Top of Qinglian

Chapter 1876: The situation of the spirit world

On Xuanguang Island, a large bluestone square, Liu Yang was introducing Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan about the spiritual world.

For Liu Yang, this is common sense, but for Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan, this is the knowledge they must master in the future to gain a foothold in the spiritual world, and it is also the information they want to know the most.

The spiritual world is very large, and there are thousands of races, large and small. There are hundreds of races in the Xuanling Continent alone. The human race is only a small clan in the Xuanling Continent. Measuring the size of the ethnic group depends on the number of Mahayana monks in the clan, not The number of ethnic practitioners.

There are three realms above the transformation of the gods, namely refinement, integration, and Mahayana.

More than 500,000 years ago, a monk named Xuanling Tianzun soared from the lower realm to the spiritual realm. In more than 10,000 years, he cultivated from the divine transformation stage to the Mahayana stage. He defeated many alien Mahayana with his great supernatural powers, and the entire continent was renamed accordingly. , Later, Xuanling Tianzun disappeared, and no one knew where he went.

The territory of the spiritual world is vast and is mainly divided into seven regions, and the Xuanling Continent is the smallest region.

According to Liu Yang, the human race controls tens of trillions of miles of territory, and this is only a part of the Xuanling Continent, which shows how big the spiritual world is.

The Dongli Realm is only tens of billions of miles away, and the territory controlled by the human race in the Xuanling Continent is dozens of times that of the Dongli Realm. Liu Yang does not know how big the entire Xuanling Continent is. For most human race monks, they have been active in the Xuanling Continent all their lives, and it is very powerful to be able to visit the sites of other races.

The Xuanling Continent has hundreds of races, large and small. The human race is bordered by many foreign races, and the border is hundreds of billions of miles long. There are often racial wars for resources to cultivate immortals.

The monsters and the humans in the Dongli world are mortal enemies. In the spiritual world, the relationship between the two has eased. In order to fight against the aliens, the human and the monsters often join forces to fight against the aliens. However, the human and monsters also fight in private, but the struggle is controlled within a certain range. It didn't turn into a race war.

One palace, two factions, three families, four sects and five demons. These fifteen forces are the strongest forces of the human and demon clans. The first palace is naturally the Zhenhai Palace.

There are currently two Mahayana monks in the human race, who have been in seclusion all year round and have not shown up for tens of thousands of years.

There are many thousand-year-old monsters in the spiritual world, and there are countless thousand-year-old monsters.

"Fellow Daoist Liu, how many cultivators do we have in Zhenhai Palace?"

Wang Changsheng asked curiously, according to Liu Yang's introduction, there was no Mahayana monk in Zhenhaizong.

There is no limit to the lifespan of the monks above the imaginary practice. The great catastrophe is the biggest enemy of the monks above the imaginary. The great catastrophe will be attracted every three thousand years. The great catastrophe is more powerful every time. .

Theoretically speaking, as long as one can survive the big catastrophe once every three thousand years, it is not a problem for monks above the virtual world to live for more than 100,000 years. However, the power of the big catastrophe is bigger and bigger every time. There is an elder in Zhenhai Palace who has spent four big days. Tribulation, it is useless to open the guardian formation, and died under the fifth great catastrophe, and the guardian formation was severely damaged.

Generally speaking, a cultivator who can survive three great tribulations is considered to be very powerful. The exotic treasures, secret talismans, rare beasts, and ancient formations that assist in crossing the great calamity are all rare things, and they are also scrambled by major forces. cultivating resources.

"There may be ten! This is the secret of our Zhenhai Palace, only the high-level people know it!"

Liu Yang said vaguely that he really didn't know, because of the existence of the great catastrophe, the monks above the body would either practice in seclusion all year round, or go out and travel to find treasures to overcome the catastrophe. It will not be publicized, the unknown is the most terrifying.


Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan breathed a sigh of relief at the same time. They didn't expect Zhenhai Palace to be so powerful.

"Fellow Daoist Liu, what happened in the spiritual world tens of thousands of years ago?"

Wang Ruyan asked curiously, tens of thousands of years ago, for some unknown reason, the cultivators in the Dongli realm could only ascend to the spiritual world after cultivating in the late stage of the transformation. Maybe something happened to the spiritual world.

They successfully ascended to the spiritual world, hoping to investigate the cause and see if they can help return to normal, so that more monks from the lower realms can ascend to the spiritual world.

"A major event tens of thousands of years ago? Dozens of races such as the Spirit Race attacked our Human Race and Monster Race, killing and injuring millions of monks. A dojo suspected of Xuanling Tianzun appeared in the world, and several Mahayana monks in the Qingli Sea Area fought fiercely, and the Golden Flame Tiger King Died in the fourth great catastrophe, the Jin Yanhu clan was in strife and suffered heavy casualties, the supreme elder of the bat clan refined a treasure and ranked 152nd on the Chaos All Souls List."

Liu Yang said slowly.

"Fellow Daoist Liu, is there any major event that can affect the ascension of the monks from the lower realm to the spiritual world?"

Wang Changsheng asked, he didn't know what things would make it difficult for the spiritual cultivators of Dongli Realm to ascend to the Spirit Realm.

"Is that what you are asking? Tens of thousands of years ago, a treasure of Xuantian Tianhua appeared on the list of Chaos Spirits, ranking eighteenth. In less than ten years, dozens of races joined forces to attack We humans and demons, and wars broke out in other places later, and I heard that many Mahayana monks were killed and injured, but I am not very clear about the specific circumstances."

Liu Yang explained that thousands of years ago, a strange stone appeared all over the spiritual world, and it recorded thousands of treasures, including the treasure of the heavens and the treasure of Xuantian.

The higher the treasure, the more powerful it is.

Some people say that this kind of strange stone comes from the fairyland, and some people say that it is a spiritual thing from heaven and earth, and it appeared by itself.

After years of verification, the treasures recorded by the strange stone are indeed well-deserved. As long as they are born in the spiritual world, the powerful Tongtian Lingbao or Xuantian treasure, this strange stone will be recorded. If the treasures are brought from other interfaces, naturally will not be recorded.

The world of immortality has turned this strange stone into a stele of all spirits, and the recorded treasures are listed on a list, called the Chaos All Souls List. bigger.

"Heaven Transformation Gourd! Treasure of Xuantian!"

Wang Changsheng couldn't help but think of the Xuantian fairy vine, wondering if a Xuantian treasure could be born in the future.

"Fellow Daoist Liu, on the list of Chaos Spirits..."

Before Wang Changsheng could finish speaking, Liu Yang frowned and grabbed towards the void with one hand, and a light blue talisman flew from a distance and landed in front of him.

Liu Yang smashed the blue talisman, and with a muffled sound, the blue talisman burst open, and countless blue runes rushed out, suddenly turning into a blue-skirted girl with beautiful eyebrows.

"Uncle Lin, why are you here?"

Liu Yang said in surprise glanced at Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan.

"We are arresting the criminals, immediately remove the island protection formation and let us in to search. If the important thing is delayed, you can't eat and walk around."

The tone of the girl in the blue dress was indifferent.

Liu Yang didn't dare to be careless, and said quickly: "Yes, the disciple will open the formation."

He took out a steamy array plate and entered a magic formula.

Soon, a golden light flew from the distant sky and landed on the bluestone square.

The golden light is a golden flying boat whose golden light is erratic. The aura is compelling. A blue-skirted girl with beautiful eyebrows and a red-clothed young man with handsome features are standing on it, and the two exude a powerful aura, obviously It's a cultivator.

"Disciple Liu Yang, meet the two uncles."

Liu Yang's expression was respectful, and he bowed and saluted.

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