Top of Qinglian

Chapter 1809: Huang Yuner's request, Lin turtle advanced

Huang Yuner hesitated, as if she had something to hide.

Shen Yunfei and Shen Yunlong understood and quickly said, "This disciple has something to deal with, so retire first."

The two returned the prohibition token to Wang Changsheng and left the place.

"There are no outsiders here. If you have something to say, just say it! It's not too much, I can promise you."

Wang Changsheng promised.

"The disciples have seen Master Wang's supernatural abilities in those days, and have admired him for a long time. They want to worship at the door of Master Wang, and hope that Master Wang will be fulfilled."

Huang Yuner's tone was sincere and her expression was nervous.

The new officials took office as three fires. Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan were the newly appointed spiritual monks. Huang Yuner naturally wanted to find out the details, preferences and temperament of Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan.

She asked the relatives who worked on Xuanyue Island to inquire, but did not find any important information, thinking that Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan were newly promoted spiritual monks and had no background.

By chance, Li Yaoyao, the leader of the Ascension faction, sent someone to inquire about the situation of Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan. It happened that Huang Yuner's relatives were in charge of the reception.

You must know that most of the monks guarding Xuanling Island belong to the Ascension faction. Wang Changsheng and his wife are very close to the leaders of the Ascension faction. They are obviously not ordinary monks. When Huang Yuner heard the news, she naturally thought of ways to please Wang Changsheng.

Huang Yuner has three spiritual roots. There are five god-turning cultivators in her Huang family. Her aptitude is not the best in the clan. She knows very well that if there is no accident, it will be difficult for her to enter the god-turning stage.

The Huang family is not strong among the many subordinate cultivating families of Zhenhai Palace. The best uncle of the family works in the deacon's hall. He has little power and can give her limited help.

It would be very beneficial to her personal path if she could be a teacher with a powerful spiritual cultivator.

"Apprenticeship? I don't accept apprentices."

Wang Changsheng refused. He never had this idea. He just stayed in Zhenhai Palace temporarily. He didn't want to stay in Zhenhai Palace forever.

To make a great contribution to obtain a piece of land and establish his own family, this is what Wang Changsheng desires most.

Huang Yuner thought for a while, then turned over and took out a five-foot-long blood-colored spiritual wood. There were some mysterious patterns on the surface of the spiritual wood. After careful observation, the surface of the spiritual wood was bumpy, as if it had been bitten by an insect.

"This is the blood orb wood! This kind of spiritual wood is not easy to cultivate, but unfortunately the age is shorter, only more than 8,000 years old. If it is tens of thousands of years old, it can be used to refine the pearl for robbery. This is your Huang family. nurtured?"

Wang Changsheng recognized the origin of this spiritual wood and spoke out the characteristics of this spiritual wood.

The 10,000-year-old blood forest wood can be used for robbery beads, and it can also be used to refine blood treasures. This kind of spiritual wood has a wide range of uses, but it is very difficult to plant.

"It wasn't cultivated by our family. It was obtained by the disciple from an underground auction. The disciple's cultivation base is low. This piece of blood orchard fell into the hands of the disciple like a pearl covered in dust. It would be more appropriate to leave it to Master Wang for safekeeping."

Huang Yuner said sincerely, with a look of reluctance in her eyes. She spent hundreds of thousands of spirit stones to photograph this piece of blood lini wood. Qianguojiu is a fifth-order spirit world, and the total value is more than one million.

"What do you want? I don't accept apprentices, and neither does my wife."

Wang Changsheng did not accept Xuelinmu, and asked Huang Yuner's request.

"Disciple heard that Song Shizu wants to recruit some crafting masters to start. The disciple knows a little about crafting art. Can Master Wang recommend one or two?"

Huang Yuner said cautiously, the Song Shizu she said was a cultivator of virtual refining, stationed at Xuanyue Island. Recently, Song Shizu sent people to gather a group of refiners to help him process some refining materials.

"Song Shishu? His old man wants a craft refiner in the Yuan Ying period to fight?"

Wang Changsheng frowned and said, the Song Shizu that Huang Yuner said was called Song Feng, in the middle stage of virtual refining, this person was proficient in the art of refining and belonged to the Ascension faction.

"As far as the disciples know, Song Shizu has already summoned several god-turning cultivators to fight, and some Nascent Soul cultivators are still needed, mainly responsible for handling some less important materials. Song Shizu seems to be refining a set of heaven-penetrating spiritual treasures, which takes a lot of time. For a long time, more manpower is needed.”

Huang Yuner's expression was nervous. If she couldn't worship Wang Changsheng as her teacher, it would be good to be able to help the cultivator to refine the materials for the refining tool. If any of the cultivators liked him and accepted him as a disciple, that would be even better.

"Refining into a set of Tongtian Lingbao!"

Wang Changsheng was a little moved. He was about to improve his artifact refining skills, and he was able to get the guidance of the cultivator. It would be easier for him to refine the heavenly treasure in the future.

It is a rare opportunity to be able to learn the art of refining from a cultivator.

Song Feng belongs to the ascended faction, and is considered his own. If he assists Song Feng in refining weapons, he does not know if it is a violation of the palace rules.

He thought of Sun Wu, maybe he could have Sun Wu stationed on Xuanling Island instead of him.

"I'll ask for you, if it can be done, I don't dare to make a ticket."

Wang Changsheng said solemnly.

"It's natural, then I'll trouble Uncle Wang."

Huang Yuner agreed with her mouth and was full of joy. Even if she was not selected, Wang Changsheng had received so many benefits from her, and she felt more at ease working under Wang Changsheng's hands.

Wang Changsheng nodded, accepted Xuelinmu and Qianguojiu, and instructed: "I'm just going to Xuanyue Island, come with me! Go back and pack up and wait for me at the teleportation hall."

"Yes, Master Wang."

Huang Yuner agreed and went away.

Wang Changsheng strode towards the Xuanling Valley, walked into the Xuanling Valley, and saw a large number of monster bones scattered on the ground, and there were many monsters that had not yet died.

Two small mountain sea rhinos fell to the ground, and there were some cyan thorns on their body surface, the surface of the cyan thorns was covered with sharp thorns, and there were some purple flower buds.

An excited beast roar sounded, and a little blue light appeared in front of Wang Changsheng, and the tortoise appeared, but it has not been seen for more than a hundred years. The fourth-order middle-grade, the body size is ten times larger than that of more than a hundred years ago.

At this rate in more than ten thousand years, it may grow to the size of a large island.

The lin turtle made a low roar, and his head rubbed his head against Wang Changsheng's trousers.

"You are growing too fast! It seems that the food is good!"

Wang Changsheng said with a light smile, looking at the lake not far away, a group of monster turtles fled around.


The tortoise roared excitedly, looking a little proud.

A large number of cyan thorns suddenly appeared on the ground beside Wang Changsheng, it was the wood demon.

It is currently a top-grade 4th tier. It usually eats the blood of monsters or devours poisonous beasts. The wood demon is the descendant of the bloodthirsty thorn and is very bloodthirsty. The blood and poisonous poisons of immortal cultivators or monsters are all for it. Great supplement.

After not seeing each other for more than a hundred years, the double-eyed rat, the tortoise and the wood demon have all advanced to a small realm. The main reason is that the food is very good, and the disciples of Zhenhai Palace often feed them good things.

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