Top of Qinglian

Chapter 1880: each with his own mind

The fog dissipated, revealing a manor covering an area of ​​1,000 mu, with pavilions, gardens, waterside pavilions, rockeries and ancient trees everywhere.

"New disciples will live in the main altar for a period of time, and they will be familiar with the outside world before they are sent out. You don't have to worry, you can stay at ease. You are new here, and you are not familiar with the general altar. I suggest you don't run around. From tomorrow At the beginning, I will introduce you to Xuanyang Realm and Zhenhai Palace."

Fang Ming handed the blue token to Wang Changsheng and said with a smile.

"Then I will trouble Master Fang."

Wang Changsheng thanked him and accepted the token.

Fang Ming exhorted a few words and returned to the Deacon Hall.

Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan flew into the manor and activated the ban.

A billowing white mist emerged out of thin air, covering the entire manor.

Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan walked into a cyan stone pavilion. They each took out a storage ring and poured out the contents.

10,000 middle-grade spirit stones. It seems that middle-grade spirit stones are the common currency in the spiritual world. This is understandable. The spiritual energy of Xuanyang Realm is abundant, and it is normal to settle with middle-grade spirit stones.

Each person has three Spirit Treasures, two attack Spirit Treasures and one defensive Spirit Treasure.

Xuanxin Dan is a healing pill, Yunhai Dan has the effect of diligent mana, and as for the dust-cleaning pill, it is extremely important for the lower realm ascension cultivator, and it is related to life.

After the lower realm cultivator ascended to the spiritual world, the lower realm aura on his body is too strong. If he does not wash away the lower realm aura from his body, every hundred years, it will attract a small catastrophe, and the power of the small catastrophe will become stronger every time.

In other words, if you smuggle into the spiritual world from the lower realm without washing away the breath of the lower realm, it will attract a small catastrophe every hundred years, which is very dangerous.

As long as you take the dust-cleaning pill, after hundreds of years, you can wash away the breath of the lower world and completely integrate into the spiritual world. The descendants of the ascended cultivator do not need to take the dust-cleaning pill.

The dust-cleaning pill is a must for ascension monks, and monks born in Xuanyang Realm can't use it.

There are ten pills in a bottle of washing dust, and each of them has three bottles, that is, thirty pills.

According to Fang Ming's introduction, taking a dust-cleaning pill every ten years, thirty pills are enough for them to wash away the breath of the lower realm.

The entry benefits alone are worth tens of millions. Zhenhai Palace is really rich.

Who would have thought that the Zhenhai Sect in the Dongli Realm was almost destroyed, and the Zhenhai Palace in the Xuanyang Realm was so terrifying.

According to Fang Ming, the number of disciples of Zhenhai Palace is 100,000, which does not include the subordinate forces. Zhenhai Palace also has many affiliated forces. Lin Tianlong and others are from a cultivator family. The difference is that the Lin family is a cultivator family integrated into Zhenhai Palace. , Every child of the Lin family is a disciple of Zhenhai Palace.

"Thanks to Senior Ye, if I have a chance to meet her in the future, how can I repay her well?"

Wang Changsheng's tone was sincere. The resources for cultivating immortals in the Dongli Realm were far less than those in the Xuanyang Realm. If they stayed in the Dongli Realm, it would be very difficult for them to cultivate to the late stage of God Transformation.

"Does Shenbingmen have anything to do with Shenbing Palace? If Senior Ye really came from Shenbingmen, why didn't she bring Lu Dao? Instead, she had to bring Guan Tianhong and others."

Wang Ruyan said with some puzzlement, they learned that the thirteen ascending platforms set up by Zhenhai Palace are aimed at multiple interfaces, and Shenbingmen may not have anything to do with Shenbing Palace.

In addition to Zhenhai Palace, other human race forces also have Ascension Platforms, which are aimed at very different interfaces. Simply put, Spirit Ascension Platforms are one of the ways for major forces to absorb fresh blood.

"Perhaps the artifact told us a lie, she may be an alien, or perhaps Senior Lin didn't tell the truth, one thing is certain, the Zhenxian Tower Artifact is a cultivator, as for how she got to the lower realm, we have to follow closely. Fellow Daoist Fang should ask for advice."

Wang Changsheng said slowly, speaking from his heart, he didn't want to stay in Zhenhai Palace, the battle between the two factions in Zhenhai Palace was already on the bright side, Song Yiming was just doing things for the elderly.

They are practicing the Zhenhai Palace's Zhenzong Gongfa. Zhenhai Palace is now willing to give them the cultivation method of the spirit transformation period. It will be difficult to say in the future. As long as they practice the Zhenhai Palace's Zhenzong Gongfa, they will be bound to Zhenhai. Palace, naturally cannot avoid being involved in the internal battle of Zhenhai Palace.

At present, the two factions maintain a balance. If the balance is broken, the side on the wrong team will be out of luck.

If they have to stand in line, Wang Changsheng would rather stand on the side of the Ascension faction. For the Ascension faction, Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan are the best achievements. They have an excuse to keep the Shenglingtai. For the local faction, Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan are insignificant.

If the Feiling Platform can be built in the lower realm, it can help more clansmen to ascend to the Xuanyang realm.

"We're new here, let's stand firm first, and we'll talk about other things later."

Wang Changsheng said solemnly, the most important thing now is to stand firm and then improve his strength.

It is best to get other exercises, not to be tied to Zhenhai Palace. You must know that there have been internal strife in the Sun Moon Palace and Jiuyou Sect in Dongli Realm. They are all high-level infighting. Naturally, it is not for the position of the leader of the faction, but is interest.

The leader of a sect can enjoy the most resources for immortal cultivation, the greatest rights, and can deal with the people below, and the people below dare to disobey the leader of a sect, that is, the following is a crime. Of course, this is based on the premise that there are no higher monks, If there are Mahayana monks in Zhenhai Palace, the battle between the two factions will also be controlled within a certain range.

Wang Ruyan nodded, they put away the things on the ground and walked towards a loft not far away.

The interior of the attic is elegantly furnished and fully furnished, with a practice room, an alchemy room, and an alchemy room. Wang Changsheng walked into a practice room, which was more than 100 feet long, and there were several cyan futons on the ground.

He sat down with his knees crossed, took out a cyan porcelain bottle, and poured out a pale silver pill, which was the cleansing pill.

Wang Changsheng threw the dust-cleaning pill into his mouth, the pill melted in the mouth, and a coolness spread in the mouth, spreading along the limbs and bones.

Wang Changsheng hurriedly used gong to refine the medicinal power.


A giant valley surrounded by mountains on three sides, a silver waterfall more than a thousand feet long hangs on the stone wall.

Behind the waterfall, there is a spacious and bright cave with a lot of red jade inlaid on the stone wall.

Lin Tianlong sat on the stone bench with a solemn expression.

Lin Youxin and Lin Youyan stood aside with respectful expressions.

"Old The person who helped them ascend to the spiritual world was Senior Ye of the Shenbingmen? Didn't you say she died in a barren land?"

Lin Youxin asked curiously.

"That person is not Ye Yunlan, I'm telling Junior Sister Chen, she has a personal grudge with the law enforcement elders of Shenbingmen, you don't want to trouble those two Ascension cultivators, no matter what, their ability to Ascension has something to do with the old man. , to help them as much as possible.”

Lin Tianlong suggested.

"The ancestors can rest assured, the grandson understands that attracting them can disgust Master Chen."

Lin Youxin said respectfully, the two Spirit Transformation cultivators could not harm the interests of the Ascension faction, at most they were disgusting Chen Yueying.

"Disgusting? The layout is small. If they are fortunate enough to enter the integration period, they can replace Junior Sister Chen and the others, and there will be no Ascension faction from now on."

Lin Tianlong said solemnly, the Ascension faction is constrained, and the local faction is very inconvenient to do things.

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