Top of Qinglian

Chapter 1885: Bone, Multi-Eyed

After leaving the bamboo forest, Fang Ming said, "Let's go! I'll take you to a place and introduce someone to you."

Fang Ming turned into a flash of light and flew towards the sky, followed by Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan.

A quarter of an hour later, they appeared on top of a green mountain, and the place above the mountainside was obscured by a thick purple fog, making it impossible to see the situation on the mountain.

Below the mountainside is shaded by trees and trees, and a bluestone staircase extends from the foot of the mountain to the middle of the mountainside.

At the foot of the mountain stands a blue stone tablet more than ten feet high, with the three characters "Ziyun Peak" written on it.

Wang Changsheng looked at the ground somewhere, and his consciousness sensed a faint wave of spiritual energy, like a magic weapon.

The thick purple fog on the top of the mountain rolled violently, and a purple light flew out of it, and a flash landed at the foot of the mountain.

The light faded, revealing an old man with a ruddy face in a purple robe, the old man had a round face and big eyes, with a goatee, kind eyebrows and kind eyes, and an approachable appearance.

Judging from the mana fluctuations on his body, he was obviously a cultivator of God Transformation Great Perfection.

The purple-robed old man bowed to Fang Ming and said, "This disciple pays respects to Uncle Fang."

"Qin Ming, have you entered the God Transformation Great Consummation? Yes, with your aptitude, it shouldn't be a big problem to enter the Void Refinement Stage."

Fang Ming praised, with a look of approval on his face.

"Master Fang has praised it. The disciple has made some preparations over the years. Whether or not he can enter the Void Refinement Stage, the disciple has no idea."

Qin Ming said modestly, his eyes fell on Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan.

"I'd like to introduce you, they are Master Wang and Master Wang who have ascended from the lower realms. Uncle Chen appreciates them more. You bring them to familiarize yourself with the situation of this sect. Bring him to visit other spiritual monks and make more friends. Wang Nephew, nephew Qin is a fifth-order artifact refiner, proficient in artifact refining, and has a wide range of friends, please ask him for more advice, I still have things to deal with."

Fang Ming simply explained and left in a hurry.

"Junior Brother Wang and Sister Wang ascended from the lower realm? I don't know which interface you ascended from? My ancestor was also an ascended cultivator, and his old man ascended from the Qinghuan realm."

Fang Ming's tone is warm, it is human nature to hold a group, and immortal cultivators are no exception.

"We came from Dongli Realm to the Spirit Realm. When we first arrived, we didn't understand anything. We would like to see Senior Brother Qin for more guidance in the future."

Wang Changsheng said politely.

"For the first time, we don't have anything good to do, and I hope Senior Brother Qin doesn't dislike it."

Wang Ruyan smiled, took out a cyan storage ring, and handed it to Qin Ming.

It's not surprising that there are many people in the ceremony. Listening to Fang Ming's conversation with Qin Ming, Qin Ming has a great hope of entering the virtual refining period. Now that he has formed a relationship, he may be able to use it in the future.

"Senior brothers from the same door, you are welcome. My ancestors also ascended from the lower interface. I know that it is not easy to ascend as a monk. Come, go to my cave, and let's talk slowly."

Qin Ming politely refused and made a gesture of please.

Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan thanked them and followed Qin Ming up the mountain.

Passing through the thick purple fog, a bluestone square covering an area of ​​1,000 mu appeared in front of Wang Changsheng.

There is a five-storey purple attic on the left and right sides of the square, and a magnificent purple palace in front of it. The lacquered gold plaque reads "Purple Cloud Palace" in three silver characters.

In the center of the square is a lake with a size of more than fifty acres. Hundreds of light blue spirit fish swim around in the lake. These spirit fish have several long golden whiskers on their heads, their bodies are covered with green scales, and there is a row on their backs. The cyan thorns, and two pairs of cyan frog claws under the abdomen, their speed is not fast, and there is a ripple on the lake.

The door of Ziyun Hall was open, and there were two bronze stone lions with a height of about 10 feet.

Qin Ming invited them into the Ziyun Hall. The stone walls were inlaid with exquisite spar, and the hall was spacious with more than a dozen jade chairs.

As soon as they walked in, a human-shaped skeleton with a height of about ten feet walked over. There was a cyan flame in the eye socket of the human-shaped skeleton, a cyan flame mark between the eyebrows, and some cyan spiritual patterns on the arms. If you look closely, you can see some tiny blood vessels, holding a cyan tray in its hands.

"This is the Bone Race!"

Wang Changsheng was surprised and said that the Bone Clan's jurisdiction is next to the Human Clan, and it is a small clan.

The Bone Race can speak human words and have their own intelligence, which is very different from the bone corpse known to Wang Changsheng.

Bone corpse is a kind of refining corpse, unable to speak human words.

"When I played against the Bone Race, I caught a Bone Race and saw that it was clever, so I left it to do miscellaneous things."

Qin Ming explained that he took out an exquisite golden tea pot, took out three silver-white seeds from it, threw them into three teacups, poured boiling water, and the white seeds bloomed like flower buds, turning into a silver-white flower. There are some fine lines on the surface of the silver-white flowers, like broken bones, and there is a strange aroma in the air.

The Bone Race put down the tray and stepped aside.

"Junior Brother Wang and Sister Wang, this is the unique spirit tea of ​​the Bone Clan, and Bone Flower Tea, which is often consumed by spiritual monks. It has the effect of washing tendons and improving marrow, and it is beneficial to cultivation."

As Qin Ming introduced, he picked up the teacup and drank it all at once.

Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan picked up the teacups, took a sip, and the tea poured into their stomachs. After a while, they felt hot all over, as if they were in a volcano.

Their skin turned crimson, as if they were about to be set on fire.

"This is the first time I drink bone flower tea. It's better for cultivators below Shenhua to drink bone flower tea, but bone flower tea is not easy to cultivate. It is the offering of the bone race.

Qin Ming explained, poured another cup of bone flower tea and drank it.

After a quarter of an hour, Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan returned to A penetrating coolness spread throughout the body, and they felt extremely comfortable.

"Senior Brother Qin, is there a magic weapon for exploration at the foot of Ziyun Peak?"

Wang Changsheng asked casually.

Qin Ming flipped his palm, and the blue light flashed, and a light blue eyeball appeared on his hand, and the blue eyeball kept turning like a living thing.

"You are talking about the multi-eye beads! This is a magic weapon made from the eye beads of the multi-eye clan. The multi-eye beads I placed at the foot of the mountain are the lowest-level multi-eye beads. They are used to detect the situation outside. It can be used as a warning, high-level multi-eye beads are rare things, with many incredible magical powers, Lin Shizu has one, it is said that he killed the multi-eye clan in the fusion period and obtained it."

Qin Ming explained that the Duomu people are like the Bone Clan, and their jurisdiction is next to the Human Clan, and the Duomu Clan has more power than the Bone Clan.

The human race is a small race, which is relative to the big clan in the Xuanling Continent. For ethnic groups such as the Bone Race and the Multi-Eyed Race, the Human Race is not a small race. They must join forces to fight against the Human Race. The aliens often join forces to fight against the Human Race. It is too weak, and has long been destroyed by other aliens.

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