Top of Qinglian

Chapter 1954: Friendship with Wu

"The supernatural powers of the Duomu clan are not weak. Our brothers and sisters joined forces and only injured two Duomu clan. They are too difficult to deal with."

Li Rufeng smiled bitterly.

"As long as the eyes of the multi-eyes are abolished, it is not difficult to deal with, they are all magical powers on the eyes."

Wang Changsheng disagreed, he summed it up and found many weaknesses of the multi-eye clan.

"That being said, it's not easy to abolish the eyes of the multi-eyed clan."

Li Rufeng sighed and said, different multi-eyed clans have different magical powers.

The eyes of some multi-eyes can fix magic weapons, and some can petrify magic weapons. It is said that the multi-eyes in the fusion stage can perform some kind of secret technique to tear the void.

"It's just a multi-eyed clan, it's much easier to deal with than a bone clan."

A nine-foot-tall young man in white and a graceful girl in a blue dress walked up.

When Wang Changsheng saw the two, his eyes flashed with surprise. He had seen these two in Xuanguang Building, but that was two years ago.

Because of their status as disciples of the Xuanqing Sect, Wang Changsheng was deeply impressed by them.

"Fellow Daoist Shen and Fairy Han, let me introduce to you, this is Junior Brother Wang and Junior Sister Wang."

Chen Xin stood up and pointed at Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan.

"In Shen Tianhong, I met Daoyou Wang and Madam Wang."

"Little sister Han Rongrong, I have met two fellow Daoists."

The young man in white and the girl in the blue skirt quickly reported their names, and Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan also reported their names.

The two sat down, sipping tea and chatting together.

"Fellow Daoist Shen, have you played against the Bone Race?"

Wang Changsheng asked curiously, the Bone Race is somewhat similar to the Bone Clan, the difference is that the Bone Clan is an independent individual, has its own thoughts, and can communicate with people, while the Bone Clan is a corpse refining, unless you cultivate to a high level, otherwise you will not be able to. It will generate intelligence, and it will not communicate with people.

Shen Tianhong nodded and said calmly, "We have killed a few Bone Clan in the God Transformation stage. In comparison, the Multi-Eyed Clan is easier to deal with."

Listening to his tone, killing the Bone Clan and the Multi-Eyed Clan in the Divine Transformation Stage seems to be a trivial matter.

"You don't know about Daoyou Wang, there are no less than ten aliens in the Divine Transformation Stage who died in the hands of Daoyou Shen."

Li Rufeng explained, his face full of admiration.

"Hey, the illusions of fellow Shintoists are hard to guard against, so the Bone Race is less affected."

Chen Xin smiled and praised.


Surprise flashed in Wang Changsheng's eyes. When it came to illusion, Wang Changsheng thought of Bai Xin and Bai Ling'er from Donghuang. Their illusions were relatively powerful. Wang Changsheng had never experienced it himself. Wang Ruyan needed a certain amount of time to use music to perform illusion.

The Xuanqing faction is one of the top sects of the human race. It is not surprising that there are cultivators who practice illusions. However, Shen Tianhong was able to kill many aliens in the metamorphosis stage, which shows that he has great powers.

"Wang Daoyou and Mrs. Wang can kill two multi-eyed clans of the gods transformation stage. If you think that the supernatural powers are not weak, why not let the three of us learn from each other?"

Shen Tianhong suggested, his face full of pride.

"Let's learn from each other? I'm enough alone."

Wang Changsheng disagreed, Shen Tianhong was too mad, and planned to use one against two.

"Fellow Daoist Wang, I think it's better for you to join forces with Madam Wang. Senior Brother Shen is one of our top ten heroes in Xuanqing, and the senior brothers and sisters in the late stage of God Transformation may not be his opponents."

Han Rongrong reminded, her face full of confidence.

"Junior Brother Wang, don't be too big, Daoyou Shen's supernatural powers are not small, your consciousness is relatively strong, but Daoyou Shen's illusion is really powerful."

Chen Xin persuaded through sound transmission.

"Let's learn from each other? Haha, I came at the right time, count me as one."

A hearty male voice suddenly sounded, and as soon as the voice fell, a burly young man in red came up.

The young man in red shirt with the national character face, wearing a red strong suit, his skin is bronze, with two small axes with red light flowing around his waist, his body exudes a faint evil spirit.

Judging from the marks on his sleeves, it was obvious that he was a disciple of Shenbingmen.

"During Zhao Gang, I have met fellow Daoists."

The red-shirted youth clasped his fists and said with a familiar look.

Shen Tianhong squinted his eyes, his eyes fell on Zhao Gang, and said, "Your Excellency is Zhao Daoyou? I heard that you are not weak against the Orcs with one enemy and two."

"Hey, compared to Fellow Daoist Shen, Zhao is far behind. Today is a good day. How about we discuss ideas? It's interesting to meet friends with Wu, and it's boring to drink tea and chat all the time."

Zhao Gang was a little eager to try, his eyes were frantic, and he looked like a martial arts idiot.

Wang Changsheng looked at Zhao Gang up and down, and he could naturally see that Zhao Gang was a physique practitioner.

After arriving in Xuanyang Realm, Wang Changsheng didn't know much about physical cultivation, Chen Xin was one of them, and now Zhao Gang was added.

"Okay, let's meet friends with Wu, let's learn from each other."

Chen Xin readily agreed. For immortal cultivators, it is also beneficial to practice Taoism with other cultivators.

Shen Tianhong and Zhao Gang are both elite disciples of their sects, and it is also a way of practice to learn and exchange Taoism with them.

Wang Changsheng also agreed that he could see his own strength clearly by sparring with the elite disciples of other sects.

"I know a place, it's a good place to talk, and absolutely no one bothers us."

Li Rufeng said with a smile.

After a cup of tea, ten of them appeared in a bluestone square covering an area of ​​10,000 mu. The square was paved with a large number of bluestones.

"Fellow Daoists, I'll come first!"

Chen Xin flew to the center of Qingshi Square with a calm face.

"Okay, let the little sister come to meet fellow Daoist Chen for a while."

Li Ruyue responded and flew to the center of the square.

Li Rufeng took out a light cyan circular token, injected mana, and a cyan light flew out, submerged into the ground and disappeared.

Soon, countless mysterious runes appeared on the surface of the floor tiles, bursting with a faint blue light.

The blue light flashed, and countless mysterious runes rushed out. After flying high into the sky, they suddenly turned into a thick blue light curtain, covering the entire bluestone square.

Wang Changsheng and others watched the battle outside the cyan light Xin and Li Ruyue could fight with peace of mind.

At the beginning of the competition, Li Ruyue threw out a steamy flag and entered a magic trick. The flag was bright, and a large piece of blue sea water gushed out, instantly turning into a blue river, protecting her inside.

As soon as Li Ruyue's tactic was pinched, the blue river tumbled violently, setting off a huge tornado of water waves. After a blur, it turned into a blue torrent, with a piercing tsunami sound, and went straight to Chen Xin.

Chen Xin's face was not afraid, and when he flipped his right hand, a golden light flashed, and a golden iron rod appeared in his hand. After the mana was injected, the size of the golden iron rod skyrocketed.

With a slight flick of his wrist, the sound of breaking wind was loud, the stick figure was like the wind, and the giant golden stick was like a white dragon in the waves, heading straight for the blue torrent.

With a loud bang, the blue torrent was smashed into two halves by the golden giant stick, split into two, and turned into two blue waves hundreds of feet high.

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