come in."

Wang Changsheng was immediately overjoyed, and quickly ordered.

Cheng Zhanxian didn't find it strange, the Baili family and the Wang family were in-laws, and it was reasonable for Baili'e to visit.

"The two fellow Taoists are exhausted, come to my place and drink a few cups of spiritual tea to relieve fatigue."

Wang Ruyan said politely.

Cheng Zhanxian and Qinghua Ancestor did not refuse and left with interest.

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