Top of Qinglian

Chapter 1929: Han Xueyao, 5 lines of thunder talisman


Chen Feng took out a small silver-white seal, the surface runes flashed, and the aura was amazing.

"The low-grade Tongtian Lingbao Town Lingyin has been refined into some thousand-ton stones, heavy treasures, even if a sixth-order monster is hit by it, it will not die or be disabled."

Chen Feng said loudly that Junshi is a special refining material, which is divided into three types: Baijun, Qianjun and Wanjun. Wanjun stone is the best. A small piece weighs one million catties, which is especially suitable for refining weight. type of treasure, but the Wanjun stone is very rare.

"Heavy treasure!"

Wang Changsheng thought of the Wan Chongfeng he refined, but unfortunately it was destroyed by the demons.

"The base price is 3 million spirit stones, and each increase shall not be less than 500,000."

In a private room on the second floor, five men and one woman gathered in the private room. The leader was an old man in green robe with cloudy eyes. The old man in green robe had a slender figure and thin cheeks, giving him a weak look.

Long Ziyun and Long Ziyue are also inside, they are all disciples of the Long family.

"Zhenlingyin, this treasure is quite good, you can take it as a reward for the next clan competition."

The old man in green robe opened his mouth and said in a low voice.

Long Ziyun nodded and shouted, "Four million."

The competition for this Seal of Spirituality is quite fierce. After dozens of bidding, this Seal of Spirituality was auctioned off by the Long family at a high price of 15 million.

Chen Feng flipped the palm of his hand, the golden light flashed, and a miniature boat appeared in his hand. The whole body of the miniature boat was golden and sparkling.

After he injected mana, the size of the mini boat skyrocketed and turned into a golden flying boat with a length of more than 1,000 meters. A lifelike golden dragon was engraved on the boat. chant.

"The flying golden boat, the heavenly treasure, has a very fast flight speed. It comes with defense, and is an excellent tool for transporting supplies or monks. The base price is 5 million spirit stones, and the price increase shall not be less than 500,000 each time."

This Golden Flood Boat is a low-quality Tongtian Lingbao. Wang Changsheng remembers that there is a blue dragon boat in the Tianlan Sect that is also a low-grade Tongtian Lingbao, but in terms of flight speed, the Golden Flood Boat is definitely better.

In a certain private room, a girl with picturesque features was drinking tea. The girl was wearing a dark blue wide-sleeved fairy dress, her hair was combed over her temples, and her skin was snowy.

A middle-aged woman with thick hands and feet and a burly man with a bald head stood aside, both of whom were in the virtual period.

"Feihaizhou was destroyed by the people of the bat clan, take a picture of this thing for travel!"

The girl in the blue dress ordered.

"Yes, Miss San."

The middle-aged woman responded and shouted, "Seven million."

"Miss, we have been in Xuanling Continent for a long time. If we continue to stay, I am afraid we will miss the clan competition. I heard that the clan competition will elect the next head of the family. come in time."

The bald-headed man hesitated for a moment and asked.

"Don't worry, I have my senses. If I can get something like that, I, Han Xueyao, will be the owner of the Han family."

The girl in the blue dress said disapprovingly, full of confidence.

The bald man heard this and said nothing more.

After a period of fierce bidding, the middle-aged woman bought the Golden Flood Boat at a high price of 17 million, with a lot of money.

Chen Feng flipped his hand and took out a golden porcelain bottle, and poured out two pale golden pills from it. There were nine miniature dragons on the surface of the pills, which were lifelike.

"Two Nine Dragon Pills, this item is not an auction item, it is exchanged for materials such as the Vajra Forging Spiritual Liquid."

Chen Feng said loudly.

Wang Changsheng stared at the two Nine Dragons Pills with fiery eyes.

Nine Dragons Pill can increase the chances of high-level monks giving birth to children. For some high-level monks who want to give birth to a son and a half daughters, Nine Dragons Pill has great temptation, but the materials for condensing the law are not ordinary materials.

"Any material of any kind will do?"

A hoarse male voice suddenly sounded.

The materials of the condensed method are also divided into properties, and the materials required for high-level monks of different exercises are also different.

"That's not true. Metallic materials are preferred, and other condensed materials are also fine."

"I have one thing, you can see if you can exchange the Nine Dragons Pill."

Dozens of cultivators spoke up, wanting to exchange the Nine Dragons Pill, and Wang Changsheng was also inside.

Some monks can't use the Nine Dragons Pill, but they can be exchanged with other monks.

He took out five hundred catties of Styx River water, hoping to exchange it for Jiulong Pill. Lu Tianhong needed a thousand catties of Styx River water to exchange for Nine Dragon Pill, and the price must be high.

"It contains five hundred catties of Styx water, exchange for a Nine Dragon Pill."

Wang Changsheng said through voice transmission, his tone was heavy.

Chen Feng opened the lids or jade boxes one by one, and the precious light scattered, and others could not see the contents of the jade boxes or jade boxes clearly.

He took out a pale golden dharma plate and entered several tricks. After a while, the attendant beside Chen Fengchong ordered a few words, and the attendant flew towards a private room on the second floor with the Nine Dragon Pill.

"What's the matter? Didn't you mean to exchange the Vajra Forging Spiritual Liquid? The old man took out the Vajra Forging Spiritual Liquid, but he couldn't exchange it for the Nine Dragons Pill?"

An angry male voice suddenly sounded.

Wang Changsheng's brows were wrinkled, he even took out five hundred catties of Styx water and couldn't exchange it for the Nine Dragons Pill.

"If the seniors can take out a Five Elements Lei Xiao Talisman, there will be no problem."

Chen Feng said with a wry smile.

"What? The Five Elements Lei Xiao Talisman?"

Grandma Tianxue exclaimed, her eyes burning hot.

The Five Elements Lei Xiao Talisman is a sixth-order talisman, which can weaken the power of the thunder tribulation. When the cultivator of the virtual world crosses the great calamity, he has a Five Elements Lei Xiao Talisman in his hand, and the chance of surviving the great calamity is higher. The power of the robbery is too great, and the Five Elements Lei Xiaofu can't play much role.

For the fit cultivator, the effect of the Five Elements Lei Xiao Talisman is not great. The great catastrophe power of the fit cultivator is much higher than that of the virtual cultivator, and the sixth-order talisman has little effect.

Qihu San and Zen Master Dazhi looked at the private room on the second floor with solemn expressions.

In a private room on the second floor, Han Xueyao held a porcelain bottle in her hand and threw it to the middle-aged woman behind her.

"Jin Yang, didn't you always want the Nine Dragons Pill, so that you can give birth to a son and a half daughter and develop your own family? I will give you a Nine Dragons Pill."

Han Xueyao's tone was calm, as if she was talking about a trivial matter.

Jin Yang's expression was excited, and he choked: "Miss Xie for the reward."

"Do it well, don't think about other things, if you can get something like that, let alone the Nine Dragons Pill, the high-grade Tongtian Lingbao is also a problem."

Han Xueyao ordered.

Jin Yanglian claimed yes and agreed.

"The Five Elements Lei Xiao Talisman? I wonder if your friend still has the Five Element Thunder Cloud This old man is willing to exchange it with the Vajra Forging Spirit Liquid, how about it?"

A gentle male voice came from the corner.

"I don't have the second Five Elements Lei Xiao Talisman, fellow Daoist find someone else!"

A cold female voice suddenly came from the private room.

"Since you don't change it, Xiaoyou Chen, send back the Diamond Forging Spirit Liquid!"

Zen Master Dazhi hurriedly said, "Wait, fellow Daoist, the poor monk will exchange things with you."

His lips moved a few times, obviously speaking to a certain monk.

"Okay, deal, Chen Xiaoyou, send someone to give him the Diamond Forging Spiritual Liquid."

After Chen Feng heard this, he sent an attendant to hand over the Diamond Forging Spiritual Liquid to Zen Master Dazhi. Master Dazhi took out a silver jade box and gave it to the attendant. The attendant handed the silver jade box to the owner of the Diamond Forging Spiritual Liquid. During the whole process, the owner of the Diamond Forging Spiritual Liquid did not show up.

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